【rMCP 3】重组大鼠单核细胞趋化蛋白3(CCL7)
价 格:¥电议
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发布日期:2016/9/19 18:33:25
更新日期:2018/3/30 11:58:45
〖【rMCP 3】重组大鼠单核细胞趋化蛋白3(CCL7)〗齐一生物销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490
齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司是一家专业销售生化检测试剂盒.酶联免疫试剂盒,抗体蛋白.生化试剂,标准品和对照品的大型化学科技公司.自公司成立以来,本着始终拥有的创业激情,公司的销售额保持高速增长,企业规模不断扩大. 〖【rMCP 3】重组大鼠单核细胞趋化蛋白3(CCL7)〗齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司全国热线:400-991-0197网址:www.qiyibio.com
QY-G054 人涎腺腺样囊性癌细胞 Acc-3 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 小牛血清
QY-G055 人鼻咽癌母系细胞 CNE-2Z 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 小牛血清
QY-G056 人喉表皮癌细胞 Hep-2 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 小牛血清
QY-G057 人口腔上皮癌细胞 KB 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 小牛血清
QY-G058 人咽鳞癌细胞 FaDu 上皮细胞 贴壁 MEM 胎牛血清
QY-G059 人舌癌细胞 Tca-8113 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 胎牛血清
QY-G060 人甲状腺导管癌细胞 TT 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 小牛血清
QY-G061 人甲状腺鳞癌细胞 SW579 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 小牛血清
QY-G062 人肺扁平上皮癌细胞 QG-56 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 小牛血清
QY-G063 人肺腺癌细胞 A549 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 小牛血清
QY-G064 人肺腺癌细胞 SPC-A-1 上皮细胞 贴壁 DMEM(high glucose) 小牛血清
QY-G065 人肺腺癌细胞 LTPEP-a-2 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 胎牛血清
QY-G066 人肺腺癌细胞 H1299 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 胎牛血清 〖【rMCP 3】重组大鼠单核细胞趋化蛋白3(CCL7)〗
QY-G067 人高转移肺癌细胞 95-D 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 小牛血清
QY-G068 人肺癌细胞 H125 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 胎牛血清
QY-G069 人肺癌细胞 NCI-H460 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 小牛血清
QY-G070 人小细胞肺癌细胞 NCI-H446 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 小牛血清
QY-G071 人大细胞肺癌细胞 NCI-H661 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 胎牛血清
QY-G072 人巨细胞性肺癌细胞 801-D 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 胎牛血清
QY-G074 人肺癌细胞(淋巴结转移) NCI-H292 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 胎牛血清
QY-G075 人肺鳞癌细胞 SK-MES-1 上皮细胞 贴壁 DMEM(high glucose) 胎牛血清
QY-G076 人肺腺癌细胞(胸膜渗出液) Calu-3 上皮细胞 贴壁 DMEM(high glucose) 小牛血清
QY-G077 人胸膜瘤细胞 SMC-1 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 小牛血清
QY-G078 人结肠癌细胞 LOVO 上皮细胞 贴壁 DMEM(high glucose) 小牛血清
QY-G079 人结肠癌细胞 HCT-8 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 小牛血清
QY-G080 人结肠癌细胞 HCT-116 上皮细胞 贴壁 McCoy’s 5A 小牛血清
QY-G081 人结肠癌细胞 HT-29 上皮细胞 贴壁 DMEM(high glucose) 小牛血清
QY-G082 人结肠癌细胞 COLO205 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 小牛血清
QY-G083 人结肠癌细胞 SW480 上皮细胞 贴壁 DMEM(high glucose) 小牛血清 〖【rMCP 3】重组大鼠单核细胞趋化蛋白3(CCL7)〗
QY-G084 人结肠癌细胞 SW620 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 小牛血清
QY-G085 人结肠癌细胞 Ls-174-T 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 小牛血清
QY-G086 人结肠癌细胞 CW-2 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 小牛血清
QY-G087 人结肠癌细胞 Caco-2 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 小牛血清
QY-G088 人结肠癌细胞 COLO320/DM 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 小牛血清
QY-G089 人结肠癌细胞 RKO 上皮细胞 贴壁 DMEM(high glucose) 胎牛血清
QY-G090 人结肠癌转基因细胞 RKO-AS45-1 上皮细胞 贴壁 DMEM(high glucose) 胎牛血清
