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阅读次数:1377发布时间:2009/1/16 8:59:00

  • 控制阀标准汇总-三精阀门提供

    标准编号 标准中文名称 标准英文名称
    GB/T13852-1992  船用液压控制阀技术条件 General specification of hydraulic control valves for ship
    GB/T17490-1998  液压控制阀油口、底板、控制装置和电磁铁的标识 Hydraulic fluid power--Identification of valve ports,subplates,control devices and solenoids
    GB/T15623.1-2003  液压传动 电调制液压控制阀 第1部分:四通方向流量控制阀试验方法 Hydraulic fluid power-Electrically modulated hydraulic control valves-Part 1:Test methods for four-way directional flow control valves
    GB/T15623.2-2003  液压传动 电调制液压控制阀 第2部分:三通方向流量控制阀试验方法 Hydraulic fluid power-Electrically modulated hydraulic control valves-Part 2:Test methods for three-way directional flow control valves
    GB/T17213.7-1998  工业过程控制阀第7部分: 控制阀数据单 Industrial-process control valves Part 7: Control valve data sheet
    GB/T17213.8-1998  工业过程控制阀第8部分: 噪声的考虑第1节: 实验室内测量空气动力流流径控制阀产生的噪声 Industrial-process control valves Part 8: Noise considerations Section 1: Laboratory measurement of noise generated by aerodynamic flow through control valves
    GB/T17213.1-1998  工业过程控制阀第1部分: 控制阀术语和总则 Industrial--Process control valves Part 1: Control valve terminology and general considerations
    GB/T17213.5-1998  工业过程控制阀第5部分: 标志 Industrial-process control valves Part 5: Marking
    GB/T2514-1993  四油口板式液压方向控制阀安装面 Hydraulic fluid power--Four-port directional control valves--Mounting surfaces
    GB/T8104-1987  流量控制阀试验方法 Hydraulic fluid power--Valves--Testing method of flow control valves
    GB/T7940.3-2001  气动五气口方向控制阀第三部分: 功能识别编码体系 Pneumatic fluid power--Five-port directional control valves--Part 3: Code system for communication of valve functions
    GB/T8106-1987  方向控制阀试验方法 Hydraulic fluid power--Valves--Testing method of directional control valves
    GB/T7940.2-2001  气动五气口方向控制阀第二部分带电气接头的安装面 Pneumatic fluid power--Five-port directional control valves--Part 2: Mounting interface surfaces with optional elettrical connector
    GB/T8105-1987  压力控制阀试验方法 Hydraulic fluid power--Valves--Testing method of pressure control valves
    GB/T7940.1-2001  气动五气口方向控制阀部分: 不带电气接头的安装面 Pneumatic fluid power--Five-port directional control valves--Part 1: Mounting interface surfaces without electrical connector
    GB/T8100-1987  板式联接液压压力控制阀(不包括溢流阀)顺序阀、卸荷阀、节流阀和单向阀安装面 Hydraulic fluid power--Pressure control valves (excluding pressure relief valves ), sequence valves, unloading valves, throttle valves and check valves--Mounting surfaces
    GB/T8098-2003  液压传动带补偿的流量控制阀安装面 Hydraulic fluid power--Compensated flow control valves--Mounting surfaces
    JB/T7387-1994(2005复审)  工业过程控制系统用电动控制阀  
    NF C46-520-1993  工业过程控制阀.第8部分:噪声问题.第2节:通过控制阀的液压流动产生的噪声的实验室测量 (Industrial-process control valves. Part 8 : noise considerations. Section 2 : laboratory measurement of noise generated by hydrodynamic flow through control valves.)
    NF C46-522-1994  工业处理控制阀.第8部分:噪声条款.第4节:液压流动产生的噪声预定(EN 534-8-4) (Industrial-process control valves. Part 8 : noise considerations. Section 4 : prediction of noise generated by hydrodynamic flow.)
    NF E49-080-1-2002  气压液动.五通定向控制阀.第1部分:不带电连接器的安装接口 (Pneumatic fluid power - Five-port directional control valves - Part 1 : mounting interfaces without electrical connector.)
    NF E49-080-2-2002  气压液动.五通方向控制阀.第2部分:任选电气连接器的安装接口面 (Pneumatic fluid power - Five-port directional control valves - Part 2 : mounting interface surfaces with optional electrical connector.)
    NF C46-505-1998  绝缘过程控制阀.第2-3部分:流量容量.试验过程 (Industrial-process control valves. Part 2-3 : flow capacity. Test procedures.)
    NF C46-630-1998  工业过程控制阀.第6部分:控制阀与定位器连接用安装细节.第1节:线性传动装置上安装的定位器 (Industrial-process control valves. Part 6 : mounting details for attachment of positioners to control valves. Section 1 : positioner mounting on linear actuators.)
    NF E29-453-2000  工业过程控制阀门 (Industrial process control valves.)
    NF E29-316-5-2001  供水用阀门.适用性要求和专用检查试验.第5部分:控制阀门 (Valves for water supply - Fitness for purpose requirements and appropriate verification tests - Part 5 : control valves.)
    NF C46-521-2001  工业过程控制阀.第8部分:噪声问题.第3节:气动控制阀噪声预测法 (Industrial-process control valves - Part 8-3 : noise considerations - Control valves aerodynamic noise prediction method.)
