美国ABI TrackIt 50 bp DNA Ladder 10488043
价 格:¥电议
型 号:10488043
发布日期:2015/7/17 15:11:41
更新日期:2023/10/7 10:38:45
TrackIt 50 bp DNA Ladder is pre-mixed with sample buffer for ready-to-load convenience and room temperature storage. It consists of 16 blunt-ended fragments at 50 bp increments, and is suitable for sizing double-stranded DNA from 50 to 800 bp. This ladder can be stained with SYBR® Safe, ethidium bromide and other nucleic acid stains or radiolabeled using T4 polynucleotide kinase or T4 DNA polymerase. For easy reference on agarose gels, the 350 bp band is two- to three-times brighter than the other bands in the ladder.
Gel Compatibility: | Agarose Gels, E-Gel® |
Ready to Load: | Yes |
Size Range: | 50 to 800 bp |
Product Size: | 100 applications |
Concentration: | 0.1 μgμl |
Number of Reactions: | 100 Applications |
Shipping Condition: | Approved for shipment at Room Temperature or on Wet or Dry Ice |
TrackIt?50 bp DNA Ladder is supplied at 0.1 μg/μl in 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5), 10 mM EDTA (pH 8.0), 0.06% XCFF, 0.4% Orange G, and 5% glycerol. Store at room temperature.
10488043 | TRACKIT 50 bp DNA LADDER 100 | 1958 |
10488058 | TRACKIT 100 bp DNA LADDER 100 | 1534 |