QY-G091 人结肠癌转基因细胞 RKO-E6 上皮细胞 贴壁 DMEM(high glucose) 胎牛血清
QY-G092 人结肠癌细胞 CASKI 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 胎牛血清
QY-G093 人大肠癌细胞 CL187/CCL187 上皮细胞 贴壁 F12+DMEM(high glucose) 小牛血清
QY-G094 人大肠癌细胞 SW116 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 胎牛血清
QY-G095 人大肠癌细胞 PA319 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 胎牛血清
QY-G096 人盲肠腺癌细胞(未分化) Hce-8693 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 小牛血清
QY-G097 人肝癌细胞 HepG-2 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 小牛血清
QY-G098 表达HBV病毒的人肝细胞 HepG2.2.15 悬浮 MEM 胎牛血清+380ug/ml G418
QY-G099 人肝癌细胞 SMMC-7721 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 小牛血清 〖【rMCP 3】重组大鼠单核细胞趋化蛋白3(CCL7)〗
QY-G100 人肝癌细胞 QGY-7701 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 小牛血清
QY-G101 人肝癌细胞 QGY-7703 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 小牛血清
QY-G102 人肝癌细胞 Bel-7402 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 小牛血清
QY-G103 人肝癌细胞 Bel-7404 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 小牛血清
QY-G105 人肝癌细胞 Bel-7405 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 小牛血清
QY-G106 人肝癌细胞 Hep 3B2.1-7 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 小牛血清
QY-G107 人肝癌细胞 SK-HEP-1 上皮细胞 贴壁 DMEM(high glucose) 胎牛血清
QY-G108 人肝癌亚力山大细胞 PLC/PRF/5 上皮细胞 贴壁 DMEM(high glucose) 胎牛血清
QY-G109 人高转移肝癌细胞 HCCLM3 上皮细胞 贴壁 DMEM(high glucose) 胎牛血清
QY-G110 人胆管细胞型肝癌细胞 HCCC-9810 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 小牛血清
QY-G111 人胆囊癌细胞 GBC-SD 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 胎牛血清
QY-G112 人胃癌细胞 BGC-803 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 小牛血清
QY-G113 人胃癌细胞 SGC-7901 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 小牛血清
QY-G114 人胃癌细胞 MGC-803 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 小牛血清
QY-G115 人低分化前胃癌细胞 BGC-823 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 小牛血清
QY-G116 人胃癌细胞 NCI-N87[N87] 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 胎牛血清 〖【rMCP 3】重组大鼠单核细胞趋化蛋白3(CCL7)〗
QY-G117 人胃癌细胞 AGS 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 小牛血清
QY-G118 人胃癌细胞(未分化) HGC-27 上皮细胞 贴壁 RPMI-1640 小牛血清
337620 qBiomarker SYBR Green Fluor Mastermix(2) CNY
337011 qBiomarker Somatic Mutations PCR Assays CNY
4500263 artus HSV-1/2 RG PCR Kit (24) CE CNY
939016 Buffer ATL ( 4 x 50 ml),GPR CNY
4500163 artus HSV-1/2 TM PCR Kit (24) CE CNY
1073925 Ni-NTA Superflow (8 x 500 ml),cus,G CNY
9010931 BGR Greifer P7 (alt) CNY
9010858 BGR DT-Abstreifer 8-fach P7xxx D CNY
931036 QIAsymphony Virus/Bact Mini Kit (192) CNY
133248 NeXtalStock Sodium succinate pH6.5 (200) CNY
330603 RT² SYBR Green FAST Mastermix (24) CNY
929608 QX Pro Separation Buffer (40 ml) CNY
5000-1415 Knob RB671CSKWL Matte, VTX2 CNY
5000-1408 Cable Shielded 1/17HP, VTX2 CNY
L2170 hc2 CT/GC HC2 DNA Test PI (CD-ROM) CNY 〖【rMCP 3】重组大鼠单核细胞趋化蛋白3(CCL7)〗
L1971 Rotary Shaker User's Manual CNY
9240705 O-ring Kit, Capper, Spindle, AP CNY
9240693 Actril Sterilant & Test Strips, AP CNY
9243653 Comprehen Valid., Other Extraction Sys """The Comprehensive Validation Support plan specific to a laboratory's needs will incorporate all of the requirements for the internal validation guidelines from the FBI's Quality Assurance Standards (QAS).
