10 µL自动渗透压仪(内置打印机)
价 格:¥NIL
型 号:
发布日期:2009/11/2 0:00:00
更新日期:1900/1/1 0:00:00
Laboratory Model Freezing Point Osmometer for 10 µL samples, featuring:
- Smallest sample size available
- Fully automatic, one-step measurement
- Automatic calibration with as few as 2 standards required
- Range: 0-2000 mOsm/kg
- Initial cool down of only 2 to 3 minutes
- Precise results in 60-90 seconds
- Disposable pipette tips are the sample tubes
- Keypad input
- Built-in printer
- Built-in software for record keeping and statistical analysis
- Optional bar code scanner and software
- Smallest freezing point osmometer at 7.5”W x 4”H x 12”D and only 11 pounds
Comes with instruction manual, 10 µL pipette, pipette tips, 100, 290, 500, 1500 and 2000 mOsm/kg calibration standards, 50 µL sample tubes with caps for sample and standard dispensing, test tube rack, and printer paper. Power: 115v 50/60 Hz. (Other voltages are $100 extra). OSMETTE III is shipped assembled and ready to use.