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阅读次数:340发布时间:2008/11/5 15:30:57


货号 品名 数量 单价(RMB) 优惠价(RMB)
BR27705 A级刻度移液管(蓝色刻度)0.5ml 24 40.54 30.41
BR27704 A级刻度移液管(蓝色刻度)0.2ml 24 51.77 38.83
BR27702 A级刻度移液管(蓝色刻度)0.1ml 24 51.77 38.83
BR27706 A级刻度移液管(蓝色刻度)1ml 8 37.11 27.83
BR28405 A级刻度移液管(棕色刻度)0.5ml 20 40.54 30.41
BR91229 玻璃低型烧杯150ml 10 113.52 85.14
BR27716 A级刻度移液管(蓝色刻度)50ml 18 160.91 120.68
BR27715 A级刻度移液管(蓝色刻度)25ml 18 81.39 61.04
BR29710 A级胖肚移液管(单刻度线,蓝色刻度)8ml 12 79.21 59.41
BR29709 A级胖肚移液管(单刻度线,蓝色刻度)7ml 12 79.21 59.41
BR29708 A级胖肚移液管(单刻度线,蓝色刻度)6ml 12 79.21 59.41
BR27708 A级刻度移液管(蓝色刻度)2ml(分刻度0.01ml) 12 46.78 35.09
BR27729 A级刻度移液管-部分排液(蓝色刻度)10ml 12 45.22 33.92
BR29701 A级胖肚移液管(单刻度线,蓝色刻度)0.5ml 12 42.72 32.04
BR37291 A级透明容量瓶(蓝色刻度,PP瓶塞,宽瓶颈)100ml 4 144.39 108.29
BR35038 PP塑料量筒(无色刻度)100ml 10 44.74 33.56
BR4700331 数字可调式瓶口分配器0.5-5ml(带安全阀) 7 4,140.01 3105.01
BR26056 滤膜(3µm,未灭菌) 8 835.27 626.45
BR29716 A级胖肚移液管(单刻度线,蓝色刻度)30ml 5 95.43 71.57
BR29705 A级胖肚移液管(单刻度线,蓝色刻度)3ml 6 52.39 39.29
BR32128 量筒(蓝色刻度)50ml 6 108.52 81.39
BR139035 铲子PE-HD(350mm)500ml 6 71.21 53.41
BR29518 B级胖肚移液管(棕色刻度)50ml 6 84.51 63.38
BR701582 经济型数字可调式移液器500-5000µl 3 1,330.00 997.50
BR4750151 数字显示滴定器25ml(带安全阀) 2 7,652.13 5739.10
BR89462 PP塑料无柄烧杯(蓝色刻度)1000ml 5 58.19 43.64
BR144180 PE-HD喷雾瓶500ml 3 101.59 76.19
BR115360 Stopper,PLASTIBRAND,PE,for centrifuge tubes art.-no. 1153 42 8 54.54 40.91
BR32120 量筒(蓝色刻度)25ml 4 96.99 72.74
BR701306 Microtitration pe PS 96 (8x12) wells,lid,non-sterile 4 514.66 386.00
BR702398 25ml50mlPD-吸头接头(未灭菌) 5 257.54 193.16
BR115366 Stopper,PLASTIBRAND,PE,for centrifuge tubes art.-no. 1153 48 4 122.24 91.68
BR128562 PP塑料窄口瓶1000ml 3 51.47 38.60
BR32162 量筒(蓝色刻度)1000ml 3 528.27 396.20
BR701580 经济型数字可调式移液器100-1000µl 2 1,180.00 885.00
BR26300 电动移液管控制器(带充电器,深蓝色) 2 4,405.25 3303.94
BR704190 套装单道移液枪(0.5-10µl,10-100µl,100-1000µl)及一 1 4,729.66 3547.25
BR25315 传统吸耳球(通用) 2 82.51 61.88
BR37254 A级透明容量瓶(蓝色刻度,PP瓶塞)2000ml 2 579.73 434.80
BR32154 量筒(蓝色刻度)500ml 4 377.34 283.01
BR32762 量筒(A,棕色刻度)1000ml 2 528.27 396.20
BR37253 A级透明容量瓶(蓝色刻度,PP瓶塞)1000ml 2 406.34 304.76
BR37252 A级透明容量瓶(蓝色刻度,PP瓶塞)500ml 2 256.96 192.72
BR32138 量筒(蓝色刻度)100ml 2 113.83 85.37
BR37251 A级透明容量瓶(蓝色刻度,PP瓶塞)250ml 2 212.06 159.05
BR37250 A级透明容量瓶(蓝色刻度,PP瓶塞)200ml 2 202.70 152.03
BR37246 A级透明容量瓶(蓝色刻度,PP瓶塞)20ml 2 121.31 90.98
BR37238 A级透明容量瓶(蓝色刻度,PP瓶塞,宽瓶颈)5ml 2 116.32 87.24
BR32164 量筒(蓝色刻度)2000ml 2 978.59 733.94
