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山东理工光电有限公司成立于 2004年,是由山东理工大学与两位归国博士共同创办的高新企业。公司坐落于有 "陶瓷之都"、"石化之城"之称的山东省淄博市,专门从事光电产品的开发、生产、销售。
公司集合了一批优秀的管理人才和实力雄厚的研发力量。技术队伍主要由知名教授、归国博士、具有多年国外工作经历的专家、高级工程师和熟悉光电信息技术的软硬件专家组成,拥有丰富的光电信息技术经验, 不断的学习,吸收和进步,更是我们发展的动力之源泉 。
先进的设备,优秀的团队,是我们的优势,一流的产品,完善的服务,是我们的目标。我们奉行“客户的成功就是我们的成功”的原则,遵循“精益求精,平实务本,顾客至上,追求卓越”的经营理念 , 坚持以一流的技术、完善的服务立足于国内外光电市场,竭诚与广大客户携手共进,齐心协力,共创美好未来。
Shandong Likon Optoelectronics Co., Ltd (LKOE), a new high-technology joint-venture enterprise between Shandong University of Technology and two returned doctors, was founded in October 2004, Zibo City of Shandong Province.
At present, LKOE has manufactured products including precision optic source, laser diode parameter Analyzer, semiconductor temperature controller and optically powered battery, etc. They are widely applied in optical-fiber communications, quality measuring, teaching scientific research and power systems, etc.
LKOE, specialized in the optic field, has the ability to develop the products by itself. We have established a strong relationship with Shandong University of Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Dalian Maritime University, and System Engineer"s Co., Ltd in Japan.
LKOE has the most advanced equipment, excellent organization, and has the ability to manufacture the best optic products. We are making progress everyday. We will continue doing our best to provide our customers with standard and highest quality commodities, first grade services and completed technical solution as our final goal.
地 址:山东淄博张店区共青团西路88号
电 话:0533-2300817 2303177
传 真:0533-2303077
网 址:http://www.lkoe.com
电子邮件: lkoe@lkoe.com




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