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发布日期:2018/4/12 9:10:41
更新日期:2018/4/12 9:10:41
新纽顿是立志于从事学前教育的一家教育机构。所幼儿园成立于2002年,是为苏州外籍人士服务的ELFA国际幼儿教育学苑,于2006年搬迁至玲珑湾社区,更名为新纽顿 年是苏州外向型经济全面发展的重要时期,新纽顿立足于为来自全世界的儿童提供卓越的学前教育服务,接纳了来自30多个***及港澳台等地区的儿童,弥补了当时幼儿教育的一个空白点。 经过多年实践和积累,新纽顿幼儿园在管理团队、师资力量和社会资源上收获甚丰,具有浓郁的国际化幼儿园特色,满足了来自国内外家长对优质品牌、高质服务学前教育的渴求。新纽顿作为一个具有国际视野、***涉外管理经验的学前教育品牌获得了社会各界的***认可。Newton is a teaching institution focused on pre-school education. Founded in 2002 as a kindergarten for foreign children, Newton, formerly known as ELFA, was relocated to Bayside, Suzhou and changed its name to its present name in 2006. Suzhou was in its critical period of development for an export-oriented economy between 2000 and 2010. With a commitment to offer quality pre-school education to children from all around the world, Newton accepted students from over 30 countries and regions, including Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan, filling the gap in pre-school education at that time. Through years of practice and efforts, Newton has been gaining remarkable achievements through its management team, teaching staff, and social resources, making it a quintessential international kindergarten that can meet the demands of both domestic and foreign parents with its premium brand and superior service in pre-school education. With a global vision and rich experience in teaching foreign children, Newton has become a pre-school education provider widely recognized in the community.