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美国ABI TaqMan Mutation Detection IPC Reagent Kit 4467538

价 格:¥电议

型 号:4467538



发布日期:2015/7/21 10:32:47

更新日期:2023/10/7 10:41:58


 The TaqMan® Mutation Detection IPC Reagent Kit is a set of optional internal positive control reagents that can be duplexed with any TaqMan® Mutation Detection assay to provide a positive PCR control result. The IPC reagents can distinguish a mutation target negative result from a PCR failure result. The TaqMan® Mutation Detection IPC Reagent Kit is preoptimized for use with the TaqMan® Mutation Detection Assays. The IPC reagents can be duplexed with any TaqMan® Mutation Detection Assay and gDNA sample, without compromising the mutation detection assay reaction efficiency. This feature allows the mutation detection assays to detect low copies of mutated DNA in the presence of a robust PCR-positive signal from the IPC reagents.

Product Overview
The TaqMan® Mutation Detection IPC Reagent Kit includes:
50X Exogenous IPC template DNA (200 μL)
A synthetic template that contains the exogenous, non-human DNA target for the assay
10X Exogenous IPC Mix (1 mL)
A primer-limited TaqMan® assay designed to amplify an exogenous, non-human DNA target; the mix includes:
Two PCR primers
 A TAMRA probe (VIC® dye-labeled)
Store at –15°C to –25° C, protected from light. Minimize freeze-thaw cycles.
Instrument Compatibility
TaqMan® Mutation Detection IPC Reagent Kit is compatible with the Applied Biosystems® ViiA 7, 7900HT, 7500, 7500 Fast, and StepOnePlus? Real-Time PCR Systems.
Sample Type Compatibility
The kit can be used with FFPE samples, cell lines, and fresh frozen samples.


Assay 4467538 TaqMan® Mutation Detection IPC Reagent Kit (Internal positive control) Kit 2767
Assay 4465807 TaqMan® Mutation Detection Reference Assays  150 uL, 10X 6460
Assay 4465805 TaqMan® EGFR Exon 19 Deletions Assay 150 uL, 10X 8130
Assay 4465804 TaqMan® Mutation Detection Assays 150 uL, 10X 8130
Assay 4453320 TaqMan® Gene Expression Assays 75 rxn 973
Assay 4448491 TaqMan® Gene Expression Assays(Made to Order,VIC), Large 2900 rxn 10510
Assay 4448490 TaqMan® Gene Expression Assays(Made to Order,VIC), Medium 750 rxn 4855
Assay 4448489 TaqMan® Gene Expression Assays(Made to Order,VIC), Small 360 rxn 3135
Assay 4448486 TaqMan® Gene Expression Assays(Made to Order,VIC-PL), Large 2900 rxn 10510
Assay 4448485 TaqMan® Gene Expression Assays(Made to Order,VIC-PL), Medium 750 rxn 4875
Assay 4448484 TaqMan® Gene Expression Assays(Made to Order,VIC-PL), Small 360 rxn 3135
Assay 4444913 TaqMan® Array Human MicroRNA A+B Cards Set v3.0 8 pack 22250
Assay 4444909 TaqMan® Array Rodent MicroRNA A+B Cards Set v3.0 8 pack 21820
Assay 4440888 TaqMan microRNA Assay(Made to Order), Large 2900 rxn 18170
Assay 4440887 TaqMan microRNA Assay(Made to Order), Medium 750 rxn 7770
Assay 4440886 TaqMan microRNA Assay(Made to Order), Small 50 rxn 3335
Assay 4427975 TaqMan® MicroRNA Assays (Small-scale ,Inventoried) 50 rxn 2015
Assay 4427014 TAQMAN PRI MIRNA ASSAYS MTO LG 2900 rxn 12340

