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价 格:¥电议

型 号:V-1060



发布日期:2009/11/2 0:00:00

更新日期:2012/1/6 17:23:55



模拟示波器 v-1060





the hitachi portable read-out oscilloscope provides measure-ment reliability and ease of operation by employing amicroprocessor.
the major features are:

(1) measurement information display

the measurement information including the sweep speed, thedelay time, the ijncal display, and the voltage sensitivity ofthe vertical axis (v-1065 ,v-1065c and v-665 only) is alpha-numerically displayed on the crt.

since troublesome setting operation procedures are eliminat-ed, an operator can concentrate on the displayed data formeasurement.

(2) measurement value display (v-1065, v-1065c, v-665 only)

the distance between the two cursors displayed can read out the following;

△v : voltage between the reference cursor and the deltacursor
△t : time between the reference cursor and the deltacursor
1/△t: reciprocal of the time

the displayed data eliminates troublesome and time consumingcalculation procedures. moreover, miscalculation of thescales is completely avoided.

(3) automatic time base range setting

at a press of the auto button, an optimum time base range is automatically set.(a signal period from 1.6 to 4 cyclesapprox. is displayed.)the time base range is automatically changed to a correspond-ing change in input signal period.

(4) trigger lock

since complicated pulse train waveforms are hard to trigger on, performing the trigger lock function enables sweep independent triggering. the "sweep time plus holdoff time"is fixed and a stable trigger is obtained at any time range.

(5) bandwidth

v-1065,v-1065c,: dc-100 mhz from 5 v/div to s mv/div
v-1060  dc-20 mhz at 2 mv/div
v-665, v-660 : dc-60 mhz from 5 v/div to s mv/div

(6) high sensitivity

dc-10 mhz at 2 mv/divhigh sensitivity of 2 mv/div is provided.

(7) internal graticule

internal graticule lines eliminate parallax-viewing errorbetween the trace and the graticule lines.

(8) delayed sweep

with delayed sweep, a portion of the signal can be magnifined for more accurate measurement and the windows of delayed sweep(b) is indicated on the main sweep(a) with cursors.

(9)auto trigger level

auto measuring of trigger level is employed, so that trigger level range is mathed to the trigger signal for maximum trigger sensitivity and stability.

(10)tv triggering

exclusive tv sync separator circuit technology provides stable tv signal measurements on fields, frames and lines.


(a) frequency counter

1.1 specifications

measuring signal : measure the signal se-lected as atrigger signal by the trig sourceor x switch.
measuring range : 20 hz to 100 mhz
accuracy of reference signal : 100 ppm (15 to 35°c)

measuring rangedisplay formatresolutionaccuracy
20hz≤f<100hz99.99hz0.01hzref.signal ±1 lsd
100hz≤f<1khz999.9hz1.0hz max
1khz≤f<10khz9.999hz0.002hz max
10khz≤f<100khz99.99hz0.04hz max
1mhz≤f<10mhz9.999hz0.002hz max
100mhz≤f(999.9hz)not specified

1 .2 frequency measurement

  when measure is se-lected by the se-lector switch, the av cursor is displayed on crt. then press the se-lector switchthree times to display freq at the upper part of crt.
  the frequency counter is interlocked with the triggering andthe measurement starts from the triggering point.
  consequently, any special frequency having complex waveformscan be measured by changing the trigger level.
  for example, when a signal as illustrated below is applied,the frequency of the entire waveforms can be measured whentriggered at point a. when triggered at point b, thefrequency of a pulse with large amplitude can be measured.

note : when not triggered, the measurement can not be per-formed, since the counter is interlocked with thetriggering. in the non-triggering mode or in case ofthe input signal less than 20 hz, the message"freq..." is displayed.

(b) memory backup

the panel setting data is retained for move than 48 hoursafter turning off power. it is not needed to perform thesame panel settings again even on the day after tomorrow.

