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发布日期:2016/7/22 17:16:55

更新日期:2016/7/22 17:16:55


 肾近曲管状上皮细胞齐一生物提供多国品牌细胞产品,公司常年备用细胞现货,能满足全国客户对细胞研究的需求。齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490





4.产品种类齐全:25个系统共150多种细胞以及各类菌株,满足不同客户的要求。细胞经过严格的质控,纯度可达98%。常用产品备有现货。其产品类型如下:消化系统细胞株,呼吸系统细胞株,泌尿系统细胞株生殖系统细胞株 血液循环系统 内皮细胞细胞株 神经系统及其他细胞株,动物细胞株和菌株




8. 齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490

肾近曲管状上皮细胞 齐一生物公司专业代理ScienCell简介ScienCell Research Laboratories (ScienCell) is a biotechnology company whose mission is the research and development of cell and cell-related products for experimental and therapeutic use. The ScienCell technology provides a variety of high quality normal human and animal cells, cell culture media and reagents, medium supplements, cell-derived RNA, cDNA and proteins for the research community. Scientists at ScienCell are also studying and developing cell therapeutic strategies that will significantly improve the quality of life by achieving the cell's ability to combat human degenerative disorders. We are based in San Diego, California and were established in 1999.

肾近曲管状上皮细胞美国ATCC简介:美国菌种保藏中心, 又称美国模式菌种收集中心(ATCC)是位于马里兰洲洛克菲勒的一家私营的,非赢利性组织。目前它可以提供各种动植物细胞、标准品、菌株达两万多种ATCC成立于1925年,是世界上的生物资源中心,由美国14家生化、医学类行业协会组成的理事会负责管理,是一家全球性、非盈利生物标准品资源中心。ATCC向全球发布其获取、鉴定、保存及开发的生物标准品,推动科学研究的验证、应用及进步 ATCC可以提供以下类别生物标准品:细胞株(3000多种);菌株(15000多种);动植物病毒株(2500多种)以及重组物质等。


现已成为可信赖的活体微生物、细胞系等获得、保存和发放的国家资源中心。ATCC29,000多种不同品系可靠的动物细胞和微生物培养体,它能满足各科学团体对可信赖品系的需要。仅1981年就有39,000多培养物发放给全世界的科学工作者,并成功地用冷冻和冷冻干燥的方法保存各种细胞品系。 ATCC是一个非(学会单位)无利润的公司,由各科学组织推选成员组成理事会进行管理。现有工作人员125人。参加的科学团体有:美国免疫协会、美国生物化学会、美国细胞生物学会、美国微生物学会、美国动物学会、美国遗传学会、原生动物学会和组织培养协会等16个学术组织。在ATCC可利用各种材料以及工具和设备进行广泛的研究。主要研究项目有:酶联免疫吸附分析技术(ELISA),真核细胞转录的调控,杂交瘤、淋巴类和髓类以及其他细胞系的建立,人突变细胞系的基因蛋白质,借助计算机进行鉴别分析,培养物的特征鉴别和保存技术的改进,关于化学致癌、致畸和致突变的。


1. 接收到细胞,肉眼观察细胞培养基颜色,显微镜观察细胞生长情况,并对细胞进行不同倍数拍照(建议收到时的培养瓶拍一张照片,显微镜拍收到时的细胞100X,200X各一张)。




5.PBS 2-3ml/次轻轻洗细胞表面,洗3-4次遍,加入0.05%胰酶-EDTA1-1.5ml,显微镜下观察细胞变圆,轻轻拍打培养瓶直到细胞脱落,加入终止液终止。



齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490

679291  ipsogen MLL-ELL e8e2 Standards      CNY                

203209  HotStarTaq DNA Polymerase (25000)   "HotStarTaq DNA Polymerase Kit (25000)

100 x 250 units HotStarTaq DNA Polymerase, 100 x 1.2ml HotStarTaq Buffer, 100 x 2.0ml Q-Solution, 100 x 1.2ml MgCl2

Old SAP # 1009302"  CNY                

200201  TopTaq DNA Polymerase (50)  "For highly reliable end-point PCR with unrivalled ease-of-use


The first fridge storage enzyme"    CNY                

180211  GeneRead rRNA Depletion Kit (6)     CNY                

159315  Multibarrier Pouch Small (100)      CNY                

158908  Cell Lysis Solution (1000 ml)       CNY                

677513  ipsogen NPM1 mut A MutaQuant Kit (24)       CNY                

35023   Ni-NTA HisSorb Strips (24)  2 racks of 12 x Ni-NTA-coated 8-well strips in 96-well format   CNY                

34450   RGS.His HRP Conjugate Kit   125 ul RGS-His HRP Conjugate, 5 g Blocking Reagent, 50 ml Blocking Reagent Buffer (10x concentrate)    CNY                

30971   Glutathione HiCap Cartridges (5 x 1 ml)     CNY                

9238853 BR M48, Basic Agreement The Basic Cover Agreement M48 provides full service coverage for the BioRobot M48. Costs for service visits are fully covered including travel, labor, and parts. The agreement also includes one annual preventive maintenance visit, with costs for labor and parts covered. With a Basic Cover Agreement, the response time is 5 working days.    CNY                

9241214 Full Agreement Depot Repair, Heater, 1yr    "The Full Agreement Depot Repair, Heater provides full service coverage for the microplate heater used in the digene HPV application. The service is conducted as an instrument exchange service.

