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阅读次数:1194发布时间:2009/1/16 8:58:00

  • 疏水阀标准汇总-三精阀门提供

    标准编号 标准中文名称 标准英文名称
    GB/T12248-1989  蒸汽疏水阀术语 Automatic steam traps—Definition of technical terms
    GB/T12247-1989  蒸汽疏水阀分类 Automatic steam traps—Classification
    GB/T12249-1989  蒸汽疏水阀标志 Automatic steam traps—Marking
    GB/T12712-1991  蒸汽供热系统凝结水回收及蒸汽疏水阀技术管理要求 The requirements for supervision of recovery of conde nsate from steam heating system and technique of auto matic steam traps
    JB/T53169-1994  蒸汽疏水阀 产品质量分等  
    JB/T9093-1999  蒸汽疏水阀技术条件  
    NF M62-301-4-2001  密封罩用组件.第4部分:通风和气体清洁系统(如:过滤器和疏水阀)的安全和调节阀门以及控制和保护装置 (Components for containment enclosures - Part 4 : ventilation and gas-cleaning systems such as filters, traps, safety and regulation valves, control and protection devices.)
    ANSI/FCI 85-1-1989  疏水阀产品测试 (Production Testing of Steam Traps)
    ANSI/FCI 87-1-1994  疏水阀的分类和操作原理 (Classification and Operating Principles of Steam Traps)
    ANSI/FCI 69-1-1989  疏水阀的压力额定值标准 (Pressure Rating Standard for Steam Traps)
    ASTM F 1139-1988  蒸汽疏水阀和排水管 (Standard Specification for Steam Traps and Drains)
    EN 26553-1991  自动蒸汽疏水阀 标志 Automatic steam traps-Marking (ISO 6553:1980)
    EN 26554-1991  法兰连接自动蒸汽疏水阀 结构长度 Flanged automatic steam traps-Face-to-face dimensions (ISO 6554:1980)
    EN 26704-1991  自动蒸汽疏水阀 分类 Automatic steam traps-Classification (ISO 6704:1982)
    EN 26948-1991  自动蒸气疏水阀 产品试验和工作特性试验 Automatic steam traps-Production and performance characteristic tests (ISO 6948:1981)
    EN 27841-1991  自动蒸汽疏水阀门 漏气量的测定 Automatic steam traps-Determination of steam loss- Test methods (ISO 7841:1988)
    EN 27842-1991  自动蒸汽疏水阀门 排水量的测定 Automatic steam traps- Determination of discharge capacity- Test methods (ISO 7842:1988)
    BS 6023-1980  自动疏水阀的技术术语词汇 (Glossary of technical terms for automatic steam traps)
    DIN 3548-1-1993  带法兰和疏水阀 (Flanged steam traps)
    DIN ISO 6553-1981  自动疏水阀.标志 (Automatic steam traps; marking)
    DIN EN 26704-1991  自动疏水阀.分类 (Automatic steam traps; classification (ISO 6704:1982); german version EN 26704:1991)
    DIN EN 27841-1991  自动疏水阀.蒸汽漏失测定.检验方法.(ISO7841-88) (Automatic steam traps; determination of steam loss; test methods (ISO 7841:1988); german version EN 27841:1991)
    DIN EN 27842-1991  自动疏水阀.流量测定.试验方法.(ISO7842-88) (Automatic steam traps; determination of discharge capacity; test methods (ISO 7842:1988); german version EN 27842:1991)
    DIN EN 26554-1991  法兰连接的疏水阀.结构长度(ISO6554-80) (Flanged automatic steam traps; face-to-face dimensions (ISO 6554:1980); german version EN 26554:1991)
    DIN EN 26948-1991  自动疏水阀.生产检验和性能特征检验.(ISO6948-81) (Automatic steam traps; production and performance characteristic tests (ISO 6948:1981); german version EN 26948:1991)

    JIS B8402-1993  采暖用散热器疏水阀 (RADIATOR TRAPS)
    JIS B8401-1999  自动疏水阀 (Automatic steam traps)
    ISO 7841-1988  自动疏水阀.蒸汽漏失的测定.试验方法 (Automatic steam traps; determination of steam loss; test methods)
    ISO 11933-4-2001  密封罩用组件.第4部分:通风和气体清洁系统(如,过滤器和疏水阀)的安全和规定.阀门、控制和保护装置 (Components for containment enclosures - Part 4: Ventilation and gas-cleaning systems such as filters, traps, safety and regulation valves, control and protection devices)
    ISO 7842-1988  自动疏水阀.流量测定.试验方法 (Automatic steam traps; determination of discharge capacity; test methods)
    ISO 6553-1980  自动疏水阀.作标记 (Automatic steam traps; Marking)
    ISO 6948-1981  自动疏水阀.生产和性能特征试验 (Automatic steam traps; Production and performance characteristic tests)
    ISO 6704-1982  自动疏水阀.分类 (Automatic steam traps; Classification)
    ISO 6552-1980  自动疏水阀.术语定义 (Automatic steam traps; Definition of technical terms)
    ISO 6554-1980  法兰式自动疏水阀.两端面间尺寸 (Flanged automatic steam traps; Face-to-face dimensions)
    GB/T12250-2005  蒸汽疏水阀 术语、标志、结构长度  
    GB/T12251-2005  蒸汽疏水阀 试验方法





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