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北京东方银华贸易商行(Silverado Trading Company)


50 µL 自动渗透压仪

价 格:¥NIL

型 号:



发布日期:2009/11/2 0:00:00

更新日期:1900/1/1 0:00:00


Laboratory Model Freezing Point Osmometer for 50 µL samples, featuring:

  • Highly reliable, fully automatic operation with 0.5" LED readout which retains the sample answer until the next sample is introduced
  • Operating head that automatically rises at the end of each determination
  • Range:  0-3000 mOsm/kg
  • Non-interacting calibration controls
  • Unique, triple-point calibration verification
  • 60 samples/hour capability
  • Fast-acting, solid-state refrigerator eliminates pumps and bath liquid for STAT 3-minute cool-down
  • Bench-saver design: only 5 inches wide!

Comes with instruction manual, 50 µL disposable sample tubes, 100 & 500 mOsm/kg calibration standards, test tube rack, spare temperature probe, pipette, and pipette tips.  Power: 115v 50/60 Hz.  (Other voltages are $100 extra).  MICRO-OSMETTE is shipped assembled and ready to use.