    NF E48-435-1998  液压传动.尺寸02、03和05的四端口模式排气阀和四端口方向控制阀.夹紧尺寸 (Hydraulic fluid power. Four-port modular stack valves and four-port directional control valves, sizes 02, 03 and 05. Clamping dimensions.)
    NF C46-519-2001  工业过程控制阀.第8部分:噪声考虑.第1节:实验室测量气动流经控制阀产生的噪声 (Industrial-process control valves - Part 8 : noise considerations - Section 1 : laboratory measurement of noise generated by aerodynamic flow through control valves.)
    NF C46-531-2001  工业过程控制阀.第6-2部分:定位器装到控制阀的安装细则.旋转传动装置上安装的定位器 (Industrial-process control valves - Part 6-2 : mounting details for attachment of positioners to control valves - Positioner mounting on rotary actuators.)
    NF E49-091-2002  气压传动.控制阀和其它部件的孔口和控制机械的验证 (Pneumatic fluid power - Identification of ports and control mechanisms of control valves and other components.)
    XP E29-140-1999  使用气体燃料的家用装置的控制阀.安全控制阀(带有集中自动密闭器的) (Control cocks for household appliances using gaseous fuels - Safety cocks (with integrated automatic obturator).)
    NF C46-510-2001  工业过程控制阀.第3-1部分:尺寸.双通球型直立式控制法兰阀门的面对面尺寸和双通球型角度控制法兰阀门的中心 (Industrial-process control valves - Part 3-1 : dimensions - Face-to-face dimensions for flanged, two-way, globe-type, straight pattern and centre-to-face dimensions for flanged, two-way, globe-type, a)
    NF C46-511-2001  工业过程控制阀.第3-2部分:尺寸.蝶阀除外的旋转控制阀门的面对面尺寸 (Industrial-process control valves - Part 3-2 : dimensions - Face-to-face dimensions for rotary control valves except butterfly valves.)
    NF E49-090-2-2003  气压传动.18mm和26mm五气口方向控制阀.第2部分:带光学电接头的安装面 (Pneumatic fluid power - Five-port directional control valves, sizes 18 mm and 26 mm - Part 2 : mounting interfaces with optional electrical connector.)
    NF C46-512-1999  工业处理控制阀.第3-3部分:尺寸.对焊接的头尾相接尺寸.两接头球型直接式控制阀(欧洲标准EN 60534-3-3) (Industrial-process control valves. Part 3-3 : dimensions. End-to-end dimensions for buttweld, two-way, globe-type, straight pattern control valves.)
    ANSI/IEEE 1290-1996  核发电站电动控制阀门马达应用、防护、控制和试验指南 (Guide for MOV (Motor-Operated Valve) Motor Application, Protection, Control, and Testing in Nuclear Power Generating Stations)
    ANSI/FCI 87-2-1990  弹簧模板驱动控制阀动力信号标准 (Power Signal Standard for Spring-Diaphragm Actuated Control Valves)
    ANSI/ISA 75.08.02-2003  无凸缘的控制阀端面间的尺寸(级别150、300和600)  (Face-to-Face Dimensions for Flangeless Control Valves (Classes 150, 300, and 600) )
    ANSI/ISA S 75.08.03-2001  承插焊接端头和螺旋端头球状控制阀的面到面尺寸 (Face-to-Face Dimensions for Socket Weld-End and Screwed-End Globe-Style Control Valves (ANSI Classes 150, 300, 600, 900, 1500, and 2500))
    ANSI/ISA 75.08.06-2002  带凸缘的球型控制阀体的面对面尺寸(类型900、1500和2500)  (Face-to-Face Dimensions for Flanged Globe-Style Control Valve Bodies (Classes 900, 1500, and 2500) )
    ANSI/ISA 75.08.05-2002  端头对焊球型控制阀的面对面尺寸(类型150、300、600、900、1500和2500)  (Face-to-Face Dimensions for Buttweld-End Globe-Style Control Valves (Classes 150, 300, 600, 900, 1500, and 2500) )
    ANSI/ISA 75.01.01-2002  尺寸控制阀用流量方程式  (Flow Equations for Sizing Control Valves )
    ANSI/ISA 75.08.01-2002  整体式带凸缘的球型控制阀体的面对面尺寸(类型125、150、250、300和600)  (Face-to-Face Dimensions for Integral Flanged Globe-Style Control Valve Bodies (Classes 125, 150, 250, 300, and 600) )
    ANSI/ISA S 75.19.01-2001  控制阀的静水试验 (Hydrostatic Testing of Control Valves)
    ANSI/ISA S 75.08.04-2001  对焊端头球状控制阀的面到面尺寸 (Face-to-Face Dimensions for Buttweld-End Globe-Style Control Valves)
    ANSI/ISA S 75.08.07-2001  独立法兰球状控制阀的面到面尺寸 (Face-to-Face Dimensions for Separable Flanged Globe-Style Control Valves (Classes 150, 300, and 600))
    ANSI/(NFPA) T 3.5.14 R1-1997  液力传动.直接控制阀门.分界特性的测定方法 (Hydraulic Fluid Power - Directional Control Valve - Method for Determining the Metering Characteristics)
    ANSI/(NFPA) T 3.21.8-1990  气压液动.反应时间的测量.直接控制阀门 (Pneumatic Fluid Power - Measurement of Response Time - Directional Control Valves)
    ANSI/ISA S 75.15-1993  对焊端球状控制阀的面对面尺寸(ANSI等级150、300、600、900、1500、2500) (Face-to-Face Dimensions for Buttweld-End Globe-Style Control Valves (ANSI Classes 150, 300, 600, 900, 1500, and 2500))
