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艾美捷Detroit R&D 14,15-DHET高血压ELISA试剂盒说明

价 格:¥电议

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发布日期:2023/3/24 16:58:52

更新日期:2023/3/24 16:58:52


 The 14,15-DHET is a representative metabolite of soluble epoxide hydrolase (sEH)-mediated metabolism of EETs, generated by arachidonic acid epoxygenase activity of cytochromes P450 (CYPs) 2C and 2J. This competitive ELISA kit with an HRP system has been used to determine 14,15-DHET levels in biological samples (tissue, plasma and urine) and cell culture media. Using the 14,15-DHET ELISA, strong positive correlation has been discovered with 14,15-DHET levels on hypertension and brain injury and stroke, and EET levels on a metastatic phenotype of carcinoma cells and insulin resistance. Next generation hypertension drug discoveries have been carried out at several laboratories. Each kit for a 96-well plate is good for triplicate analyses of up to 24 samples.


14,15-DHET是可溶性环氧化物水解酶(sEH)介导的代谢的代表性代谢物 EETs,由细胞色素P450(CYPs)2C和2J的花生四烯酸环氧合酶活性产生。


这种带有HRP系统的艾美捷Detroit R&D竞争性ELISA试剂盒已用于测定生物样品(组织,血浆和尿液)和细胞培养基中的14,15-DHET水平。使用 14,15-DHET ELISA,已发现 14,15-DHET 水平与高血压、脑损伤和中风以及 EET 水平与癌细胞转移表型和胰岛素抵抗呈强正相关。下一代高血压药物的发现已经在几个实验室进行。每个 96 孔板试剂盒都适用于多达 24 个样品的三次重复分析。



Detroit R&D生物靶标 14,15-DHET 高血压酶联免疫吸附法试剂盒(# DH1)相关研究: 

生物靶标 14,15-DHET 人尿液 ELISA 试剂盒  DH3

用于一步纯化的14,15-DHET免疫亲和柱  DH31

14,15-EET/DHET 免疫检测试剂盒  DH2

14,15-脱硫醚活性酶联免疫吸附试剂盒 SH1


Detroit R&D生物靶标 14,15-DHET 高血压酶联免疫吸附法试剂盒部分参考文献:

1. Kim et al. Four US Patents on hypertension: 6,440,682, 6,534,282, 7,695,927 and 8,409,821.

2. Spiecker et al. Risk of coronary artery disease associated with polymorphism of the cytochrome p450 epoxygenase CYP2J2. Circulation 110, 2132, 2004.

3. Kim et.al. Computational characterization of a series of eicosanoids. Lett. Drug Design & Discovery 2, 322-325. 2005

4. Zhang et.al. Effects of atorvastatin on expression of cytochrome P450 epoxygenase 2C11 in spontaneously hypertensive rats. International Journal of Automation and Computing, 20, 305-311, 2006.

5. Alkayed, et al. Polymorphisms in the human soluble epoxide hydrolase gene EPHX2 linked to neuronal survival after ischemic injury. The Journal of Neuroscience, 27(17): 4642-4649, April 25, 2007


Detroit R&D注于心血管疾病、癌症的研究,诊断和治疗域。涉及环境健康科学、高血压、乳腺癌和列腺癌相关研究域。艾美捷科技是Detroit R&D的中国代理商,为科研工作者提供优质的产品与服务。




