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东莞市赛柯机械有限公司地处沿海城市广东东莞,地理位置优越,及物流优势一体的城市,公司创建于2010年,主要涉及于各类塑料回收生产线设备废料再生加工设备的研发与制造,如PET塑料瓶回收生产线,ABS/PS回收生产线,HDPE LDPE PP回收生产线,产品涉及废纸,废塑料,废金属回收处理等等,是一家专业从事废旧物资回收再生项目策划及设备制造的环保型科技企业,公司投产以来,致力于生产、技术、管理方面的完善、创新。根据客户需求和各方面不同要求进行创新,确保了客户对产品质量、精度等各方面的需求。各机型都可满足不同规格定制,能充分满足家庭办厂、规模化建厂、废旧料综合处理系统的全机械化的优质高产节能要求的环保设备。 我们在生产过程中积累了丰富的生产和管理经验,造就了大批技术和管理精英。公司不断引进、吸收国内外先进的技术,不断更新,以精湛的工艺,严格的质量,卓越的性能享誉国内外,客户遍及全球三十多个国家和地区,得到客户的广泛认可。 公司拥有一流的销售和技术服务团队,可根据客户需要提供项目设计、工艺流程设计、标准和非标准产品设计生产。提供售前、售中、售后全程跟踪服务,并提供全套包含完整安装教学等服务。公司以性能卓越、让客户放心为原则。期待您的考证。 公司将继续秉承“专业、专注、创新、环保” 的企业宗旨,“诚实守信,互利双赢”的服务理念,一如既往地为客户提供优质的产品,优良的售后服务,始终让客户得到一流的产品和满意的服务。 Dongguan Saiko machinery co., LTD was founded in 2010.Located in the coastal cities of dongguan of Guangdong province. The superior geographical position has fast and convenient shipment. We are mainly involved in r&d and have different kinds of plastic recycling production line and solutions, such as solutions of PET plastic bottle recycling, the ABS/PS recycling, HDPE LDPE PP recycling etcSaiko is the one of professional factories which mainly dedicated to the improvement of the production, technology, management and innovation. We make machines that are sold to over 30 countries and regions.We always provide machines according to customer's requirements that is just to meet the customer's demand for high quality product, precision,various aspects and long time cooperationWe have experience in production & Managements also Saiko has created a large number of technical teams.The company constantly introduces advanced technology which is updated frequently with great quality and outstanding performance that can be enjoyed. Saiko has first class sales and a technical service team. We are not only making machines, but also help customers with project designs and production services.we provide pre-sales ,sales, after sales, and tracking service. Saiko will persist in the principle of steady, Professional, Dedicated, Innovation, Environmental protection as the purpose of factory. Honest, Trustworthy, Mutually beneficial win-win as the concept of services & go on to provide customers with high-quality products, Excellent after-sales services & making our customers receiving the first-class products, Satisfactory services.




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