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进口C1020英国BS无氧铜棒 福建厦门C1020纯铜棒 C1020紫铜

价 格:¥85

型 号:C1020



发布日期:2015/1/16 17:35:57

更新日期:2015/7/16 15:40:02


                进口C1020英国BS无氧铜棒 福建厦门C1020纯铜棒 C1020紫铜

            国启铜材: 有色金属合金红铜紫铜,T1 T2 T3 材质证明,T1  T2  T3 红铜性能,T1 T2 T3红铜牌号对照表,红铜T1 T2 T3 送货上门,厂家直销 

     红铜   红铜T1 T2 T3 薄厚板   T1 T2 T3 性能介绍





     一号无氧铜纯度达到99.97%,氧含量不大于0.003%,杂质总含量不大于0.03%;二号无氧铜纯度达到99.95%,氧含量不大于0.003%,杂质总含量不大于0.05%。无氧铜无氢脆现象,导电率高,加工性能和焊接性能、耐蚀性能和低温性能均好。各国对于含氧量的标准也不完全相同,存在一定的差异。OFC(无氧铜):纯度为99.995% 的金属铜。一般用于音响器材、真空电子器件、电缆等电工电子应用之中。其中无氧铜中又有 LC-OFC(线形结晶无氧铜或结晶无氧铜):纯度在99.995%以上和OCC(单晶无氧铜):纯度,在99.996%以上,又分为PC-OCC和UP-OCC 等。采用UP-OCC技术(Ultra Pure Copper by Ohno Continuous Casting Process)制造的单结晶无氧铜,无方向性、高纯度、防腐蚀、极低的电气阻抗使得线材适合高速优质的传输信号。

        Guoqi materials wholesale for physical goods into the copper ( copper, copper rods, copper wire, copper belt ), environmental brass ( brass brass band brass bar brass plate angle of six copper ), phosphor bronze ( copper belt, phosphorus copper wire, phosphorus copper ), aluminum ( aluminum bronze bronze, aluminum bronze bar ), tungsten copper alloy ( tungsten steel Yuanbang tungsten, copper plate ), bronze (bronze rod, tin bronze sheet ), zirconium copper chromium ( chromium zirconium copper, chromium zirconium copper ) complete specifications, copper casting rod, extrusion of copper rods, copper pattern specification, hollow copper pipe specifications, copper square specifications of copper, copper strip angle specifications, specifications, provide material proof SGS report, welcome to come calls to negotiate.

The copper conductive, thermal conductivity, in the atmosphere and water have high corrosion resistance, and has good plasticity, easy to cold and hot working, easy welding, forging and tin, no stress corrosion cracking tendency, good processing performance for the majority of customer cost savings, more and more by the vast number of customers in favor of. Yaotai metal special introduction of advanced equipment, high technology to provide high precision material,


                 进口C1020英国BS无氧铜棒 福建厦门C1020纯铜棒 C1020紫铜

