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实验室 蓝盖瓶 218018658 218018855 218019157

价 格:¥2879

型 号:



发布日期:2016/12/27 16:36:35

更新日期:2023/10/7 10:41:12


 具有显著 特性的 DURAN ®  实验室玻璃瓶己赢得市场好评多年。经过不断发展和提高,DURAN GROUP在原有产品的基础上推出了一系列设计精良的优质产品。为用户提供两种选 择,一种是单 独的瓶子,另一种是配有螺 旋 盖(PP 材质  1 )和 倾倒环(PP 材质  1 ), 用倾倒环倾倒时不会产生滴漏,干净,安全。
典型应用 :样品储存,制备和转运。
218010851 带盖,透明 Lab bottle, clear, graduated, GL 25, with screw-cap (PP), 10 ml 10ml 10
218011453 带盖,透明 Lab bottle, clear, graduated, GL 25, with screw-cap (PP), 25 ml    25ml 10
218011753 带盖,透明 Lab bottle, clear, graduated, GL 32, with screw-cap and pouring ring (PP),  50 ml    50ml 10
218012458 带盖,透明 Lab bottle, clear, graduated, GL 45, with screw-cap and pouring ring (PP),  100 ml    100ml 10
218012955 带盖,透明 Lab bottle, clear, graduat GL 45, with screw-cap and pouring ring ( 150 ml    150ml 10
218013651 带盖,透明 Lab bottle, clear, graduated, GL 45, with screw-cap and pouring ring (PP),  250 ml    250ml 10
218014459 带盖,透明 Lab bottle, clear, graduated, GL 45, with screw-cap and pouring ring (PP),  500 ml    500ml 10
218015155 带盖,透明 Lab bottle, clear, graduat GL 45, with screw-cap and pouring ring ( 750 ml    750ml 10
218015455 带盖,透明 Lab bottle, clear, graduated, GL 45, with screw-cap and pouring ring (PP),  1000 ml    1000ml 10
218016357 带盖,透明 Lab bottle, clear, graduated, GL 45, with screw-cap and pouring ring (PP),  2000 ml    2000ml 10
218016957 带盖,透明 Lab bottle, clear, graduat GL 45, with screw-cap and pouring ring ( 3.500 ml    3500ml 1
218017353 带盖,透明 GL45 Lab glass bottle, clear, with screw cap and pouring ring (PP), 5000 ml 5000ml 1
218018658 带盖,透明 GL45 Lab glass bottle, clear, with screw cap and pouring ring (PP), 10000 ml 10000ml 1
218018855 带盖,透明 GL45 Lab glass bottle, clear, with screw cap and pouring ring (PP), 15000 ml 15000ml 1
218019157 带盖,透明 GL45 Lab glass bottle, clear, with screw cap and pouring ring (PP), 20000 ml 20000ml 1

