进口优势品牌LIKA 编码器型号:AST680/GY-10/S431 意大利直售
价 格:¥1560
型 号:
发布日期:2020/1/16 15:48:34
更新日期:2020/7/23 10:43:31
Lika Electronic stands for encoders and position measuring systems. Since its inception in 1982, Lika Electronic develops and manufactures incremental and absolute, optical and magnetic, rotary and linear encoders, incremental & absolute sensors, linear and rotary incremental & absolute magnetic measurement systems, rotary actuators, displays, signal converters and encoder interfaces.
Starting as a family-owned business, thanks to its technical competence and comprehensive know-how in the automation industry along with the high quality standards and the skill in providing solutions that target specific customer needs, over the years Lika Electronic has grown becoming a forward thinking innovative and global company and has become one of the leading manufacturers of optical encoders and magnetic measurement systems in Europe and worldwide.