价 格:¥电议
型 号:All models
发布日期:2016/5/6 9:51:57
更新日期:2016/5/6 9:51:57
上海盈众工贸有限公司经营工业器材十馀年,主要代理及经销进口的优质气动液压元件及其他工业设备。多年来“盈鑫”更被行内冠以“液压气动之家”的绰号,口碑载道,专业经验,实至名归。 2007年在厦门成立大陆分公司,2010年上海公司的成立。是专门为那些需求高品质生产工具之客户服务。我们以极合理的价格,供应原装进口的元件,器材及设备,以助客户提高生产力。
Control sensitivity of 1/2" water column.
Balanced Supply Valve.
Aspirator Tube design.
Separate Control Chamber.
Mounting Bracket available
Canadian Registration Number (CRN) certification.
Allows use in precision applications.
Minimizes the effects of supply pressure variation.
Minimizes downstream pressure droop under flow conditions.
Isolates the diaphragm from the main flow to eliminate hunting and buzzing.
Easy to install in the field
Certification for use in all Canadian territories and provinces.
Designed for applications that require an output pressure that is the sum of a controlled input signal plus or minus a fixed bias, Fairchild's Model 14 Biasing Pneumatic Relay provides versatility in its ability to provide either positive or negative biasing in a single unit. The output of the Model 14 relay is the sum of the spring bias, set with the Range Screw, plus a pneumatic input signal. (Po = Ps � K); where Po is output pressure, Ps is signal pressure, and K is the combined spring constant.