    ANSI/FCI 91-1-1997  控制阀门密封的质量标准 (Standard for Qualification of Control Valve Stem Seals)
    ANSI/UL 753-1996  消防装置用自动供水控制阀的警报附件 (Alarm Accessories for Automatic Water-Supply Control Valves for Fire-Protection Service)
    BS EN 60534-2-5-2003  工业过程控制阀.流通能力.通过有段间恢复功能的多段控制阀的流体流量的校准公式 (Industrial-process control valves - Flow capacity - Sizing equations for fluid flow through multistage control valves with interstage recovery)
    ASTM F 1985-1999  气力操作的球形控制阀标准规范 (Standard Specification for Pneumatic-Operated, Globe-Syle, Control Valves)
    BS EN 60534-3-2-2001  工业过程控制阀.尺寸.蝶形阀除外的转式控制阀的端面距 (Industrial-process control valves - Dimensions - Face-to-face dimensions for rotary control valves except butterfly valves)
    BS ISO 15407-2-2003  气压传动.五气口方向控制阀,规格18mm和26mm.有任选电接头的安装接口 (Pneumatic fluid power - Five-port directional control valves, sizes 18 mm and 26 mm - Mounting interface surfaces with optional electrical connector)
    BS ISO 12238-2001  气压液动.方向控制阀门.转换时间的测量 (Pneumatic fluid power - Directional control valves - Measurement of shifting time)
    BS ISO 5599-1-2001  气压液动.五通方向控制阀.不带电连接器的安装接口表面 (Pneumatic fluid power - Five-port directional control valves - Mounting interface surfaces without electrical connector)
    BS ISO 5599-2-2001  气压液动.五通方向控制阀.任选电气连接器的安装接口面 (Pneumatic fluid power - Five-port directional control valves - Mounting interface surfaces with optional electrical connector)
    BS EN 60534-6-2-2001  工业过程控制阀.定位器装到控制阀的安装细则.旋转传动装置上安装的定位器 (Industrial-process control valves - Mounting details for attachment of positioners to control valves - Positioner mounting on rotary actuators)
    BS EN 1074-5-2001  供水阀门.适用性和专用要求的试验.控制阀门 (Valves for water supply - Fitness for purpose requirements and appropriate verification tests - Control valves)
    BS EN 60534-8-3-2000  工业流程控制阀.噪声问题.控制阀的空气动力噪声预报法 (Industrial-process control valves - Noise considerations - Control valve aerodynamic noise prediction method)
    BS EN 60534-2-3-1998  工业过程控制阀.流量.试验程序 (Industrial-process control valves - Flow capacity - Test procedures)
    BS EN 60534-8-1-2001  工业过程控制阀.噪声问题.通过控制阀的动力噪声的实验室测量 (Industrial-process control valves - Noise considerations - Laboratory measurement of noise generated by aerodynamic flow through control valves)
    BS EN 60534-3-1-2000  工业过程控制阀.尺寸.带法兰的两路、球型、直立式控制阀门的面对面尺寸和带法兰的两路、球型、角度控制阀门 (Industrial-process control valves - Dimensions - Face-to-face dimensions for flanged, two-way, globe-type, straight pattern and centre-to-face dimensions for flanged, two-way, globe-type, angle patter)
    BS EN 1349-2000  工业处理控制阀门 (Industrial process control valves)
    BS ISO 15407-1-2000  18mm和26mm五气口气动方向控制阀.无电插头的安装界面 (Pneumatic fluid power - Five-port directional control valves, sizes 18 mm and 26 mm - Mounting interface surfaces without electrical connector)
    BS ISO 11727-1999  气动流体力学.控制阀和其它元件的控制机械装置和气门的识别 (Pneumatic fluid power - Identification of ports and control mechanisms of control valves and other components)
    BS EN 60534-3-3-1998  工业过程控制阀.尺寸.对接焊接,两向,球型,垂直模式控制阀的末端对末端尺寸 (Industrial-process control valves - Dimensions - End-to-end dimensions for buttweld, two-way, globe-type, straight pattern control valves)
    BS EN 60534-2-1-1999  工业过程控制阀 .流容.安装条件下液流规模方程 (Industrial-process control valves - Flow capacity - Flow capacity - Sizing equations for fluid flow under installed conditions)
    BS ISO 6263-1997  液压传动.补偿式流量控制阀.装配面 (Hydraulic fluid power - Compensated flow-control valves - Mounting surfaces)
    BS ISO 10770-2-1998  液压传动.电模式液压控制阀.第2部分:三向流动控制阀的试验方法 (Hydraulic fluid power - Electrically modulated hydraulic control valves - Test methods for three-way directional flow control valves)
    BS ISO 10770-1-1998  液压传动.电模式液压控制阀.第1部分:四向流动控制阀的试验方法 (Hydraulic fluid power - Electrically modulated hydraulic control valves - Test methods for four-way directional flow control valves)
