品牌介绍: 戴安公司成立于1975年(纳斯达克股票:DNEX),位于美国硅谷Sunnyvale。公司奋斗目标是不断为全球化学工作者提供高科技产品,帮助减少繁复而耗时的实验室工作环节。戴安公司成立同年推出了世界第一台商品化的离子色谱,该项革命性的分析技术使得全球化学工作者能够从混合物中快速分离鉴别出各项离子成分。历经几十年的发展,到目前为止戴安各项成熟技术已被大大扩展,包括离子色谱仪IC,高效液相色谱HPLC包括毛细管和微流量液相色谱Nano-LC,氨基酸直接分析仪AAA-Direct,快速溶剂萃取仪ASE和固相萃取仪Autotrace及在线分析仪器等。Dionex Corporation was founded in 1975 with the goal of helping chemists become more productive by providing them with products that eliminate repetitive, time-consuming tasks. At the time, Dionex was developing ion chromatography (IC), an innovative analytical technique that enabled chemists to quickly separate, isolate, and identify ionic components of chemical mixtures. Since then, the scope of Dionex technology has expanded to include a broad range of techniques, including IC, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) including capillary and nano LC, AAA-Direct,accelerated solvent extraction (ASE), automation, and on-line process analys注重品质的一贯传统To maintain the highest possib