All shipping, labor and repair part costs related to an instrument exchange are included for 1 year. Instrument exchange time is 2 - 3 working days."   CNY                

9241188 Gauge, pressure, rear, QX       CNY                

9238826 Plate holder        CNY                

9238814 Rect. carrier for 20 glass tubes 7 ml       CNY                

9233426 Capillary, dispenser head, BR8000 (8pcs)        CNY             【肾近曲管状上皮细胞】 

9233274 H-motor Plato 1***      CNY                

9237147 Optics Platform with Green LSR      CNY                

9237127 Upgrade App., RNeasy 96 BR3000/9604     CNY                

9237120 Upgrade App., QIAwell Ultra     CNY                

9237118 Upgrade App., DT Sequencing Setup       CNY                

9237092 Training, BR On-site Advanced   "The On-Site QIAGEN BioRobot Systems Advanced Training includes all travel and labor costs for up to three days of on-site training to introduce users to advanced software topics for the  QIAGEN BioRobot System users with a basic understanding of the use and programming of QIAGEN BioRobot

systems who want to write complex protocols for their instrument, the advanced training starts with a brief review of basic concepts such as teaching slots and racks before exploring the higher-level programming features of the QIAsoft Operating System. Topics include the structure and use of functions, using variable for programming flexibility, IF/ELSE/END boolean logic commands, and parameterized pipetting using tables.  Users will write, test and run protocols they have developed to demonstrate and reinforce training success."  CNY                

9236358 Sample Holder Small, 1.2ml      CNY                

9232928 Nut, Probe Holder, BR8      CNY                

9236354 Rear Air Filter     CNY                

9236348 62mA fuse sensor distribution Board     CNY                

9236323 Pinch Valve     CNY                

9236239 Elution Microtube Adapter, Type B   Elevating platform for use with Elution Microtubes  CNY                

9236161 Lubricant, pressure grease, RapidPlate      CNY                

9235962 Used tip slide 2.02     CNY                

9235791 Spring, Coach, Drawer, BR8 RD       CNY                

9235703 Arm Cable, Flat, RCS1       CNY             【肾近曲管状上皮细胞】 

9235294 Seal, rotary shaft, 10 x 16 mm      CNY                

QTR-950 双抗原位点识别法PRRSV抗体检测试剂盒                       

QTR-951 PRRSV抗体检测试剂盒                    

QTR-952 猪轮状病毒iELISA抗体检测试剂盒                    

QTR-953 牛白血病(Bovine Leukosis (BLV)                      

QTR-954 牛白血病c ELISA抗体检测试剂盒                      【肾近曲管状上皮细胞】

QTR-955 牛白血病iELISA抗体检测试剂盒                      

QTR-956 牛呼吸道合胞体病毒抗体检测试剂盒                       

QTR-957 牛布病iELISA抗体检测试剂盒                    

QTR-958 牛布病琼脂扩散试剂盒                       

QTR-959 牛布病iELISA抗体检测试剂盒                    

QTR-960 OVIS种布鲁氏菌病检测试剂盒                      

QTR-961 反刍动物蓝舌病抗体检测试剂盒                       

QTR-962 蓝舌病iELISA抗体检测试剂盒(牛奶)                    

QTR-963 蓝舌病病毒抗体检测试剂盒                       

QTR-964 双抗夹心法BTV抗原检测试剂盒                       

QTR-965 蓝舌病抗体检测试纸条                       

QTR-966 "梅迪维斯纳病(SmallRuminants Lentivirus)


QTR-967 iELSIA检测血清中梅迪维纳斯病抗体                       

QTR-968 牛病毒性腹泻抗原检测试剂盒                     

QTR-969 牛病毒性腹泻c ELISA检测试剂盒                     

QTR-970 IBR抗体检测试剂盒                       【肾近曲管状上皮细胞】

QTR-971 IBR阻断ELISA抗体检测试剂盒                    

QTR-972 牛轮状病毒抗体检测试剂盒                       

QTR-973 裂谷热抗体检测试剂盒                       

QTR-974 新孢子虫ELISA抗体检测试剂盒                       

QTR-975 施马伦贝格病毒阻断ELISA抗体检测试剂盒                     

QTR-976 非洲马瘟抗体检测试剂盒                     

QTR-977 非洲马瘟抗体检测试纸条                     

QTR-978 非洲马瘟抗原检测试剂盒                     

QTR-979 马传贫抗体检测试剂盒                       

QTR-980 马传贫抗体检测试纸条                        