    BS EN 60534-6-1-1998  工业过程控制阀 .控制阀调节器连接用安装元件.直线传动装置上调节器的安装 (Industrial-process control valves - Mounting details for attachment of positioners to control valves - Positioner mounting on linear actuators)
    BS ISO 7790-1998  液压传动.规格为03和05型的四油口标准设计叠阀和四油口定向控制阀.紧固尺寸 (Hydraulic fluid power - Four-port modular stack valves and four-port directional control valves, sizes 02, 03 and 05 - Clamping dimensions)
    EN 60534-8-1-2000  工业过程控制阀 第8部分:噪声的考虑 第1节:气动流流径控制阀产生的噪声的实验室测量 Industrial-process control valves - Part 8: Noise consideration; Section 1: Laboratory measurement of noise generated by hydrodynamic aerodynamic flow through control valves (IEC 60534-8-1:1986)
    EN 60534-8-4-1994  工业过程控制阀 第8部分:噪声问题 第4节:流动产生的噪声的预测 Industrial-process control valves - Part 8: Noise considerations - Section 4: Prediction of noise generated by hydrodynamic flow (IEC 60534-8-4:1994)
    EN 60534-8-3-2000  工业流程控制阀 .第8-3部分 噪声问题 通过控制阀的动力噪声预测法 Industrial-process control valves - Part 8-3: Noise considerations; Control valve aerodynamic noise prediction method (IEC 60534-8-3:2000)
    EN 1074-5-2001  供水阀门 目的要求的适应性和合适的认证试验 第5部分:控制阀门 Valves for water supply - Fitness for purpose requirements and appropriate verification tests - Part 5: Control valves
    EN 60534-3-1-2000  工业过程控制阀 第3-1部分:尺寸 法兰双通球形直型控制阀的端面间距尺寸和有法兰双通球型角型控制阀的 Industrial-process control valves - Part 3-1: Dimensions - Face-to-face dimensions for flanged, two-way, globe-type, straight pattern and centre-to-face dimensions for flanged, two-way, globe-type, angle pattern control valves (IEC 60534-3-1:2000)
    EN 60534-2-1-1998  工业过程控制阀 第2-1部分:流通能力 安装条件下流体流量的校准公式 Industrial-process control valves - Part 2-1: Flow capacity - Sizing equations for fluid flow under installed conditions (IEC 60534-2-1:1998)
    EN 60534-1-1993  工业过程控制阀 第1部分 控制阀术语和一般考虑 Industrial-process control valves - Part 1: Control valve terminology and general considerations (IEC 60534-1:1987)
    EN 60534-3-2-2001  工业过程控制阀 第3部分:尺寸 第2节:无法兰控制阀(薄型蝶阀除外)的端面间距尺寸 Industrial-process control valves - Part 3-2: Dimensions - Face-to-face dimensions for rotary control valves except butterfly valves (IEC 60534-3-2:2001)
    EN 60534-3-3-1998  工业过程控制阀 第三部分:尺寸 对接焊接 两向 球型 垂直模式控制阀的末端对末端尺寸 Industrial-process control valves - Part 3-3: Dimensions - End-to-end dimensions for buttweld, two-way, globe-type, straight pattern control valves (IEC 60534-3-3:1998)
    EN 60534-6-1-1997  工业过程控制阀 第6-1部分:定位器联到控制阀执行机构的安装细则 第1节:直线传动装置上调节器的安装 Industrial-process control valves - Part 6: Mounting details for attachment of positioners to control valves - Section 1: Positioner mounting on linear actuators (IEC 60534-6-1:1997)
    EN 60534-6-2-2001  工业过程控制阀 第6-2部分:定位器联到控制阀执行机构的安装细则 环形执行机构定位器 Industrial-process control valves - Part 6-2: Mounting details for attachment of positioners to control valves; Positioner mounting on rotary actuators (IEC 60534-6-2:2000)
    EN 60534-8-2-1993  工业过程控制阀 第8部分 噪声考虑 第2节通过控制阀的流体产生的噪声的实验室测量报法 Industrial-process control valves- Part 8: noise consideration- Section 2: laboratory measurement of noise generated by hydrodynamic flow through control valves (IEC 60534-8-2:1991)
    EN 60534-2-3-1998  工业过程控制阀 第2部分:流通能力 第3节:试验规程 Industrial-process control valves - Part 2-3: Flow capacity - Test procedures (IEC 60534-2-3:1997)
    prEN 13959-2000  公称压力在DN6至DN250(含DN250)的防污染控制阀 E族A、B、C和D型 Anti-pollution check valves DN 6 to DN 250 inclusive - Family E, type A, B, C and D
    prEN 60534-4-1998  工业过程控制阀 第4部分:检验和常规试验 草案 IEC 60534-4: Industrial-process control valves - Part 4: Inspection and routine testing
    EN 1349-2000+AC-2001  工业加工控制阀门 Industrial process control valves
    EN 60534-2-5-2003  工业加工控制阀 第2-5部分:流量  通过带级间恢复多级控制阀的流体尺寸方程  Industrial-process control valves - Part 2-5: Flow capacity; Sizing equations for fluid flow through multistage control valves with interstage recovery (IEC 60534-2-5:2003) / Note: Endorsement notice
