阅读次数:1205发布时间:2009/1/16 8:58:59
- 调节阀标准汇总-三精阀门提供
标准编号 标准中文名称 标准英文名称 gb/t4213-1992 气动调节阀 pneumatic industrial process control valves gb10869-1989 电站调节阀技术条件 specification of control valves for fossil power stations jb/t7228-1994 风量调节阀 jb/t57182-1994 气动调节阀产品质量分等 jb/t57218-1994(2005复审) 气动调节阀可靠性要求与考核方法 hg/t3237-1989 橡胶机械用自力式压力调节阀 nf c46-503-1999 工业过程调节阀.第2-1部分:流量.在安装条件下液体流量的截面方程 (industrial-process control valves. part 2-1 : flow capacity. sizing equations for fluid flow under installed conditions.) nf c46-502-1993 工业过程用调节阀.第1部分:术语和概论 (industrial-process control valves. part 1 : control valve terminology and general considerations.) nf c46-506-1990 工业过程用调节阀.流量.流量的特性和校正的固有系数 (industrial-process control valves. flow capacity. inherent flow characteristics and rangeability.) nf c46-525-1991 工业过程用调节阀,调节阀门的限定栅屏 (industrial-process control valves. control valve data sheet.) nf m62-301-4-2001 密封罩用组件.第4部分:通风和气体清洁系统(如:过滤器和疏水阀)的安全和调节阀门以及控制和保护装置 (components for containment enclosures - part 4 : ventilation and gas-cleaning systems such as filters, traps, safety and regulation valves, control and protection devices.) ansi/ul 144-2001 液化石油气压力调节阀的安全标准 (standard for safety for pressure-regulating valves for lp gas) en iso 5135-1998 声学 在混响室中测定空调终端设备、空调终端单元、阻尼器和调节阀门的噪声功率级 acoustics - determination of sound power levels of noise from air-terminal devices, air-terminal units, dampers and valves by measurement in a reverberation room (iso 5135:1997) en 88/pra2-2001 入口压力200毫巴以下的燃气器具的压力调节阀 修改a2 pressure governors for gas appliances for inlet pressures up to 200 mbar; amendment pra2 pren 14129-2001 液化石油汽(lgp)罐压力调节阀 pressure relief valves for lpg tanks en 88-1991+a1-1996 入口压力200毫巴以下的燃气器具的压力调节阀 pressure governors for gas appliances for inlet pressures up to 200 mbar din v 19259-2-1999 设备文献.调节阀用带分类示意图的数据类型 (documentation of devices - standard data element types with associated classification for valves) din en 60534-6-1-1998 工业流程控制阀.第6部分:调节阀门驱动的位置调节器固定用安装细节.第1节:行程驱动上位置调节器的安装 (industrial-process control valves - part 6: mounting details for attachment of positioners to control valves - section 1: postioner mounting on linear actuators (iec 60534-6-1:1997); german version en 60534-6-1:1997) din 3163-1974 公称压力25的冷却剂循环直通调节阀 (control through valves for refrigerant circuits, nominal pressure 25 bar) din 32730-1993 取暖装置中水和蒸气用具有安全功能的调节阀.安全技术要求和检验 (valves with a safety function for water and steam in heating systems; safety requirements and testing) din 58600-2003 呼吸保护器.德国消防队用自调需氧量氧气调节阀与独立开路压缩空气呼吸器面罩之间的插塞连接 (respiratory protective devices - plug-in connection between lung governed demand valve and facepiece for self-contained open-circuit compressed air breathing apparatus for use by german fire brigade) ul 144-1999 液化石油气调节阀 (lp-gas regulators ) ul 17-1994 燃油设备用通风孔或烟囱连接器调节阀门 (vent or chimney connector dampers for oil-fired appliances ) jis b8387-2000 液压动力.四孔调节阀门和四孔方向控制阀门.02,03,05尺寸.夹持尺寸 (hydraulic fluid power -- four-port modular stack valves and four-port directional control valves, sizes 02, 03 and 05 -- clamping dimensions) ieee 1189-1996 固定设备用调节阀铅酸(vrla)蓄电池的选择指南 (guide for se-lection of valve-regulated lead-acid (vrla) batteries for stationary applications)