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阅读次数:1388发布时间:2009/1/16 8:57:59

  • 止回阀标准汇总-三精阀门提供

    标准编号 标准中文名称 标准英文名称
    sy/t5215-87  钻具止回阀  
    gb/t12235-1989  通用阀门法兰连接钢制截止阀和升降式止回阀 general purpose industrial valves—flanged steel globe valves and lift check valves
    gb/t1241-1983  船用外螺纹锻钢截止止回阀 marine forged steel male thread stop and check valves
    gb/t12233-1989  通用阀门铁制截止阀与升降式止回阀 general purpose industrial valves—casting iron globe valves and lift check valves
    gb/t12236-1989  通用阀门钢制旋启式止回阀 general purpose industrial valves—steel swing check valves
    gb/t13932-1992  通用阀门铁制旋启式止回阀 general purpose industrial valves--cast iron swing check valves
    gb/t18691-2002  农业灌溉设备止回阀 agricultural irrigation equipment--check valves
    gb/t1952-1980  船用低压外螺纹青铜止回阀 low bressure bronze male screw-thread check valve for marine use
    gb/t597-1983  船用外螺纹青铜止回阀 marine bronze male thread lift check valves
    gb/t592-1993  船用法兰铸铁止回阀 marine cast iron flanged lift check valves
    gb/t591-1993  船用法兰铸铁截止止回阀 marine cast iron flanged stop check valves
    gb/t586-1999  船用法兰铸钢止回阀 marine cast steel flanged check valves
    gb/t588-1993  船用法兰青铜截止止回阀 marine bronze flanged stop check valves
    gb/t589-1993  船用法兰青铜止回阀 marine bronze flanged check valves
    gb/t596-1983  船用外螺纹青铜截止止回阀 marine bronze male thread stop and check valves
    gb/t585-1999  船用法兰铸钢截止止回阀 marine cast steel flanged stop check valves
    gb/t1953-1984  船用低压外螺纹青铜截止止回阀 marine low pressure bronze male threaded stop check valves
    jb/t8937-1999  对夹式止回阀  
    jb/t1736-1991(2005复审)  旋启式止回阀阀瓣密封圈  
    jb/t1737-1991(2005复审)  旋启式止回阀阀瓣密封圈压板  
    jb/t53036-1999  止回阀 产品质量分等  
    nf e29-350-2003  工业用阀.钢制球阀、球状截止阀和止回阀 (industrial valves - steel globe and globe stop and check valves.)
    nf e29-316-3-2000  供水用阀门.适用性要求和专用检查试验.第3部分:止回阀 (valves for water supply - fitness for purpose requirements and appropriate verification tests - part 3 : check valves.)
    nf p43-017-1989  建筑物水管阀门.带法兰可调ea止回阀.一般技术规范 (valves and taps for water supply in buldings. controllable check valves ea,with flanges. general technical specifications.)
    nf e29-373-1984  工业阀门.止回阀.钢制,单摇板式,带法兰盘,iso标准压力16,20,25,40,50,100 (industrial valves. flanged steel swing check valves. iso pn a6, iso pn 20, iso pn 25, iso pn 40, iso pn 50, iso pn 100.)