    BS ISO 4401-1996  液压传动.四油口定向控制阀.装配面 (Hydraulic fluid power - Four-port directional control valves - Mounting surfaces)
    BS EN 60534-1-1989  工业过程控制阀 .第1部分:控制阀术语和一般考虑 (Industrial-process control valves - Industrial-process control valves - Control valve terminology and general considerations)
    BS EN 60534-8-4-1994  工业过程控制阀.第8部分:噪声问题.第4节.流动产生的噪声的预报 (Industrial-process control valves - Noise considerations - Prediction of noise generated by hydrodynamic flow)
    BS EN 60534-8-2-1991  工业过程控制阀.第8部分:噪声考虑.第2节:通过控制阀的流体产生的噪声的实验室测量 (Industrial-process control valves - Noise considerations - Laboratory measurement of noise generated by hydrodynamic flow through control valves)
    BS 6494-4-1989  液压阀的安装面.第4部分:03和05规格的四孔组件排气阀、模数组阀和方向控制阀夹紧尺寸规范 (Hydraulic fluid power valve mounting surfaces - Specification for clamping dimensions of four-part, size 03 and 05, modular stack valves and directional control valves)
    BS 5793-4-1987  工业过程控制阀.第4部分:检验和例行试验规范 (Industrial-process control valves - Specification for inspection and routine testing)
    BS 5944-4-1984  液压动力系统和部件所产生的空气噪音的测量.第4部分:流量和压力控制阀声功率级的测定方法 (Measurement of airborne noise from hydraulic fluid power systems and components - Method of determining sound power levels from valves controlling flow and pressure)
    BS 5793-5-1984  工业过程控制阀.第5部分:标记规范 (Industrial-process control valves - Specification for marking)
    标准编号 标准中文名称 标准英文名称
    BS 1655-1950  过程控制工业用法兰连接自动控制阀(面至面尺寸)规范 (Specification for flanged automatic control valves for the process control industry (face-to-face dimensions))
    DIN EN 60534-2-3-1998  工业过程控制阀.第2-3部分:流量.检验方法 (Industrial-process control valves - Part 2-3: Flow capacity; test procedures (IEC 60534-2-3:1997); German version EN 60534-2-3:1998)
    DIN EN 60534-6-1-1998  工业流程控制阀.第6部分:调节阀门驱动的位置调节器固定用安装细节.第1节:行程驱动上位置调节器的安装 (Industrial-process control valves - Part 6: Mounting details for attachment of positioners to control valves - Section 1: Postioner mounting on linear actuators (IEC 60534-6-1:1997); German version EN 60534-6-1:1997)
    DIN EN 60534-1-1995  工业过程控制阀.第1部分:控制阀术语和一般原理 (Industrial-process control valves - Part 1: Control valve terminology and general considerations (IEC 60534-1:1987); German version EN 60534-1:1993)
    DIN IEC 60534-7-1992  工业过程控制阀.第7部分:.数据表 (Industrial process control valves; control valve data sheet; identical with IEC 60534-7:1989)
    DIN IEC 60534-2-4-1990  工业过程控制阀.第2部分:流通能力.第4节:内在的流动特性线和调节比例关系 (Industrial-process control valves; flow capacity; inherent flow characteristics and rangeability; identical with IEC 60534-2-4:1989)
    DIN EN 60534-8-2-1994  工业过程控制阀.第8部分:噪声问题.第2节:由通过控制阀的液力流产生的噪声的实验室测量 (Industrial-process control valves; part 8: noise considerations; section 2: laboratory measurement of noise generated by hydrodynamic flow through control valves (IEC 60534-8-2:1991); German version EN 60534-8-2:1993)
    DIN EN 60534-8-4-1995  工业过程控制阀.第8部分:噪声状态.第4节.流动产生的噪声的预报 (Industrial-process control valves - Part 8: Noise considerations; section 4: Prediction of noise generated by hydrodynamic flow (IEC 60534-8-4:1994); German version EN 60534-8-4:1994)
    DIN EN 60534-3-1-2000  工业过程控制阀.第3-1部分:尺寸.双通球型直立式控制法兰阀门的面对面尺寸和双通球型角度控制法兰阀门的中心 (Industrial-process control valves - Part 3-1: Dimensions; Face-to-face dimensions for flanged, two-way, globe-type, straight pattern and centre-to-face dimensions for flanged, two-way, globe-type, angle pattern control valves (IEC 60534-3-1:2000); German version EN 60534-3-1:2000 + Corrigendum 2000)
    DIN 3394-3-2004  自动控制阀.第3部分:压力为4巴及以下的0级减压安全阀 (Automatic control valves - Part 3: Class 0 pressure relief, valves for pressure up to 4 bar)
    DIN EN 60534-3-3-2000  工业过程控制阀.第3-3部分:尺寸.对头焊接的对头尺寸,两种方式,球型,直角型控制阀门 (Industrial-process control valves - Part 3-3: Dimensions - end-to-end dimensions for buttweld, two-way, globe-type, straight pattern control valves (IEC 60534-3-3:1998); German version EN 60534-3-3:1998)