The Comprehensive Validation Support service includes all travel and labor charges for up to 20 days by the QIAGEN Validation Team. Typically, one week will be required to extract, quantify, and amplify the validation study samples and may require multiple individuals. Usually, two weeks is required to analyze the data and one week to write the final report. The expected time period to complete the Comprehensive Validation is six weeks. The actual time may vary depending on resource availability, including laboratory time dedicated to validation activities.
Lab Work – The QIAGEN specialist(s) will travel to the laboratory to conduct the on-site validation lab work. The QIAGEN specialist team will perform and complete all extractions, quantifications, amplfications, and capillary electrophoresis. The laboratory is responsible for providing systems/protocols that may be needed (generally laboratory SOPs, ex. interpretation guidelines). Additionally, the laboratory staff may be required to provide additional data needed for interpretation (ex. quantification/amplification/CE results) during the data review phase of the validation.
Once the final scope of the validation is determined, QIAGEN will provide a quote for all consumables required for the validation. Non-QIAGEN chemistry and accessories are not included and should be purchased to cover the validation experimental design including qPCR, STR, NIST standards, required samples types (blood, semen, buccal samples) and required substrates (swabs, materials, etc). The Customer is expected to have all materials on-hand 1 week prior to the validation start date.
Data Analysis – The Comprehensive Validation Support plan encompasses data collection (quants, amps, CE) during the on-site visit. The laboratory may be responsible for sharing (typically electronically via e-mail) any validation data requested after the on-site visit. A QIAGEN specialist will complete all of the data analysis produced from the validation study design. This includes qPCR (quant) and STR (amp) analysis and linkage to starting samples.
Validation data CD/flashdrive – QIAGEN will review the validation data and draft a validation summary document, ensuring compliance with the FBI's QAS requirements/standards. QIAGEN will send validation data in an electronic format (email/CD/flashdrive) to the laboratory. The laboratory is responsible for final compilation, any format change preferences, review and signoff of the validation report. The documentation provided by QIAGEN will aide in demonstrating compliance with all accreditation guidelines during laboratory audits. Should a hard copy of the validation study be preferred, the laboratory is required to specify prior to the onset of the validation.
Post-validation QIAGEN-to-Laboratory Transfer – Following completion of the validation and generation of the draft validation summary document, a designated member of the QIAGEN validation team will review the validation with the Lab Manager and the Technical Leader. Following sign off on the validation report, training of the laboratory DNA staff will occur. Refer to the Post-validation Competency Training for additional information. """ CNY
386516 Investigator STR GO! Lysis Buffer (200) CNY
208256 QuantiNova Probe PCR Kit (2500) CNY
208254 QuantiNova Probe PCR Kit (500) CNY
180984 GeneRead Adapter I Set 12plex (72) CNY
614035 careHPV Test, SFDA (96-test) CNY
282605 virotype Influenza A RT-PCR Kit (96) CNY
272703 pigtype PRRSV Ab (5) CNY
273003 pigtype Salmonella Ab (5) CNY
280377 virotype BVDV RT-PCR Kit (480) CNY
9018462 Marker Kit, QC tool, QX CNY
800372 Shipping, Postage, Packaging (express) CNY
800373 Data Carrier CNY 〖【rMCP 3】重组大鼠单核细胞趋化蛋白3(CCL7)〗
9019595 ZLV Bush, tip stripper, Cx8 CNY
9019935 Cable harness, X-axis 8 core, CQX CNY
9020596 Tape Foam,045X750 Double Stick,DML 3000 CNY
9017843 Tool, cable, communication, RS232, QIAC CNY
9013401 Cable set, cooling system, 90/120 CNY
9234873 ZLVPipetting Station for 2 microtit. CNY