BR22767 A级玻璃自动回零滴定装置(透明,带瓶子,针状阀)25ml 1 110.05 82.54
BR10004 简易滴定管50ml 2 153.12 114.84
BR707930 干燥管 2 358.63 268.97
BR4720150 简易瓶口分配器2.5-25ml 1 2,041.32 1530.99
BR4700351 数字可调式瓶口分配器2.5-25ml(带安全阀) 1 5,115.90 3836.93
BR4700171 游标式瓶口分配器10-100ml(带安全阀) 2 6,302.44 4726.83
BR4700161 游标式瓶口分配器5-50ml(带安全阀) 1 4,872.10 3654.08
BR4700151 游标式瓶口分配器2.5-25ml(带安全阀) 1 4,607.18 3455.39
BR4700141 游标式瓶口分配器1-10ml(带安全阀) 1 3,644.18 2733.14
BR4730151 游标式有机型瓶口分配器2.5-25ml(带安全阀) 1 4,607.18 3455.39
BR705000 电子连续移液器充电器 1 7,766.28 5824.71
BR129870 PP塑料窄口瓶(圆锥形肩部)5000ml 1 216.29 162.22
BR707925 万能排液管(适用于1,2,5,10ml) 1 993.76 745.32
BR702300 Tip-Box,empty,autoclavable,bottom PC grey,top PC translucent 1 338.83 254.12
BR32148 量筒(蓝色刻度)250ml 2 217.36 163.02
BR707524 出液管(横杆长165mm,竖杆长75mm) 2 429.82 322.37
BR31938 量筒(棕色刻度)100ml 1 90.75 68.06
BR31939 量筒(棕色刻度,带可拆卸的六角塑料底座及保护环)100ml 1 87.94 65.96
BR702812 数字型外置活塞移液器2-10ml 1 3,348.75 2511.56
BR704106 固定式单道移液枪 5μl 1 940.99 705.74
BR701578 经济型数字可调移液器20-200ul 1 1180 885.00
BR4730331 数字可调有机型瓶口分配器0.5-5ml 1 4140 3105.00
BR144084   1 82.75 62.06


货号 品名 数量 单价(RMB) 优惠价(RMB)  到期日  
1.10001.0001 定性试纸(过氧乙酸100-500ppm)MQ 10 545.93 409.45    
1.09945.0001 0.1N氯化钠溶液 5 357.70 268.28    
1.11931.1000 胰蛋白胨 4 1061.54 796.15    
8.04533.0050 3-Hexanone for synthesis 4 1246.08 934.56 11.11.30  
1.06448.0500 优级纯二水柠檬酸三钠 1 589.18 441.88    
1.14687.0001 Crack Set 10 for the digestion of lead, cadmium, iron, copper, nic 2 1755.97 1316.98    
8.00412.1000 Chloroacetic acid for synthesis 2 464.31 348.23 09.10.31  
1.04350.0025 L-Histidine monohydrochloride monohydrate for biochemistry 2 342.86 257.14 10.10.31  
8.14353.0100 Potassium hydroxide (powder) for synthesis 2 326.37 244.78 10.4.30  
8.21943.0100 2-Ethylhexyl phosphate (mixture of monodiesters) for synthesi 2 328.68 246.51 10.6.30  
1.05789.0001 Silica gel 60 F254 25 TLC plates 5 x 10 cm 1 864.44 648.33    
1.10015.0001 定性试纸(铝10-250mg.l)MQ 1 827.33 620.50    
1.50182.7052 LichrospherRP-18 1 7288.00 5466.00    
1.00424.7060 Lichrospher RP-selectB 1 7288 5466.00    
1.50830.0001 LiChroCART?250-4 LiChrospher?Si 60 (5 祄) HPLC cartridge 1 3954.28 2965.71    
1.16982.0001 Iron Test Method: reflectometric Analytical test strips 0.5 - 20 m 1 517.79 388.34    
1.50957.0001 LiChroCART?4-4 LiChrospher?100 RP-18 (5 祄) HPLC guard column 1 420.00 315.00    
8.18892.1000 Polyethylene glycol 35000 (stabilised with 2-tert-butyl-4-methoxyp 1 645.81 484.36    