    DIN EN 60534-2-1-2000  工业过程控制阀.第2-1部分:流动容量.在安装条件下流体流动的尺寸方程 (Industrial-process control valves - Part 2-1: Flow capacity; sizing equations for fluid flow under installed conditions (IEC 60534-2-1:1998); German version EN 60534-2-1:1998)
    DIN EN 1074-5-2001  供水阀门.适用性要求和适配试验.第5部分:控制阀门 (Valves for water supply - Fitness for purpose requirements and appropriate verification tests - Part 5: Control valves; German version EN 1074-5:2001)
    DIN EN 12334-2001  工业阀门.铸铁控制阀门 (Industrial valves - Cast iron check valves; German version EN 12334:2001)
    DIN EN 60534-8-3-2001  工业过程控制阀.第8-3部分:噪声问题.控制阀空气动力噪声预测法 (Industrial-process control valves - Part 8-3: Noise considerations; Control valve aerodynamic noise prediction method (IEC 60534-8-3:2000); German version EN 60534-8-3:2000)
    DIN IEC 60534-5-1984  工业过程控制阀.第5部分:标记 (Industrial-process control valves; part 5: marking)
    DIN EN 60534-6-2-2001  工业过程控制阀.第6-2部分:定位器装到控制阀上的安装细则.旋转传动装置上安装的定位器 (Industrial-process control valves - Part 6-2: Mounting details for attachment of positioners to control valves - Positioner mounting on rotary actuators (IEC 60534-6-2:2000); German version EN 60534-6-2:2001)
    DIN EN 1349-2000  工业过程控制阀门 (Industrial process control valves; German version EN 1349:2000)
    DIN EN 60534-8-1-2001  工业过程控制阀.第8部分:噪声问题.第1节:由通过控制阀的空气动力流产生的噪声的实验室测量 (Industrial-process control valves - Part 8: Noise considerations; Section 1: Laboratory measurement of noise generated by aerodynamic flow through control valves (IEC 60534-8-1:1986); German version EN 60534-8-1:2000)
    DIN ISO 15407-1-2003  气压传动.五气口方向控制阀、规格18mm和26mm.第1部分:无电气接头的安装面 (Pneumatic fluid power - Five-port directional control valves, sizes 18 mm and 26 mm - Part 1: Mounting interface surfaces without electrical connector (ISO 15407-1:2000))
    DIN ISO 5599-1-1998  气压液动.五通方向控制阀.第1部分:不带电连接件的安装接口表面 (Pneumatic fluid power - Five-port directional control valves - Part 1: Mounting interface surfaces without electrical connectors (ISO 5599-1:1989))
    DIN EN 60534-3-2-2002  工业过程控制阀.第3-2部分:尺寸.无法兰控制阀(薄型蝶阀除外)的端面间距尺寸(IEC60534-3-2:2001) (Industrial-process control valves - Part 3-2: Dimensions; Face-to-face dimensions for rotary control valves except butterfly valves (IEC 60534-3-2:2001); German version EN 60534-3-2:2001)
    IEC 60534-3-2-2001  工业过程控制阀.第3-2部分:尺寸.蝶形阀除外的转式控制阀的端面距 (Industrial-process control valves - Part 3-2: Dimensions; Face-to-face dimensions for rotary control valves except butterfly valves)
    IEC 60534-2-5-2003  工业过程控制阀.第2-5部分:流通能力.通过有段间恢复能力的多段控制阀门的流体流量的校准公式 (Industrial-process control valves - Part 2-5: Flow capacity; Sizing equations for fluid flow through multistage control valves with interstage recovery)
    IEC 60534-5-1982  工业过程控制阀.第5部分:标志 (Industrial-process control valves. Part 5 : Marking)
    IEC 60534-2-1-1998  工业过程控制阀.第2-1部分:流量.安装条件下流体流量的校准公式 (Industrial-process control valves - Part 2-1: Flow capacity - Sizing equations for fluid flow under installed conditions)
    IEC 60534-8-4-1994  工业过程控制阀.第8部分:噪声状态.第4节.流动产生的噪声的预报 (Industrial-process control valves - Part 8: Noise considerations - Section 4: Prediction of noise generated by hydrodynamic flow)
    JIS B8656-2002  比例电动液压旁通流量控制阀试验方法 (Test methods for electro-hydraulic proportional bypass flow control valves)
    JIS B8654-2002  比例电动液压串联型流量控制阀试验方法 (Test methods for electro-hydraulic proportional series flow control valves)
    JIS B8657-2002  比例电动液压定向旁通流量控制阀试验方法 (Test methods for electro-hydraulic proportional directional bypass flow control valves)
    JIS B8659-2-2002  液压传动.电气调节液压控制阀门.第2部分:三路定向流量控制阀门的试验方法 (Hydraulic fluid power -- Electrically modulated hydraulic control valves -- Part 2: Test methods for three-way directional flow control valves)
    UL 429-1999  电动控制阀  (Electrically operated valves )
    UL 753-1995  消防装置用自动供水控制阀报警附件  (Alarm accessories for automatic water-supply control valves for fire protection service )
