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YM Instrument Co.,Ltd. 姜堰市樱明花卉园艺有限公司


"Nutra-Wand" Conductivity Meter

价 格:¥电议

型 号:RS-100A



发布日期:2009/11/2 0:00:00

更新日期:1900/1/1 0:00:00


Nutra-Wand - Conductivity Meter
The Nutra-Wand is an essential accessory to both TerraponicHydroponic growing techniques. The Nutra-Wand offers the precision measurement of the nutrient strength in your plant feed solution, enhancing your ability you to achieve maximum performance from your plants.
Provided with EC, CFPPM scales
100% waterproof
Programmed in microprocessor
Factory calibrated - No more calibration!
Flashing analogue display, easy to read!
No external switches or adjustment knobs
Automatic OnOff 
* Provided with EC, CFPPM scales
* 100% waterproof
* Programmed in microprocessor
* Factory calibrated. No more calibration
* Automatic OnOff
* Flashing analogue dispaly, easy to read
* No external switches or adjustment knobs
Model: RS-100A
Measuring Range:  4 - 44 CF
 0.4 - 4.4 EC
 280 - 3080 ppm
Resolution: 1 CF unit 0.1 EC
Accuracy: 4%
Temp: 5 - 50 Temperature C ATC

