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发布日期:2017/2/23 16:30:20

更新日期:2017/2/23 16:30:20


  【维修服务电话:400-628-5575】北京精时恒达钟表有限公司是一家专注于钟表维修的现代服务型企业。历经十多年的发展,公司已在华北、华东和华南等地区拥有百多家专业的全国连锁手表维修售后服务中心。同时也是百达翡丽、江诗丹顿、爱彼、宝玑、万国、伯爵、卡地亚、积家、劳力士、芝柏、宝珀、萧邦、 欧米茄等各大世界名表的特约维修指定网点。



  【维修品牌】百达翡丽 朗格 江诗丹顿 积家 宝珀 宝玑 卡地亚 爱彼 伯爵 格拉苏蒂 芝柏 雅典 劳力士 欧米茄 万国 沛纳海 萧邦 尊皇 昆仑 浪琴 豪利时等。





  How to distinguish from the appearance of true and false of the brand watch


  Since is a brand watch, that we must first identify the watch brand. The watch brand that sells on the market at present basically has Swiss watches, watches in Japan, the United States, famous brand watch, imitation, smuggling, counterfeit mostly occur in the following watch brand, such as Japan's east, citizen, seiko, casio, Swiss watches rolex, longines, meters, omega, plum blossom, emperor rudder, earl, celebrities, Rome, whitewater, radar, tissot, west horse, ORR Ma Yingna lattice, watt hour hand.

  品牌手表从外观上看,正牌手表的表盘、后盖所标商标和品牌字迹清晰完整;表盘上所标钻数与机芯内实际钻数相符;后盖所标明的材料与表壳所用材料相符; 表玻璃光洁清晰;表壳组件外棱角无锋利感;镀层无气泡,不脱落。假冒正牌手表的表盘、后盖所标商标和品牌字迹模糊;表盘所标钻数与机芯内实际钻数不符;表壳组件外棱角粗糙,有镀层起泡、脱落或配件断裂等现象。

  Brand watch look from the exterior, real watch dial, back cover the mark trademarks and brand clear complete; With the dial on the drill machine core within the actual drilling and consistent; Indicated on the back cover material consistent with case materials; Sheet glass is bright and clean clear; Watchcase components without sharp edges and sense; Plating bubbles does not fall off. Fake real watch dial, back cover the mark trademarks and brand blur; Dial the number drill and actual drilling number discrepancy in movement; Watchcase components outside the rough edges and corners, coating foaming, fall off or fracture phenomenon such as accessories.


  Look from the movement, real watch movement within the splint or set on thallium marked the corresponding trademark signs; Movement in the watch case components of firm; Movement within the clean. Fake watch movement splint or set on thallium without trademark signs, or trademark signs handwriting coarse, fuzzy, skew, or simply with a small copper paste; Within the movement is not clean, some movement with copper scrap, human hair, fingerprints, etc.


  When consumer is buying imported watches, should check the sellers of the commodity inspection certificate, and the serial Numbers of the laser imitation pseudo marks are listed in the certificate number. The other methods to identify true bogus also many, such as using precision testing instrument test value, walking, waterproof performance, table glass hardness, true and false diamonds, etc. Through the measured data to validate and imported watches whether the labeled data and instructions, to determine the authenticity. In addition, some famous brand watch, because the machine core structure and the special inherent memorization, and specific identification method, but need professional equipment and test instrument.


  Imported watches price within a certain period of stability, to significantly lower than the market price of imported watches, should be especially careful. Generally speaking, price difference is bigger imports of watches, if no special reason, suspicious for counterfeit import watches or ill-gotten watches, never showed.




























Watch repair service center

  [咨询热线]:400-628-5575  13830980563