    nf p43-007-1985  建筑物水管阀门.a级控制非止回阀.一般技术规范 (valves and taps for water supply in buildings. controllable check valves class a. general technical specifications.)
    nf s62-143-2001  固定的消防系统.气体灭火系统用元件.第13部分:止回阀的要求和试验方法 (fixed firefighting systems - components for gas extinguishing systems - part 13 : requirements and test methods for check valves and non-return valves.)
    nf e29-335-2003  石油和天然气工业用尺寸为dn 100及更小的钢闸阀、球阀和止回阀 (steel gate, globe and check valves for sizes dn 100 and smaller, for the petroleum and natural gas industries.)
    nf e29-372-2001  工业阀门.铸铁止回阀 (industrial valves - cast iron check valves.)
    nf e48-423-2001  液压传动.减压阀、顺序阀、卸载阀、节流阀和止回阀.装配面 (hydraulic fluid power - pressure-reducing valves, sequence valves, unloading valves, throttle valves and check valves - mounting surfaces.)
    ansi/asse 1024-1998  双重止回阀型防回流装置 (dual check valve type backflow preventers)
    ansi/fci 74-1-1990  弹簧加载升降隔膜止回阀 (valves, spring loaded lift disc check)
    ansi/awwa c 508-2001  2in(50mm)-24in(600mm)nps水厂设备用摆动止回阀 (swing-check valves for waterworks service, 2 in (50 mm) through 24 in (600 mm) nps)
    ansi/ul 312-1996  消防装置的止回阀 (check valves for fire-protection service)
    bs en 13709-2003  工业用阀.钢制球阀、球状截止阀和止回阀 (industrial valves - steel globe and globe stop and check valves)
    bs en iso 15761-2003  石油和天然气工业用尺寸为dn 100及更小的钢闸阀、球阀和止回阀 (steel gate, globe and check valves for sizes dn 100 and smaller, for the petroleum and natural gas industries)
    bs en 12050-4-2001  建筑物和工地用废水提升设备.制造和试验原理.不含粪便和含有粪便的废水用止回阀 (wastewater lifting plants for buildings and sites - principles of construction and testing - non-return valves for faecal-free wastewater and wastewater containing faecal matter)
    bs iso 5781-2000  液压传动.减压阀、顺序阀、卸荷阀、节流阀和止回阀.安装面 (hydraulic fluid power - pressure reducing valves, sequence valves, unloading valves, throttle valves and check valves - mounting surfaces)
    bs en 1074-3-2000  供水用阀门.目的要求和适当验收试验的合理性.止回阀 (valves for water supply - fitness for purpose requirements and appropriate verification tests - check valves)
    en 12334-2001  工业阀门 铸铁止回阀  industrial valves - cast iron check valves
    pren 13327-1998  工业阀门 热塑性材料止回阀 industrial valves - check valves of thermoplastics materials
    en 13709-2002  工业阀门 钢球和球止回阀 industrial valves - steel globe and globe stop and check valves
    en 12094-13-2001+ac-2002  固定式消防系统 气体灭火系统的部件 第13部分:对止回阀和非回流阀的要求及试验方法 fixed firefighting systems - components for gas extinguishing systems - part 13: requirements and test methods for check valves and non-return valves
    bs 7438-1991  弹簧加载型钢和铜合金单盘压片止回阀规范 (specification for steel and copper alloy wafer check valves, single-disk, spring-loaded type)
    din 5594-1994  有轨车辆用压缩空气装置.双止回阀.安装和连接尺寸 (compressed air equipment for rail vehicles - double check valves - installation and companion dimensions)
    din 86261-1998  造船用炮铜制可闭锁带法兰dn15至500的止回阀 (non return valves for shipboard use, cutt off type, of gun metall, with flanges, dn 15 to 500)
    din 86252-1998  造船用铸铁制可闭锁带法兰dn15至500的止回阀 (non return valves for shipboard use, cutt off type, of cast iron, with flanges, dn 15 to 500)
    din 85003-5-1997  造船用管件的交货技术条件.第5部分:截止止回阀 (technical specifications for valves for shipboard use - part 5: cutt off type non return valves)
    din 5593-1994  有轨车辆用压缩空气装置.止回阀.安装和连接尺寸 (compressed air equipment for rail vehicles - check valves - installation and companion dimensions)
    din 3269-2-1988  地段和建筑物内饮水装置用管件.止回阀pn10.检验 (valves for domestic drinking water installations; check valves pn 10; tests)
    din 3269-1-1988  地段和建筑物内饮水装置用管件.止回阀pn10.要求 (valves for domestic drinking water installations; check valves pn 10; requirements)
    din 87101-1975  垂直型.公称宽度50-150.公称压力1.自闭式止回阀.符合公称压力的法兰连接 (non-return flaps (storm valves), self-closing, vertical type, nominal diameter 50 up to 150, nominal pressure 1; mating dimensions for flanges according to nominal pressure 10)
    din 3441-5-1984  非增塑聚氯乙烯管件.压紧止回阀pn6和pn10.尺寸 (unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (pvc-u) valves; pn 6 and pn 10 wafer type butterfly valves; dimensions)
    din 87104-1975  din87101止回阀用阀插入件 (flap in-serts for non-return flaps in accordance with din 87101)
    din 3247-1985  无止回阀.带法兰的吸滤器 (flanged suction strainers without non-return valve)
    din 87106-1975  din87101止回阀用定位装置 (locking devices for non-return flaps in accordance with din 87101)
    din 3259-1985  带止回阀的法兰吸滤器(脚阀) (flanged suction strainers with non-return valve)
    din 477-4-1982  气瓶阀.轻便储气瓶颈的止回阀 (compressed gas cylinder valves; swing check valves for camping-cylinders)
    din 3538-1986  煤气装置管件.止回阀.内螺纹接头 (valves for gas installations; butterfly valves; female threaded ends)
    din 3248-1985  无止回阀.带内螺纹连接的吸滤器 (threaded suction strainers without non-return valve)
    din 3249-1985  带止回阀.内螺纹连接的吸滤器(脚阀) (threaded suction strainers with non-return valve)
    din en 1074-3-2000  供水用阀门.适用性要求和专用检查试验.第3部分:止回阀 (valves for water supply - fitness for purpose requirements and appropriate verification tests - part 3: check valves; german version en 1074-3:2000)
    din 74280-1998  空气制动系统.止回阀 (air braking systems - check valve)
    din en 13709-2003  工业用阀.钢制球阀、球状截止阀和止回阀 (industrial valves - steel globe and globe stop and check valves; german version en 13709:2002)
    din 3845-1981  暖气管件.带套管接头的铜合金制pn16止回阀.尺寸.材料 (valves for heating installations - copper alloy check valves pn 16 with screwed sockets - dimensions, materials)
    din en 12094-13-2001  固定式消防系统.气体灭火系统用元件.第13部分:止回阀和非止回阀的要求和试验方法 (fixed firefighting systems - components for gas extinguishing systems - part 13: requirements and test methods for check valves and non-return valves; german version en 12094-13:2001)
    din 86066-2002  止回阀用铸钢焊入式弯头.dn50至150,pn10的法兰接合 (cast steel welding elbows for storm valves - dn 50 to 150, connecting dimensions according to pn 10)
    din 58362-7-2002  输液.输液器和附件.第7部分:止回阀 (infusion - infusion equipment and accessories - part 7: check valves)
    din en iso 15761-2003  石油和天然气工业用规格为dn100及更小的钢闸阀、球阀和止回阀 (steel gate, glob and check valves for sizes dn 100 and smaller, for the petroleum and natural gas industries (iso 15761:2002); german version en iso 15761:2002 (german and english text))
    din 87107-1975  din87101止回阀用扁垫圈 (gaskets for non-return flaps in accordance with din 87101)
    din 87103-1975  din87101止回阀的罩盖 (covers for non-return flaps in accordance with din 87101)
    din 87102-1975  din87101止回阀的外壳 (casings for non-return flaps in accordance with din 87101)
    din 87105-1975  din87101止回阀用带凸肩的闭锁螺钉 (screw plugs with cylindrical extension for non-return flaps in accordance with din 87101)
    dl/t923-2005  火力发电用止回阀技术条件  
    gb/t1855-1993  船用法兰铸铁单排吸入截止止回阀箱 marine flanged cast iron single arrangement suctio stop check box valve

