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【rIL 8】重组兔白介素-8

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发布日期:2016/9/19 17:45:29

更新日期:2018/3/30 11:58:45


rIL 8】重组白介素-8齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490

齐一生物您实验的好伙伴为您提供“品质的产品”和“优质的服务”齐一生物专业代理日本wako品牌试剂、RandoxLife ScienceSantaAbcamSigmaAmrescoQiagenmerke、欢迎广大客户咨询,另有大量宣传海报和小礼品赠送. rIL 8】重组白介素-8网站:www.qiyibio.com QQ741653262;电话181214 53965

9235255       Tpiece, HSPS tubing, connector          CNY                          

9235190       Motor, clamp, shaker plate,  BR8000           CNY                          

9230060       Rack for reagents (12 x diameter 21mm)         CNY                          

9238673       Hinge, imbalance system            CNY                          

9238653       Power Board, temp. switch heat sink              CNY                          

9238635       Hook identification compl.         CNY                          

9242028       RGQ, Repair Fee "Repair service delivery send to Regional Repair Center

Service response time (repair) 710 days turnaround time

Periodic inspection/maintenance: 0

Cost coverage for Repair Parts : yes, full coverage

Cost coverage for labor: yes, full coverage

Cost coverage for travel: yes, full coverage

Replacement system (Loaner) provision: not applicable

Transportation cost coverage: yes, full coverage"    CNY                          

9241821       Pyro Q96 MDa, Basic Agreement    "Repair service delivery: onsite

Service response time (repair): 5 business days

Periodic inspection/maintenance: yes, 1/agreement year

Inspection/maintenance delivery: onsite

Cost coverage for Repair Parts: yes, included

Cost coverage for labor: yes, included

Cost coverage for travel: yes, included

Replacement system (Loaner) provision: not included

Transportation cost coverage: not applicable"  CNY                          

9241786       QIAgility Demopool Box Light Version           CNY                          

9240976       PCB, display, sample tracking, Qsym              CNY                          

9240968       Barcode camera,  sample tracking, Qsym             CNY                          

9240816       #Full Agreement, EZ1 DSP, 1YR             CNY                          

9240680       Spill Tray, Shaker,Modified, AP        CNY                          

9240790       Update,Waste Bottle Sensor, AP196/98         CNY                          

60005014 Lumicheck Plate Service Package, DML2             CNY                          

9241770       QIAxtractor, Premium Agreement     The Premium Cover Agreement, QIAxtractor provides full service coverage for the QIAxtractor and the CAS 1280. Costs for service visits are fully covered including travel, labor, and parts. One onsite pipetting head service and inspection is included. With a Premium Cover Agreement, there is a priority response time of 24 hours (1 working day).     CNY                          

9238971       Target Prep, Full Agreement       The Full Agreement TargetPrep provides full service coverage for the BioRobot TargetPrep. Costs for service visits are fully covered including travel, labor, and parts. The agreement also includes one annual preventive maintenance visit, with costs for labor and parts covered. With a Full Agreement, there is a priority response time of 48 hours (2 working days).      CNY                          

