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价 格:¥电议

型 号:AutoHS



发布日期:2009/11/2 0:00:00

更新日期:1900/1/1 0:00:00




AutoHS HeadSpace Sampler



      Headspace Samplers eliminate tediouserror-producing steps required in other GC sample preparation techniques, enabling you to extract more information from your samples in less time. The intuitive touch screen graphical user interface provides easy control of the sampler. A patent device with dynamicstatic function extended the range of the headspace technology application.  

    现代的用户接口界面  Modern User Interface

 智能的彩色触摸屏用户界面,能方便地直  接设定或编辑、存贮及调用方法,快速起动分析。图示,先进的动态图形显示,能清楚地展示有关样品提取过程中各部分的动作状态,使用户对仪器运行过程一目了然。  

      An intuitive, color touch screen user interface provides instant access to system functionality. Set parameters, recall stored methodsstart sampling quickly. The modern screen graphical user interface displays a sampling process. And making user know well it.


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全流路自动泄漏测试  Leak Test
This function will help user to complete the whole carrier gas system test with a vialget a high reliability.  
The Double holes in needlegas selecting provide dynamicstatic headspace methods. Employed the technique prevent from sample decomposition or oxidization. Employing the Purge mode, can sweep the air in vials with carrier gas. The mode is useful in kinetic studies.
高的样品输出特性High Sample Throughput   
      Volatile compounds in almost any sample matrix can
be analyzed simplyquickly by headspace gas chromatography. Headspace sampling provides a method that extract sample of liquidsolid with a solvent-freeminimizes rework by eliminating many of the tediouserror-producing . The system completely rely on volatilization to separate the compounds from the sample matrix, so sample extraction, clean uppreconcentration are not necessary.
恒定模式和吹扫模式(ConstantPurge Mode
      AutoHS提供了极大的样品输出能力,40个样品位的样品盘和15个样品位的加热炉,对许多应用都可以进行无人干预操作。在Purge模式下,可以一次性上装13个瓶进入炉内,进行气体置换。恒定模式(Constant Mode)使用优化的样品重叠模式,顶空的汽化平衡是在恒温条件下获得的,恒温器可以同时容纳12个样品瓶,以确保在上一个样品被分析完之前,准备好下一个样品的分析。这一过程,大大节约了由于分析下一个样品所需加热恒温平衡时间,也使样品的重复性得到保证。提供样品流路的同时,样品输出采用去活性衬管连接,消除了样品间的污染。
       AutoHS provides high sample throughput. Equipped with a 40-sample tray15 positions in the heating oven allowing unattended overnight operation for many applications. It can load 13 vials to be purged in the Purge Mode. In Constant Mode , automated constant heating time is employed with optimized sample overlapping for maximum sample throughput in the minimum amount of time. It can simultaneously thermostat up to 12 samples, ensuring that the next sample is always ready for analysis upon completion of the previous run. This adds up to a significant time savings since there is no need to wait for the next sample to heatget best reproducibility. A deactivated sampling path, from switch valve to transfer line, is standard on the AutoHS. The clean gas swept the sample path.
温度渐进模式(Progressive Mode
      In the Progressive Mode, the vials are thermostatted for an increasing time, representing a multiple of the first thermostatting time. It is used in the determination of the necessary equilibration time, where a number of vials containing the same sample are to be thermostated for increasing periods. Automatically optimized samples.
      多次顶空模式(MHE mode
The technique requires multiple extractions from the sample vial. This is very useful for developing methodrunning special sample.
仪器接口 Input/Output Port
      与各种气相色谱仪连接,提供各种气路样品传输接口,电路输入/输出接口采用标准的信号接口,外部准备,启动、停止,准备输出, 运行输出等。  
Provided ports to connect with any gas chromatograph with a standard interface. They includes: Ready In, Start In, Stop In, Ready OutRun Out.    

