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发布日期:2016/6/3 16:11:38
更新日期:2016/8/27 11:12:12
ELISA 检测的目的是为实验提供准确可靠的定量分析实验依据。为了保证实验数据的可靠性,在实验过程中必须坚持全面质量控制和全过程质量控制。在收集标本前都必须有一个完整的计划。齐一生物销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490
◆ 每个标本量收集体积= 100ul × 检测种类,如要做复孔,标本量收集体积= 100ul × 检测种类×2 。
◆ 对于作某一个具体指标来说,先用一系列稀释度作一批标本测定,得出对实验有意义的一个稀释度(即测定剂量反应曲线),然后用一个适稀释度测定即可。
◆ 收集标本前必须清楚要检测的成份是否足够稳定。对收集后当天进行检测的标本,储存在4℃备用,如有特殊原因需要周期收集标本,将标本及时分装后放在-20℃ 或-70℃ 条件下保存。避免反复冻融。标本 2 -8 ℃ 可保存48 小时.-20℃ 可保存1个月。 -70 度可保存6个月。部分激素类标本需添加抑肽酶。
◆ 血清标本采集时,应注意避免溶血,红细胞溶解时会释放出具有过氧化物酶活性的物质,以 HRP为标记的 ELISA 测定中,溶血标本可能会增加非特异性显色。
【人流感病毒B(FLUB)ELISA试剂盒】◆ 为了保证尿液检测结果的准确性,必须正确收集尿液标本和保存。盛尿容器要清洁干燥。使用一次性的容器(如塑料尿杯),避免因用药并清洗不干净而造成的污染,影响检测结果。尿液标本必须新鲜,留取后,应及时检测或保存,以免细菌繁殖。因在室温中久置后(尤其是夏季)尿中磷酸盐等可析出结晶而干扰检测。
◆ 标本宜在新鲜时检测。如有细菌污染,菌体中可能含有内源性 HRP,也会产生假阳性反应。保存过久可发生聚合在 ELISA中可使本底加深。
◆ 冻结标本融解后,蛋白质局部浓缩,分布不均,应充分混匀宜轻缓,避免气泡,可上下颠倒混和,不要在混匀器上强烈振荡。
◆ 混浊或有沉淀的标本应先离心或过滤,澄清后再检测。
◆ 反复冻融会使蛋白效价降低,所以待测标本如需保存作多次检测,宜少量分装冰存。也可加入适当防腐剂。
◆ 如果您在实验中遇到任何特殊问题,敬请咨询 021-60348496标本类型
◆ 液体类标本:包括血清、血浆、尿液、胸腹水、脑脊液、细胞培养上清等。
◆ 培养细胞
◆ 组织标本
一般说来,在 5 天内测定的标本可放置于 4℃,超过一周测定的需低温冻存。
对收集后当天进行检测的标本,储存在 4 ℃ 备用,如有特殊原因需要周期收集标本, 将标本及时分装后放在 -20 ℃ 或 -70 ℃ 条件下保存。避免反复冻融。 标本 2 -8 ℃ 可保存 48 小时,-20 ℃ 可保存 1 个月。-70 度可保存 6 个月。部分标本也可加入适当防腐剂,激素类标本需添加抑肽酶。标本的处理 可用作 ELISA 测定的标本十分广泛,体液(如血清)、分泌物(唾液)和排泄物(如尿液)、细胞培养上清、细胞、组织等均可作标本以测定其中某种成份。有些标本可直接进行测定,有些则需经预处理。
◆ 血清:
室温血液自然凝固 10-20 分钟后,离心 20 分钟左右( 2000-3000 转 / 分)。收集上清。如有沉淀形成,应再次离心。
◆ 血浆:
应根据试剂盒的要求选择 EDTA 、柠檬酸钠或肝素作为抗凝剂,加入 10 %( v/v )抗凝剂 ( 0.1M 柠檬酸钠或 1% heparin 或 2.0%EDTA.Na2) 混合 10-20 分钟后,离心 20 分钟左右( 2000-3000 转 / 分)。仔细收集上清如有沉淀形 成,应再次离心。
【人流感病毒B(FLUB)ELISA试剂盒】◆ 尿液、胸腹水、脑脊液:
用无菌管收集。离心 20 分钟左右( 2000-3000 转 / 分)。仔细收集上清。如有沉淀形成,应再次离心。
◆ 细胞培养上清:
检测分泌性的成份时,用无菌管收集。离心 20 分钟左右( 2000-3000 转 / 分)。仔细收集上清。检测细胞内的 成份时,用 PBS ( PH7.2-7.4 )稀释细胞悬液,细胞浓度达到 100 万 /ml 左右。通过反复冻融,以使细胞破坏并放出细胞内成份。离心 20 分钟左右( 2000-3000 转 / 分)。仔细收集上清。保存过程中如有沉淀形成,应再次离心。
◆ 细胞:
检测细胞的成份时,对于贴壁细胞,去除培养液,用PBS、生理盐水或无血清培养液洗一遍。加入适量裂解液。用枪吹打数下,使裂解液和细胞充分接触。通常裂解液接触细胞10 秒后,细胞就会被裂解。对于悬浮细胞,离心收集细胞,用PBS、生理盐水或无血清培养液洗一遍.加入适量裂解液, 用枪吹打把细胞吹散。用手指轻弹以充分裂解细胞。充分裂解后应没有明显的细胞沉淀。如果细胞量较多,必需分装然后再裂解。充分裂解后,10000-14000g离心3-5 分钟,取上
【人流感病毒B(FLUB)ELISA试剂盒】◆ 组织标本:
切割标本后,称取重量。加入一定量的 PBS或组织蛋白萃取试剂,缓冲液中可加入蛋白酶抑制剂。用手工或匀浆器将标本匀浆充分。离心 20 分钟左右( 2000-3000 转 / 分)。仔细收集上清置于 -20 度或 - 70 度保存,如有必要,可以将样品浓缩干燥。分装后一份待检测,其余冷冻备用。齐一生物销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490
6000-5000Specimen Collection TubesCNY
5000-1430MST Vortexer II - FoamFeetAssembly, 110VCNY
5128-1220Specimen Transport Medium (STM) CECNY
5123-1220Female Swab Specimen Collection KitTMCNY
5100-1400IVDhc2 Sample Conversion KitCNY
5050-1075 V.1CD Rom Manual, MST Vortexer 2CNY
EA10124EASYartus EBV RG PCR Kit 2CNY
BR-02DxS B-RAF Mutation Test KitCNY
9240729Tubing, 3/8"OD , Red, APCNY
9240719Cable Carrier, Capper, Elevator, APCNY
9240701O-Ring, Shaker, Lower Body, AP96/196CNY
9240696Fitting, Barbed, 1/4" ID tube, APCNY
9243651Comprehen Valid., QIAgility"""The Comprehensive Validation Support plan specific to a laboratory's needs will incorporate all of the requirements for the internal validation guidelines from the FBI's Quality Assurance Standards (QAS).
The Comprehensive Validation Support service includes all travel and labor charges for up to 20 days by the QIAGEN Validation Team. Typically, one week will be required to extract, quantify, and amplify the validation study samples and may require multiple individuals. Usually, two weeks is required to analyze the data and one week to write the final report. The expected time period to complete the Comprehensive Validation is six weeks. The actual time may vary depending on resource availability, including laboratory time dedicated to validation activities.