9013395 Tip disposal bags CNY
9013391 Tubing set, PVC, BR9604 CNY
9013268 Cable, card-X to solenoid valve, 24V CNY
9013222 Holder, tube, STS, single, 11 ml (30), 0 CNY
9013204 Transportation kit, BR8000 CNY
9011759 Reagent holder, 4-tube 13ml Holder for accommodating 4 microcentrifuge tubes (13 ml) on the worktable; must be used with the reagent holder tray CNY
9011672 Reader Abdeckung spez. GSG (9194) CNY
132605 NeXtal Stock Sodium ac. H2O (50) 1.6M Sodium acetate trihydrate - 50mL (4 x 12,5 ml tube) CNY
800141 Investigation grade sequencing, w/ prep "Single-stranded sequencing of an unknown sequence
QIAGEN DNA template preparation
Design and synthesis of walking primers
Data assembly and sequence alignment
Accuracy >99%" CNY 〖【rMCP 3】重组大鼠单核细胞趋化蛋白3(CCL7)〗
767134 PAXgene Tissue DNA Kit (50) CNY
929605 QX Mineral Oil (50 ml) CNY
330513 RT² SYBR Green Fluor qPCR Mastermix (24) CNY
330502 RT² SYBR Green qPCR Mastermix (12) CNY
330401 RT² First Strand Kit (12) CNY
9010813 BGR Stirrer PK80 CNY
69506 DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit (250) 250 DNeasy Spin Columns, QIAGEN Proteinase K, Buffers, Collection Tubes (2 ml) CNY
63204 DyeEx 2.0 Spin Kit (50) 50 DyeEx Spin Columns, Collection Tubes (2 ml) CNY
211392 Internal Control DNA (High conc.) CNY
9012755 Set, Tubing, Washer, P3 CNY
9010126 Washer boat CNY
979015 MOTT 16S Primer 1 for Sequencing CNY
979010 PyroMark Vacuum Prep Filter Probe (100) Re-usable filter probes for PyroMark Vacuum Workstation Q96 and Q24. CNY
59720 EpiTect Fast 96 DNA Bisulfite Kit CNY
9002245 QIAcube(220-240v) Promo, PrioPLUS QIAcube (220-240V) Promo Priority includes the QIAcube instrument +promo iPad, installation and extended warranty. Installation covers hardware and software installation of system and provides user with introductory training. Priority package extends warranty period of the system to 3 years. One preventive maintenance visit is included for each year of the warranty; 3 preventive maintenance visits in total. Service package includes all parts, labor and travel costs with a service response time of 48 hours (2 working days). Performance of the installation and service visits are documented on a GMP/GLP-compliant Field Service documents. CNY
9002198 RGQ 5plex HRM, PC, PrioPLUS, no PM "RGQ 5plex, HRM, PC Instrument
Installation of RGQ 5plex HRM & Introductory training
Warranty extension to 3 yrs
Repair Center service, response 7-10 days
Loaner available in 2 days*
No preventive Maintenance
Priority service provision over non-contract customers
Documented installation & repair report
Unlimited number of repair service
All cost covered (Shipping, labor, parts)" CNY 〖【rMCP 3】重组大鼠单核细胞趋化蛋白3(CCL7)〗
9002197 RGQ 5plex, PC, PrioPLUS, basic, no PM "RGQ 5plex, PC Instrument
Installation of RGQ 2plex & Introductory training
Warranty extension to 3 yrs
Repair Center service, response 7-10 days
No Loaner available
No Preventive Maintenance
Priority service provision over non-contract customers
Documented installation & repair report
Unlimited number of repair service
All cost covered (Shipping, labor, parts)" CNY
9012718 Pipetting Position (raised platform) CNY
9002042 Rotor-Gene Q MDx 6plex Platform CNY
9002038 Rotor-Gene Q MDx 5plex HRM, Priority Rotor-Gene Q MDx 5plex HRM, Priority includes the Rotor-Gene Q system, installation and extended warranty. Installation covers hardware and software installation of system and provides user with on site introductory training. Priority package extends warranty period of the system to 2 years with shipment to Repair Center Service has response turnaround time (repair) 7-10 days. One preventive maintenance visit is included for each year of the warranty; 2 preventive maintenance visits in total. Replacement system (Loaner) provision included (provision time 2-3 days) with transportation cost coverage. The service package includes all parts, labor and travel costs with installation performance and service visits documented on a GMP/GLP-compliant Field Service documents. CNY