(c) other specifications

same with those of the v-1065.

graticule6-inch screen with internal graticule 0%, 10%, 90% and 100% markers
8x10 div(1div=1cm)
accelerating potential17kv approx. 12kv approx. 
external intensity modulationcoupling: dc coupling
voltage: 5v or more
maximum input voltage: 30v (dc+ac peak)
            or 30vp-p ac at 1khz or less
bandwidth: dc to 5mhz
●vertical deflection system    
sensitivity2mv/div to 5v/div ±3%(switchable in 11 steps) continuously variable    
bandwidthdc to 100mhz -3db
2mv/div: dc to 20mhz -3db
ac low pass: 10hz
rise time3.5 ns apporx.
2mv/div: 17.5 ns approx.
 5.9ns approx. 
delay timeleading edge can be monitoed 35ns approx. 
maximum input voltage400v(dc+ac peak)at 1 khz or less   
input couplingac, dc, gnd   
input impedance1m ohms ±1.5%, 23pf ±3pf   
display modesch1, ch2, dual, chop(250khz approx.),add(diff mode can be established when the ch2 is in the invert mode.)   
bandwidth limiting function20mhz 10mhz 
polarity se-lection±(ch2 only)   
common-mode rejection ratio20db minimum at 20mhz   
x-y operationx-axis, y-axis se-lectable   
sensitivityx axis:
ch1, ch2 2mv to 5v/div ±3%
ext      0.1v/div ±5%
ext÷10   1v/div ±5%
y axis: 2mv to 5v/div ±5%
phase error3°or less from dc to 50 khz   
x bandwidthdc to 500 khz(-3db)   
●horizontal deflection system    
trigger modetrigger,auto trigger   
sweep modemain sweep, continous delay sweep, alternate sweep, signal sweep   
trigger sourcech1, ch2, ext(ac,dc,dc÷10),line   
tv triggerexcusive sync separtor circuit provided sync polarity:-   
trigger sensitivity    
norm mode
frequencedc to 20mhz20mhz to 100mhz
int0.35 div1.5 div
ext50 mv150 mv
 dc to 10mhz
auto mode
frequence30 to 100hz100hz to 20mhz20 to 100mhz
int1.5 div1 div1.5 div
ext150 mv100 mv150 mv
 30 to 100hz
tv modesync signal
internal sync: 1div or more
external sync: 200mvp-p or more
trigger levelvariable range
auto: automatically corresponds to the trigger signal
norm: int: ±4 div or more
      ext: ±0.4 v or more
      ext÷10:±4v or more
external input impedance1 m ohms ±5%, 25pf + 6pf   
external input voltage400v(dc+ac peak) at 1khz   
sweep time    
a(main) sweep50 ns/div to 0.5 s/div   continuously variable (uncal)   
b(delay) sweep50 ns/div to 50 ms/div   
 10 to 35℃0 to 50℃
mag x10±4%±6%
sweep magnificationx10   
maximum sweep rate5 ns/div   
hold off timevariable   
delay time1μs to 5s   
delay jitter1/20,000 or less   
alternate separationvariable   
trigger lock functionprovided   
auto range functionprovided   
singnal sweep functionprovided   
●readout funtion    
pannel setting displayvertical axis: v/div(ch1,ch2),uncal,probe conversion
sweep speed: s/div,uncal,mag(converted value)
other: delay time
not providedsame as v-1065not provided
●cursor readout functionvoltage difference △v: △-ref
time difference △t: △-ref
frequency 1/△t: △-ref
no cursorsame as v-1065no cursor
●external output    
trigger signal outoutput voltage: 25mv/div approx.
(full scale on the crt)
50-ohm termination
frequency response: dc to 10mhz
output impedance: 50 ohms approx.
not providedsame as v-1065not provided
waveform1khz ±20%, square wave   
voltage0.5v ±1%   
●power supply90v to 250v ac, 48 to 440hz, 40w approx.   
dimensions275(w) x 130(h) x 360(d) mm   
emivde0871, category b   


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