    gb/t1853-1994  船用法兰铸钢舷侧截止止回阀 marine flanged cast steel over board stop check valve
    ul 1469-1995  回流专用止回阀的阀身强度和液压损失率检验  (strength of body and hydraulic pressure loss testing of backflow special check valves )
    jis f7372-1996  造船.铸铁5k回转式止回阀 (shipbuilding -- cast iron 5k swing check valves)
    jis f3058-1996  铸钢立式波浪止回阀 (cast steel vertical storm valves)
    jis f7356-1996  造船.青铜5k升降止回阀 (shipbuilding -- bronze 5k lift check valves)
    jis f7373-1996  造船.铸铁10k回转式止回阀 (shipbuilding -- cast iron 10k swing check valves)
    jis f7371-1996  造船.青铜5k回转止回阀 (shipbuilding -- bronze 5k swing check valves)
    jis f7495-2000  造船.球墨铸铁10k旋压止回阀 (shipbuilding -- spheroidal graphite iron (ductile iron) 10k screw-down check globe valves)
    jis f3060-1996  铸钢旋压立式波浪止回阀 (cast steel screwdown vertical storm valves)
    jis b8664-2001  液压动力.压力控制阀(不包括减压阀)、顺序活门、释荷阀、节流阀和止回阀.安装表面 (hydraulic fluid power -- pressure-control valves (excluding pressure-relief valves), sequence valves, unloading valves, throttle valves and check valves -- mounting surfaces)
    iso 9952-1993  农业灌溉设备.止回阀 (agricultural irrigation equipment; check valves)
    iso 15761-2002  石油和天然气工业用尺寸为dn 100及更小的钢闸阀、球阀和止回阀 (steel gate, globe and check valves for sizes dn 100 and smaller, for the petroleum and natural gas industries)
    iso 15500-3-2001  道路车辆.压缩天然气(cng)燃料系统元部件.第3部分:止回阀 (road vehicles - compressed natural gas (cng) fuel system components - part 3: check valve)
    iso 5781-2000  液压传动.减压阀、顺序阀、卸荷阀、节流阀和止回阀.装配面 (hydraulic fluid power - pressure-reducing valves, sequence valves, unloading valves, throttle valves and check valves - mounting surfaces)
    sy/t5215-2005  钻具止回阀





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