1.04936.0500 优级纯氯化钾 1 386.24 289.68    
8.08352.1000 Triethylamine for synthesis 1 394.35 295.76    
8.21093.0250 2-Methyltetrahydrofuran (stabilised with 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methy 1 651.75 488.81    
1.70333.0100 ICP汞标准溶液1000mg.l 1 1407.48 1055.61    
1.04367.2500 n-Hexane GR for analysis ACS 1 689.15 516.86    
1.06050.2500 Dichloromethane GR for analysis ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur 1 436.21 327.16    
8.01532.1000 1,4-Butanediol for synthesis 1 504.24 378.18 09.2.28  
1.07661.0500 乳糖肉汤 1 938.91 704.18    
1.06580.1000 优级纯二水磷酸氢二钠 1 687.38 515.53 09.3.31  
1.73601.0001 Colorimeter Picco COD / CSB Spectroquant 1 12500.00 9375.00    
1.05744.0001 Silica gel 60 F254, 0.5 mm 20 PLC plates 20 x 20 cm 1 3095.90 2321.93    
1.51456.0001 Hibar?RT 250-4,6 Purospher?STAR RP-18 endcapped (5 祄) HPLC ready- 1 5110.00 3832.50    
1.50357.0001 LiChroCART?250-4,6 Purospher?STAR Si (5 祄) HPLC cartridge  1/3 5301.99 3976.50    
8.06910.0100 n-Octane for synthesis 1 407.88 305.91 10.10.31  
1.05065.0050 Potassium nitrate 99,995 Suprapur 1 1085.62 814.21 11.8.31  
8.41037.0100 Decabromodiphenyl ether for synthesis 1 470.25 352.69 11.5.31  
1.09409.1000 pH10.00缓冲液 1 572.81 429.61 09.1.31  
1.02210.1000 Carbon disulfide for spectroscopy Uvasol 1 1218.75 914.06 10.6.8  
1.06564.0500 优级纯单水高氯酸钠 1 1254.73 941.05 09.10.31  
1.09879.0001 Buffer concentrate for buffer solution acc. to WEISE for 1000 ml o 1 331.69 248.76 09.1.31  
1.11116.0001 余氯和pH测试盒补充试剂(for1.11174.0001) 1 1181.90 886.43 11.11.30  
1.04169.0250 Glycine buffer substance for electrophoresis 1 367.94 275.96 10.1.31  
8.20292.0010 2,4-Dinitrobenzyl chloride for synthesis 1 889.35 667.01 09.2.28  
1.50995.0001 LiChroCART?250-4 LiChrospher?100 RP-18 endcapped (5 祄) HPLC cartr  1/3 6060.00 4545.00    
1.70223.0100 锂标液 2 336 252.00    
1.02888.1000 环已酮 1 877 657.75    
1.14434.0001 0.01 - 0.025 - 0.045 - 0.06 - 0.08 - 0.1 - 0.15 - 0.2 - 0.3 mg/l Cl2 Aquaquant 1 1812 1359.00    
1.16976.0001 Peracetic Acid Test Method: reflectometric with test strips 75 - 400 mg/l 1 568.5 426.38    
1.19897.0500 Chloride standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST NaCl in H2O 1000 mg/l 1 469 351.75    
1.01905.1000 Silica gel granules, desiccant ~ 0,2 - 1 mm 1 993 744.75    





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