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发布日期:2017/2/23 16:43:13
更新日期:2017/2/23 16:43:13

【维修品牌】百达翡丽 朗格 江诗丹顿 积家 宝珀 宝玑 卡地亚 爱彼 伯爵 格拉苏蒂 芝柏 雅典 劳力士 欧米茄 万国 沛纳海 萧邦 尊皇 昆仑 浪琴 豪利时等。

将手表的表蒙反射朝内、而手表底壳朝外,将手表反戴在手腕上接近两个小时左右也可以消除手汽。如机械表进水过多,应送修表店修理。一般说来能使机械表进水的地方只有三处:即表柄(表把 )、表蒙和后盖。防水装置也安装在这三处:柄头加胶圈,密封圈、柄管等零件后盖螺纹边上加胶圈,并使表蒙严密。
How to deal with water and prevent a lot of mechanical watch? Mechanical watches have indicated the degree of waterproof waterproof, but mechanical watch is not the same, and a lot of people in life are not careful, after mechanical water is easy to damage the parts, but also affect the accurate travel time, then we should be how to deal with water and prevention of mechanical watch?
If the watch is more serious water can be placed a day time. Watch cover, such as a water, a long time, easy to cause corrosion of components and influence of accurate travel time. In this case, the available layers of toilet paper or cloth will watch the moisture absorption wrap and placed in the vicinity of the 40 watt bulb (about 5 cm) bake for about half an hour, the water will watch into water vapour.
Mechanical surface can be directly used to fill a small piece of calcium chloride or silica gel wrapped and then watch out the table cover, will be wrapped with gauze wrapped in calcium chloride and electronic watch into a plastic bag and box. Waiting for a long time after the watch can be removed, you can see the water vapor disappeared watch.
The Mongolia reflection towards the bottom shell, and watch out watch watch, the watch worn on the wrist back close to two hours or so can also eliminate hand steam. Such as mechanical watch too much water, should repair shop repair. Generally speaking, there are only three places where water can be put into the machine table: table handle (table), table cover and back cover. Waterproof device is also installed in the three: handle head with rubber ring, sealing ring, handle tube parts such as bottom thread edge and apron, and watch closely.
