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发布日期:2017/2/24 7:29:30

更新日期:2017/2/24 7:29:30


积家表服务电话【中国区售后维修(JAEGER-LECOULTRE)】北京上海广州深圳名表维修连锁电话400-875-1181/400-677-0155全国百家连锁维修领导品牌,积家表服务电话【中国区售后维修(JAEGER-LECOULTRE)】北京上海广州深圳 服务地区:北京、上海、天津、广州、深圳、杭州、南京、沈阳、太原、成都、武汉、南昌、西安、南宁、郑州、昆明、苏州 等地区,形成了庞大的腕表售后维修服务网络,为广大消费者提供方便、快捷的手表维修服务,积家表服务电话【中国区售后维修(JAEGER-LECOULTRE)】北京上海广州深圳 专业的维修技术、透明 的维修价格、立等可取的维修效率网上电话预约可享受9折优惠,积家表服务电话【中国区售后维修(JAEGER-LECOULTRE)】北京上海广州深圳 到店修表立等可取,流程透明,价格公开。





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mechanical maintenance of the importance of the table, most of the table you know, but also have their own love table maintenance. However, there is often a table of the love of the table you need to repair the breakdown of the table. Mainly because of mechanical table maintenance knowledge is not complete, some places do not pay attention to, plus a moment of carelessness may cause damage to the mechanical table. If you encounter mechanical surface damage, the maintenance of the time need to pay special attention to, then the mechanical surface maintenance need to pay attention to what aspects, mechanical surface plate how to renovate.


  机械表面盘该怎么翻修?表盘上的时间数字和其它文字的制作大致有两种:印刷及植字,其中以印刷为多,包括面盘上的不同颜色亦是以印刷技术来表现。印刷又分 为两种,面积大的就用丝网印刷( 凹印刷),面积小的就用凸印刷,使用的机器有全自动、半自动及手动等,面盘上文字的部分一般有手绘及转印两种方式,手绘乃 由画匠以手工方式修补受损的文字,但作工细致程度不一,且没有统一的收费标准,所以,随着这方面人才的日渐缺乏,这种翻修字盘的方式已渐渐稀少。


  机械表翻修过后对于整体价值的影响如何?这是一个令许多人疑惑的问题,不过答案却很容易─ 因人而异。手表就像古董一样,不但不会随时间的久远而有损其价值,好的手表反而有相当的保值或增值空间,有些收藏者非常“忠于原味”,认为表的任何部件都必须维持原状,否则就会影响其价值;有人则有不同的的看法,就像翻面盘一样,重点不在这个面盘是否翻修过,而是在于翻的好不好,如果作工细致,重新赋予手表新的面貌,未尝不是件好事,因为内部零件并不会因此而受影响,怕的是手法粗糙,将原本手表的质感全破坏了,那才是的损失。所以,基本上面盘有无翻修或更换过,对整只表的整体价值影响并不会太大。如何辨识原装与翻修过的面盘呢?如同树的年轮一样,手表亦可从其出厂编号、流水号、年份、环境影响等各方面来判定,如果手表的出厂年代久远,但面盘却非常新,这应该是更换或翻新过的面盘,不过,这也不是绝对的,佐以专业机构或人士的鉴定,才是可靠保险的方法。

mechanical surface disc not only focus on the revision, but in turn is good, if the work is meticulous, regives watches the new appearance, is a good thing, because the internal parts will not be affected, most afraid of is the way rough, will originally watch texture all destroyed, that is the biggest loss. Veliger beautify the watch and watch the function of personality, will emerge, even have the same function of watches, but for different and different dishes, the "table". The mechanical surface of the disc in addition to digital and digital display, usually the manufacturer or trademark logo engraved, therefore, it is the most important visual surface appearance of a ring, but also affect the elements of the desire to buy, especially the antique table, the surface of the disc mechanical integrity and beauty or not, have a decisive more of the value of the watch. However, with the passage of time, the watch will face the impact of various factors and is losing its luster, so, refurbished face plate, as many many friends want to further understand the table topic.

how to overhaul the surface mechanical disc on the dial? Making time to digital and other word generally has two kinds: printing and typesetting, the printing, including different colors on the face is also expressed in printing technology. Printing is divided into two types, a large area with screen printing (concave printing), a small area with convex printing machines, automatic, semi-automatic and manual, dial the part of the text are generally hand and transfer in two ways, is mounted by manually hand repair damaged in the text, but the degree is not a meticulous work, and there is no uniform charging standards, so with this talent is lack, this revision case way has been gradually scarce.

regardless of the surface mechanical disc material itself is made of silver, gold, copper paint or enamel surface, will be because of the age, moisture, long-term sun exposure or by the impact of external force resulting in convex surface damage, thereby affecting the integrity of the veliger, damp and oxidation is most common. When the above conditions, proper dressing seems bound to inevitably face. When the need to overhaul or replace damaged disk, can get the first shop or agents, the new table can be returned to the original plant to replace the new disc, the quality of its appearance is new, but the cost is relatively high; if the older antique table, usually about a bit of the size of the antique shop, you can find the can for the renovation of the master or the factory. Dial manufacturing can be said to be part of the metal chassis and all text combination process, through design, engraving, polishing, electroplating, metallurgy, machine, printing, inspection, is quite complicated, is the production of light plate filled with great knowledge.

the impact on the overall value of the mechanical table after the revision of the overall value of this is a question many people doubt, but the answer is very easy - vary from person to person. Watch as shareholders, not only with a long time and undermine its value, but there is quite a good watch the value of space, some collectors "very loyal to the original", that any component table must remain intact, otherwise it will affect its value; others have different views, like turning the focus is not on the same plate, plate whether renovated, but in turn is good, if the work is meticulous, regives watches the new appearance, is a good thing, because the internal parts will not be affected, most afraid of is the way rough, will originally watch texture all destroyed, that is the biggest loss. Therefore, the basic disc has no revision or replacement, the overall value of the entire table is not too large. How to identify the original and renovated veliger? Like tree rings, can watch from the factory the number, serial number, year, environmental impact and to determine if the watch factory, but the age, but veliger is very new, it should be replaced or refurbished face plate, but this is not absolute the best served with professional appraisal organizations or persons, is the most reliable method of insurance.