    UL 1468-1995  防火设备用直接控制的减压阀和压力控制阀  (Direct acting pressure reducing and pressure restricting valves )
    UL 1739-1994  消防设备用液压控制的压力控制阀  (Pilot-operated pressure-control valves for fire-protection service )
    JIS B8655-2002  比例电动液压串联型定向流量控制阀试验方法 (Test methods for electro-hydraulic proportional directional series flow control valves)
    JIS B8375-3-2000  气动液压.五孔定向控制阀.第3部分:阀功能通讯的密码系统 (Pneumatic fluid power -- Five-port directional control valves -- Part 3: Code system for communication of valve functions)
    JIS B8375-1-2000  气动液压.五孔定向控制阀.第1部分:无电接头的安装界面 (Pneumatic fluid power -- Five-port directional control valves -- Part 1: Mounting interface surface without electrical connector)
    JIS B8357-2000  液压传动., , , 补偿式流量控制阀.装配面 (Hydraulic fluid power -- Compensated flow-control valves -- Mounting surfaces)
    JIS B8400-1-2003  气压传动.尺寸为18mm-26mm的五孔定向控制阀.第1部分:无电连接件的安装接口表面 (Pneumatic fluid power -- Five-port directional control valves, sizes 18 mm and 26 mm -- Part 1: Mounting interface surfaces without electrical connector)
    JIS F3024-1996  造船.控制阀用舱面支座 (Shipbuilding -- Deck stands for controlling valves)
    JIS B8658-1989  比例电动液压控制阀用电力放大器规则 (Rules of electronic amplifier for electro-hydraulic control valves)
    JIS B8380-2002  气压液动.控制阀门和其他元部件出口和控制机构的鉴定 (Pneumatic fluid power -- Identification of ports and control mechanisms of control valves and other components)
    JIS B8376-1994  气动速度控制阀 (Speed control valves for pneumatic use)
    JIS B8387-2000  液压动力.四孔调节阀门和四孔方向控制阀门.02,03,05尺寸.夹持尺寸 (Hydraulic fluid power -- Four-port modular stack valves and four-port directional control valves, sizes 02, 03 and 05 -- Clamping dimensions)
    JIS B8375-2-2000  气动液压.五孔定向控制阀.第2部分:带备用电接头的安装界面 (Pneumatic fluid power -- Five-port directional control valves -- Part 2: Mounting interface surface with optional electrical connector)
    JIS B8664-2001  液压动力.压力控制阀(不包括减压阀)、顺序活门、释荷阀、节流阀和止回阀.安装表面 (Hydraulic fluid power -- Pressure-control valves (excluding pressure-relief valves), sequence valves, unloading valves, throttle valves and check valves -- Mounting surfaces)
    JIS B8659-1-2000  液压动力.电气调节液压控制阀门.第1部分:四路直流控制阀门的试验方法 (Hydraulic fluid power -- Electrically modulated hydraulic control valves -- Part 1: Test methods for four-way directional flow control valves)
    ISO 10770-2-1998  液压传动.电模式液压控制阀.第2部分:三向流动控制阀的试验方法 (Hydraulic fluid power - Electrically modulated hydraulic control valves - Part 2: Test methods for three-way directional flow control valves)
    ISO 5599-3-1990  气压传动.五口控制阀.第3部分:阀门功能交换的编码体系 (Pneumatic fluid power; five-port directional control valves; part 3: code system for communication of valve functions)
    ISO 7790-1997  液压传动.规格为03和05型的四油口标准设计叠阀和四油口定向控制阀.紧固尺寸 (Hydraulic fluid power - Four-port modular stack valves and four-port directional control valves, sizes 02, 03 and 05 - Clamping dimensions)
    ISO 11727-1999  气流动力.控制阀和其它元件的控制机械装置和气门的识别 (Pneumatic fluid power - Identification of ports and control mechanisms of control valves and other components)
    ISO 5599-2-2001  气压液动.五通方向控制阀.第2部分:任选电气连接器的安装接口面 (Pneumatic fluid power - Five-port directional control valves - Part 2: Mounting interface surfaces with optional electrical connector)
    ISO 15407-1-2000  18mm和26mm五气口气动方向控制阀.第1部分:无插头安装界面 (Pneumatic fluid power - Five-port directional control valves, sizes 18 mm and 26 mm - Part 1: Mounting interface surfaces without electrical connector)
    ISO 6263-1997  液压传动.补偿式流量控制阀.装配面 (Hydraulic fluid power - Compensated flow-control valves - Mounting surfaces)
    ISO 4401-1994  液压传动.四油口定向控制阀.装配面 (Hydraulic fluid power - Four-port directional control valves - Mounting surfaces)
    ISO 15407-2-2003  气压传动.五气口方向控制阀,规格18mm和26mm.第2部分:可任选连接器的安装接口 (Pneumatic fluid power - Five-port directional control valves, sizes 18 mm and 26 mm - Part 2: Mounting interface surfaces with optional electrical connector)