9238953       Vertical plate, BS15            CNY                          

9238792       Angle rotor for 12 Falcon tubes15 ml              CNY                          

9017118       LiquiChip IS 200, Plate Handler              CNY                          

9232556       Vacuum manifold, strip holder 1.02          CNY                          

9232477       Lid, wash station, BR8000 v1.01             CNY                           〖【rIL 8】重组兔白介素-8

9238940       PCB, CSU02, BS15             CNY                          

9238783       Swingout rotor for 4 buckets  Sigma Rotor # 11150   CNY                          

9238914       Shield motor, BS96            CNY                          

9238705       MPmotor capacitor        CNY                          

9231890       Base, 18 connector, BR8000        CNY                          

9238688       PC board Zent1, no Eprom, parameter free           CNY                          

9231133       Flat Band Cable 10P 1170mm XmainXadp        CNY                          

9020069       Front plate, TLyser 2          CNY                          

9020058       Fuse T 0,63A, 220240V 50/60Hz, TLyser        CNY                          

9014867       Valve, Pinch, RoboVac, BR8            CNY                          

9014599       PCB, YZAdapter, BR8          CNY                          

9014579       QIAVac Multiwell Vacuum manifold for processing 96well purification plates of SBS standard   CNY                          

9022581       PCB Mainboard(progr.)Biocontrol,RGQII             CNY                          

9022409       RCS Tip Eject Station v.2          CNY                          

9022130       Optical Head Assembly, careHPV           CNY                          

9022125       Tool, Thermistor Gauge, RGx           CNY                          

9021983       Latching mechanism (2), top lids, QXA           CNY                          

9021290       Silicone grease for PM, EZ1             CNY                          

9238617       Magnet, tacho             CNY                          

9238473       Rotary flex circuit, BR RapidPlate            CNY                          

9238240       BioRobot M48 User Manual            CNY                          

9238225       Sheath Delivery Tubing w. Connectors            CNY                          

9238158       Heat Transfer Adapter, microplate FB             CNY                          

9240660       Block, Plastic, QC, AP96/196          CNY                          

9240651       Internal BCR, Keyence, BL180, AP96/196              CNY                           〖【rIL 8】重组兔白介素-8

9240626       Fuse, 8amp, 5 X 20 mm, AP196/98        CNY                          

9240623       Circuit Breaker, 2A, AP196/98         CNY                          

9240591       3Way Mac Valve, AP196/96        CNY                          

9240574       MicroLynx w\speedbaord, AP98         CNY                          

9240572       Rotor w/Buckets, Sorvall, AP96              CNY                          

9240552       Freq. Conv., PCB, Eppendorf, AP196/98              CNY                          

9240531       Cable, Motor, Axis #7, Pump U/D, AP98              CNY                          

9240564       Fan, Condenser, 230V,Eppendorf, AP196/98        CNY                          

9240553       Cable, PC104 to Eppendorf, AP196/98            CNY                          

9240548       Motor Cap Repair, Eppendorf, AP196/98             CNY                          

QYx741    COS1SV40转化的非洲绿猴肾                                         

QYx742    COS7SV40转化的非洲绿猴肾                                         

QYx743    LLCMK2恒河猴肾                                       

QYx744    MLA144长臂猿淋巴瘤                                        

QYx745    B958EBV转化的绒猴白细胞                                     

QYx746    NISESacy12蓖麻蚕卵细胞                                     

QYx747    ZC7901草鱼吻端细胞                                          〖【rIL 8】重组兔白介素-8

QYx748    RF/6A猴脉络膜-视网膜细胞(内皮)                                   

QYx749    Mv1Lu貂肺上皮细胞                                        

QYx750    Pcc4胚癌细胞                                     

QYx751    EL4淋巴瘤                                    

QYx752    EL4IL2淋巴瘤                                        

QYx753    P815肥大细胞瘤                                        

QYx754    YAC1淋巴瘤                                   

QYx755    MFC前胃癌                                         

QYx756    L1210淋巴白血病                                      

QYx757    AtT20垂体瘤                                       

QYx758    P388D1淋巴样瘤                                       

QYx759    NS1骨髓瘤                                      

QYx760    SP2/0骨髓瘤                                        

QYx761    SRS82腹水瘤                                         

QYx762    P3NS1/1Ag4.1骨髓瘤                                         

QYx763    SACIIB2腹水瘤                                     

QYx764    SACIIC3腹水瘤                                     

QYx765    45.6.TG1.7骨髓瘤                                      

QYx766    S180腹水瘤                                         

QYx767    P3X63Ag8骨髓瘤                                      

QYx768    B16黑色素瘤                                       

QYx769    J774A.1单核细胞-巨噬细胞                                        

QYx770    C127乳腺肿瘤                                    

QYx771    RAW264.7单核细胞-巨噬细胞                                   

QYx772    F9胚胎瘤                                      

QYx773    NG10815小鼠神经细胞瘤×大鼠神经胶质细胞杂交细胞                                       〖【rIL 8】重组兔白介素-8

QYx774    C6胶质瘤                                     

QYx775    RH35肝癌                                        

QYx776    SHZ88乳腺癌                                         

QYx777    CBRH7919肝癌                                      

QYx778    PC12肾上腺嗜铬细胞瘤                                     

QYx779    A431表皮癌                                        

QYx780    QGY7701肝癌                                        

QYx781    A673横纹肌癌                                    

QYx782    QGY7703肝癌                                        

QYx783    Tca8113舌鳞癌                                       

QYx784    SMMC7721肝癌                                    

QYx785    Acc2涎腺腺样囊性癌                                   

QYx786    786O肾透明细胞腺癌                                         

QYx787    Acc3涎腺腺样囊性癌                                   

QYx788    PC3前列腺癌                                         

QYx789    KB口腔表皮样癌                                       

QYx790    T24膀胱变移细胞癌                                     

QYx791    HEp2喉表皮样癌                                   

QYx792    SCaBER膀胱鳞癌                                      

QYx793    CNE鼻咽癌                                          

