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百达翡丽手表专修【中国区售后维修(PATEK PHILIPPE)】北京上海广州深圳

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发布日期:2017/2/24 17:44:20

更新日期:2017/2/24 17:44:20


百达翡丽手表专修【中国区售后维修(PATEK PHILIPPE)】北京上海广州深圳名表维修连锁电话400-875-1181/400-677-0155全国百家连锁维修领导品牌,百达翡丽手表专修【中国区售后维修(PATEK PHILIPPE)】北京上海广州深圳 服务地区:北京、上海、天津、广州、深圳、杭州、南京、沈阳、太原、成都、武汉、南昌、西安、南宁、郑州、昆明、苏州 等地区,形成了庞大的腕表售后维修服务网络,为广大消费者提供方便、快捷的手表维修服务,百达翡丽手表专修【中国区售后维修(PATEK PHILIPPE)】北京上海广州深圳 专业的维修技术、透明 的维修价格、立等可取的维修效率网上电话预约可享受9折优惠,百达翡丽手表专修【中国区售后维修(PATEK PHILIPPE)】北京上海广州深圳 到店修表立等可取,流程透明,价格公开。





  合肥(安徽店): 合肥市蜀山区长江西路189号合肥之心城环球中心A座20层09室






















【百达翡丽手表专修【中国区售后维修(PATEK PHILIPPE)】北京上海广州深圳】




  机械表自行清洗、保养的原则: (1) 软布沾肥皂水擦拭 (2) 软布沾清水擦拭 (3) 干软布擦拭 (4) 阴干(5) 忌讳不随便送超音波清洗


  表款收纳原则:(1) 检查保养期限 (2) 检查石英表是否需取出电池



  复杂机械表使用快拨钮应注意事项: (1) 查询使用说明 (2) 将时间调整至五至七时位置才使用快拨钮



  watch maintenance

  The principle of adjusting time of

  mechanical watch

  The static

  long time, mechanical watch spring relaxed to watch motionless, at this time, if you want to wear, it must first be rewound, after the calibration time, should the general manager said, the general mechanical table when a very loose, there will be an hour hand and a minute hand slow or fast the phenomenon, therefore, should be a wound, so as to avoid the calibration time, there is no standard driving pointer, even the automatic mixing table, it should use manual mixing to eight minutes, then the time calibration.


  mechanical self cleaning and maintenance principles: (1) a soft cloth dipped in soapy water wipe (2) with soft cloth to clean water (3) dry soft cloth (4) shade (5) taboo not just send ultrasonic cleaning

  Festival vacation after the maintenance, should be the general manager, who engaged in water sports watches, all need to do maintenance, especially after seawater salt immersion, chemical pool water filtration, easy to cause the watch waterproof gasket erosion, hardening; some maintenance can be at home to do their own simple, with a soft cloth with a little soapy water to clean the metal and waterproof rubber watchband, and finally to remove wet soapy water wipe traces after dried, performance can reach preliminary maintenance at the same time, do not be sent directly to a table of ultrasound equipment, where do the washing, because ultrasonic cleaning have strong and weak points of different frequencies, but the use of ultrasonic frequency a wrong, it is easy to cause the internal parts loose.

  table storage principles: (1) check the maintenance period (2) check the quartz watch is required to remove the battery

  new year after a long time of use or long time storage table, must pay special attention to watch the maintenance period, the general mechanical watches the maintenance period of about 3~4 years, once over this period, the case of internal lubricating oil is easy to dry stains, external waterproof gasket is easy to harden, barely used mechanical parts failure easily with water and oil stains caused dry wear, early also does not affect the operation, will only see the accuracy of time become increasingly low, in the course of time, when to stop running, the internal parts of the loss is very serious, to the point of "small" maintenance costs become "big" part of maintenance expenses.

  in addition to the mechanical maintenance sheet in order to avoid the problem of maintenance, in addition to the internal parts of the driving lubricating quartz watch and waterproof problems, in a long period of time. The situation, if the battery has been used for a long time, it is best not to put the case in long-term storage, so as to avoid the battery failure, not only can not supply the problem, and may even have the battery fluid leakage must replace the internal parts of the problem.

  complex mechanical table using the quick dial button should be noted: (1) check the use of instructions (2) will be adjusted to seven to five when the position to use the fast dial button

  time is not enough accurate, complex performance mechanical adjustment, some must follow the way, the general manager should be stressed, each with a complex performance in mechanical watches sold will be accompanied by instructions, even sharing table movement, also because the meter factory refit, the parts from different configuration mode when operating, must pay special attention to the order, therefore, the first priority is reading in relation to the operating instructions. If you really afraid of trouble, you need to pay special attention to the correct use of speed dial button, when activated by fast shifting performance, must adjust to the correct position, it will not cause the performance parts have card into the correct position, but was forced to beat speed dial knob to rotate to parts failure problem occurs.

  suggested Mr. fast dial button in operation in addition to the operating instructions, the vast majority of watches should try to avoid the night eight points to four in the morning time, but also the most troubled consumers, because the free adjustment time almost all night; at this time, can take the strain mode is the hour hand back to five points to seven points, to watch the next gear ready stuck action loose, then the speed dial adjustment problem does not occur, but some brands of watches gear set in the noon perform the conversion action, if it was noon no problem directly adjust the speed dial the button will also cause parts of arrhythmia, therefore, will be put to the clockwise between seven points in the five points is the most suitable for the vast majority of watches.