Lab Work – The QIAGEN specialist(s) will travel to the laboratory to conduct the on-site validation lab work. The QIAGEN specialist team will perform and complete all extractions, quantifications, amplfications, and capillary electrophoresis. The laboratory is responsible for providing systems/protocols that may be needed (generally laboratory SOPs, ex. interpretation guidelines). Additionally, the laboratory staff may be required to provide additional data needed for interpretation (ex. quantification/amplification/CE results) during the data review phase of the validation.
Once the final scope of the validation is determined, QIAGEN will provide a quote for all consumables required for the validation. Non-QIAGEN chemistry and accessories are not included and should be purchased to cover the validation experimental design including qPCR, STR, NIST standards, required samples types (blood, semen, buccal samples) and required substrates (swabs, materials, etc). For planning purposes and to ensure a smooth process, the Customer is expected to have all materials on-hand and inventoried one (1) week prior to the validation start date.
Data Analysis – The Comprehensive Validation Support plan encompasses data collection (quants, amps, CE) during the on-site visit. The laboratory may be responsible for sharing (typically electronically via e-mail) any validation data requested after the on-site visit. A QIAGEN specialist will complete all of the data analysis produced from the validation study design. This includes qPCR (quant) and STR (amp) analysis and linkage to starting samples.
Validation data CD/flashdrive – QIAGEN will review the validation data and draft a validation summary document, ensuring compliance with the FBI's QAS requirements/standards. QIAGEN will send validation data in an electronic format (email/CD/flashdrive) to the laboratory. The laboratory is responsible for final compilation, any format change preferences, review and signoff of the validation report. The documentation provided by QIAGEN will aide in demonstrating compliance with all accreditation guidelines during laboratory audits. Should a hard copy of the validation study be preferred, the laboratory is required to specify prior to the onset of the validation.
Post-validation QIAGEN-to-Laboratory Transfer – Following completion of the validation and generation of the draft validation summary document, a designated member of the QIAGEN validation team will review the validation with the Lab Manager and the Technical Leader. Following sign off on the validation report, training of the laboratory DNA staff will occur. Refer to the Post-validation Competency Training for additional information. """CNY
218076miScript SYBR Green PCR Kit (2000)CNY
271906cattletype Milk Prep Kit (50)CNY
289980intype IC-DNA (1ml)CNY
280437virotype BTV RT-PCR Kit (480)CNY
932836#QIAsymphony Ni-NTA Denat. Kit (384)CNY
800511Verification Sequencing / DNA productionCNY
9238243ZLV BioRobot M96 User ManualCNY
9019988ZLV Mainboard, QGYCNY
9020553Foam angle, transport box, QIACCNY
9020582X-Motor, DML3000CNY
9020584Y-Belt, DML3000 320 TeethCNY
9020594Enclosure, DML3000CNY
9021006Motor, Pipettor Y, DCUCNY
9236333Sample LoopCNY
9013382Shaker adapter, microplate, LHSCNY
9013275Motor, gripper, handler T/L, BR3000CNY