    ISO 5599-1-2001  气压液动.五通定向控制阀.第1部分:不带电连接器的安装接口表面 (Pneumatic fluid power - Five-port directional control valves - Part 1: Mounting interface surfaces without electrical connector)
    ISO 12238-2001  气压液动.方向控制阀门.转换时间的测量 (Pneumatic fluid power - Directional control valves - Measurement of shifting time)
    ISO 10770-1-1998  液压传动.电模式液压控制阀.第1部分:四向流动控制阀的试验方法 (Hydraulic fluid power - Electrically modulated hydraulic control valves - Part 1: Test methods for four-way directional flow control valves)
    IEC 60534-8-3-2000  工业过程控制阀.第8-3部分:噪声的考虑.控制阀的气动噪声预测法 (Industrial-process control valves - Part 8-3: Noise considerations; Control valve aerodynamic noise prediction method)
    IEC 60534-8-2-1991  工业过程控制阀.第8部分:噪声问题.第2节:由通过控制阀的液力流产生的噪声的实验室测量 (Industrial-process control valves; part 8: noise considerations; section 2: laboratory measurement of noise generated by hydrodynamic flow through control valves)
    IEC 60534-2-3-1997  工业过程控制阀.第2-3部分:流通能力.试验规程 (Industrial-process control valves - Part 2-3: Flow capacity - Test procedures)
    IEC 60534-8-1-1986  工业过程控制阀.第8部分:噪声的考虑.第1节:流经控制阀的气动流产生的噪声的实验室测量 (Industrial-process control valves. Part 8 : Noise considerations. Section one - Laboratory measurement of noise generated by aerodynamic flow through control walves)
    IEC 60534-3-3-1998  工业过程控制阀.第3部分:尺寸.对接焊的两向阀,球型阀,直接图形控制阀的首尾相接尺寸 (Industrial-process control valves - Part 3-3: Dimensions - End-to-end dimensions for buttweld, two-way, globe-type, straight pattern control valves)
    IEC 60534-6-1-1997  工业过程控制阀.第6部分:定位器装到控制驱动器的安装细则.第1节:线型致动器上定位器安装 (Industrial-process control valves - Part 6: Mounting details for attachment of positioners to control valves - Section 1: Positioner mounting on linear actuators)
    IEC 60534-3-1-2001  工业过程控制阀.第3-1部分:尺寸.法兰面对面尺寸,两路,直型和法兰中心对面尺寸,两路,球形,角型控制阀门 (Industrial-process control valves - Part 3-1: Dimensions; Face-to-face dimensions for flanged, two-way, globe-type, straight pattern and centre-to-face dimensions for flanged, two-way, globe-type, angle pattern control valves)
    IEC 60534-6-2-2000  工业过程控制阀.第6-2部分:定位器联接到控制阀的安装细则.环行执行机构定位器 (Industrial-process control valves - Part 6-2: Mounting details for attachment of positioners to control valves; Positioner mounting on rotary actuators)
    IEC 60534-3-1976  工业过程控制阀.第3部分:尺寸.第1节:二通球形控制阀的法兰端面距 (Industrial-process control valves. Part 3 : Dimensions. Section One: Face-to-face dimensions for flanged, two-way, globe-type control valves.)
    IEC 60534-1-1987  工业过程控制阀.第1部分:控制阀术语和一般原理 (Industrial-process control valves. Part 1: Control valve terminology and general considerations.)
    IEC 60534-2-4-1989  工业过程控制阀.第2部分:流通能力.第4节:天然流动特性和量程范围 (Industrial-process control valves; part 2: flow capacity; section four: inherent flow characteristics and rangeability)
    IEC 60534-7-1989  工业过程控制阀.第7部分:数据表 (Industrial-process control valves; part 7: control valve data sheet)
    IEC 60534-4-1999  工业过程控制阀.第4部分:检验和常规试验 (Industrial-process control valves - Part 4: Inspection and routine testing)
    QC/T305-1999(2005复审)  汽车动力转向控制阀总成技术条件  
    QC/T306-1999(2005复审)  汽车动力转向控制阀总成台架试验方法  
    GB/T17213.12-2005  工业过程控制阀 第3-3部分:尺寸 对焊式两通球形直通控制阀的端距  
    GB/T17213.4-2005  工业过程控制阀 第4部分:检验和例行试验  
    GB/T17213.6-2005  工业过程控制阀 第6-1部分:定位器与控制阀执行机构连接的安装细节 定位器在直行程执行机构上的安装  
    GB/T17213.13-2005  工业过程控制阀 第6-2部分:定位器与控制阀执行机构连接的安装细节定位器在角行程执行机构上的安装  
    GB/T17213.14-2005  工业过程控制阀 第8-2部分:噪声的考虑 实验室 内测量液动流流经控制阀产生的噪声  
    GB/T17213.15-2005  工业过程控制阀 第8-3部分:噪声的考虑 空气动力流流经控制阀产生的噪声预测方法  
    GB/T17213.16-2005  工业过程控制阀 第8-4部分:噪声的考虑 液动流流经控制阀产生的噪声预测方法  
    GB/T17213.2-2005  工业过程控制阀 第2-1部分:流通能力 安装条件下流体流量的计算公式  
    GB/T17213.9-2005  工业过程控制阀 第2-3部分:流通能力 试验程序  
    GB/T17213.10-2005  工业过程控制阀 第2-4部分:流通能力 固有流量特性和可调比  
    GB/T17213.3-2005  工业过程控制阀 第3-1部分:尺寸 两通球形直通 控制阀法兰端面距和两通球形角形 控制阀法兰中心至法兰端面  
    GB/T17213.11-2005  工业过程控制阀 第3-2部分:尺寸 角行程控制阀(蝶阀除外)的端面距  
    MT/T765-1997(2005复审)  液压支架用自动喷雾控制阀通用技术条件






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