阅读次数:391发布时间:2009/4/7 18:04:21
庆祝佛山欧一电器制造厂有限公司与我公司首次合作成功!佛山欧一电器制造厂有限公司近日与我公司签定了EPO-072-H 500度的精密高温试验箱一台,在与国内外知名同行的竞争中,我公司一直以"专业诚信,务实创新"为宗旨.以一流的质量,一流的售后服务赢得了全国试验设备行业的客户一致信赖.
Our company was founded in 1996. We are specializing in manufacturing of thermal control and limiting device, such as thermostat, thermo-fuse and electrical contacts. Our product has been widely applied in many electrical appliances such as hair dryer, hair setter, fan heater, steam iron, toaster, oven, motor and transformer.
Our product is all UL, CUL and VDE approved.
We are strong in product development and provide customized service to our customers. On top of providing good product Quality, competitive Price and on time Delivery, we offer Cooperation and Customized service. We have a strong team of engineers to develop product to meet our customers' specific requirements. We work closely with customers to develop their product better and faster.
Our company has obtained ISO9001:2000 and ISO14001 certificates, and is carrying out the implementation of OHSAS18001(Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series).We will save no effort to continue developing.
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