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价 格:¥电议

型 号:4427012



发布日期:2015/7/21 10:43:02

更新日期:2023/10/7 10:41:58


 TaqMan® Pri-miRNA Assays quantitate primary microRNA (pri-miRNA) transcripts, the most upstream RNA molecules in the microRNA biogenesis pathway. They are designed using our state-of-the-art bioinformatics pipeline, delivering gold standard assay performance and data quality for pri-miRNA studies.
  • Highly specific – quantitiate miRNA transcription from a single genomic locus
  • Fast, simple, and scalable – two-step RT-qPCR provides high-quality results
  • A new perspective – measure miRNA expression at the gene level

TaqMan® Pri-miRNA Assays offer the same high sensitivity, superior specificity, and wide linear dynamic range for which all TaqMan® Genomic Assays are renowned, to the detection of pri-miRNA transcripts. As a result of their high sensitivity, TaqMan® Pri-miRNA Assays require as little as 1 ng of sample input to quantify expression from moderate- to high-expression miRNA loci.

Design and Selection 
Since all pri-miRNA transcripts have not been mapped, these assays are designed within close proximity to each stem-loop


Assay 4427014 TAQMAN PRI MIRNA ASSAYS MTO LG 2900 rxn 12340
Assay 4427013 TAQMAN PRI MIRNA ASSAYS MTO M 750 rxn 6660
Assay 4427012 TAQMAN PRI MIRNA ASSAYS MTO SM 360 rxn 3335
Assay 4426963 TQMN NONCODING RNA ASSAY MTO Large 2900 rxn 11380
Assay 4426962 TaqMan® Non-coding RNA Assay, Medium 750 rxn 6140
Assay 4426961 TaqMan® Non-coding RNA Assay, Small 360 rxn 3135
Assay 4403326 TaqMan® Copy Number Reference Assay, human, RNase P 750 rxn 1239
Assay 4403316 TaqMan® Copy Number Reference Assay, human, TERT 750 rxn 1239
Assay 4400296 Custom TaqMan® Copy Number Assays,Large 2900 rxn 11390
Assay 4400295 Custom TaqMan® Copy Number Assays, Medium 750 rxn 6140
Assay 4400294 Custom TaqMan® Copy Number Assays, Small 360 rxn 3045
Assay 4400293 TAQMAN COPY NUMBER ASSAY MTO L 30 2900/60X 11390
Assay 4400292 TaqMan® Copy Number Assay, MED 750 ul 6140
Assay 4400291 TaqMan® Copy Number Assay, SM 360 ul 3045
Assay 4398989 TaqMan® Non-coding RNA Assay, Large 2900 rxn 18370
Assay 4398988 Custom small RNA Assay, medium 750 rxn 8540
Assay 4398987 Custom small RNA Assay, small 50 rxn 3627
Assay 4362691 TaqMan® Drug Metabolism SNP Genotyping Assays 750  rxn 3957
Assay 4351384 TaqMan® Pre-Designed SNP Genotyping Assays(Non-human) 1,500 rxn 2868
Assay 4351382 TaqMan® Pre-Designed SNP Genotyping Assays(Non-human) 5,000 rxn 5920
Assay 4351380 TaqMan® SNP ASSAY MTO, NONHUMAN LG 12,000 rxn 10760
Assay 4351379 TaqMan® Pre-Designed SNP Genotyping Assays(Human) 1,500 rxn 3795
Assay 4351376 TaqMan® Pre-Designed SNP Genotyping Assays(Human) 5,000 rxn 6980



