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生物降解PVA环保保鲜膜 气调膜

价 格:¥电议品 牌: 宝德利(进口品牌)

型 号:



发布日期:2017/9/2 9:52:50

更新日期:2017/9/2 9:52:50


 新鲜健康的蔬果食品一直都是人们所喜爱的,然而对水果和蔬菜保鲜却是大家普遍遇到的问题,采摘后的蔬菜和水果,其生理功能并未就此结束,呼吸作用仍在照常进 行,致使体内水分仍在挥发,贮备的营养不断消耗,伴随老化程度的加深,终导致腐烂。因此,保持蔬菜和水果鲜度的关键是抑制呼吸作用。采取降低包装容器内 的氧气浓度,增加二氧化碳含量的措施,即可达到长期保鲜防腐的目的。而PVA薄膜具有对气体优越的阻隔性和对水分良好的透湿性,这些功能使PVA薄膜成为 水果、蔬菜、鲜花等农副产品优良的包装材料。


  • 水分透湿性好,保持包装容器内的蔬果水分平衡,避免包装容器内形成雾滴;
  • 气体阻隔性高,有效防止氧气的通过,降低包装容器内的氧气浓度,增加二氧化碳含量,从而达到保鲜防腐的目的;
  • 保香性高可以完好保持被包装产品的成分及本身的气味;
  • 强度高,承载力强,不易变形
  • 光滑、高透明度,提高了商品的外观价值。


  • 除蔬菜、水果以外,PVA保鲜膜/袋还可以应用在鲜蘑菇、鲜花、名贵中药材等的包装。

广东宝德利新材料科技股份有限公司 Guangdong Proudly New Material Technology Corp.(股份公司转制前企业为:江门市宝德利水溶性塑料有限公司)是一家专业从事新材料、完全生物降解材料和劳动安全保护领域,集科研、生产、销售一体化的高新技术企业。




2)《 国家高新技术企业》、《火炬计划项目》、《国家重点新产品项目》、《国



The Jiangmen Proudly Daily Chemicals Co., Ltd was found in 2009. It is a research oriented company. It focuses on applying eco-friendly water-soluble material in to daily chemical field.

The Jiangmen Proudly Daily Chemical Limited belongs to the Guangdong Proudly New Material Technology Corp which is listed in National Equities Exchange and Quotations (Code: 833367). It is the first company being listed in the water-soluble packaging industry. It is the leading company in the biodegradable material field in China. Guangdong Proudly manufactures fully biodegradable and water soluble polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) product. As a fast growing enterprise, Guangdong Proudly strategically invest in R&D in cooperation with numerous universities and research institutes aiming to break through the limits of current technology.

Guangdong Proudly is working with different Fortune 500 companies in different fields. They include Unilevers, Bayer AG, Reckitt Benckiser Group, LG and Puma. Guangdong Proudly is providing medical, agricultural, industrial or daily chemical packaging to them. As a leading company in the field, Guangdong Proudly takes public health issues seriously. Together with the National Health and Family Planning Commission, we promoted and participated in the drafting of Regulation for Washing and Disinfection Technique of Medical Textiles in Healthcare Facilities

With the technological support from Guangdong Proudly, Proudly Daily Chemicals is a young energetic company with advance technology. Based on our patented core technology, we try to apply PVA into different aspect daily life. We developed a series of products to smoothen challenging and boring task of daily life. We are producing laundry capsule, anti-germs laundry bag, portable soap film and doggy bag. To cope with the new e-shopping style, we are promoting and selling our product via different platforms and networks.

Upholding our creativity and innovation, Proudly Daily Chemical is committed to create easier and happier housework experience. 

