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发布日期:2016/8/14 16:44:56

更新日期:2016/8/14 16:44:56





价格详细资料:试剂盒价格电议,齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490,齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司提供ELISA试剂盒受到了广大研究所.中科院科研单位一致肯定和认同。齐一生物大品牌保证,倾力为国内外科研院校实验室提供优质产品。


1. 当混合蛋白溶液时应尽量轻缓,避免起泡。

2. 洗涤过程非常重要,不充分的洗涤易造成假阳性。

3. 一次加样时间控制在5分钟内,如标本数量多,推荐使用排枪加样。

4. 请每次测定的同时做标准曲线,做复孔。

5. 如标本中待测物质含量过高,请先稀释后再测定,计算时请后乘以稀释倍数。

6. 在配制标准品、检测溶液工作液时,请以相应的稀释液配制,不能混淆。

7. 底物请避光保存。

8. 不要用其它生产厂家的试剂替换试剂盒中的试剂。


Drug Names

Generic Name

This kit can be used for determination of serum, plasma and liquid samples Organization Content.

The experimental principle:

The product levels were measured in samples of the kit by double antibody sandwichmethod. The product with the purified antibody coated microtiter plate, made of solid phase antibody, to package is the product antigen monoclonal antibodies are then added to the micropores, the product and then with HRP labeled antibody binding, the formation of antibody - antigen - antibody complex enzyme label, after thorough washing with TMB chromogenic substrate. TMB in the HRP enzyme catalytic conversion into the blue, and in the action of acid into the final yellow. This product is positively related to the depth of color and in the samples. Instrument measured absorbance in the 450nm wavelength with ELISA (OD), the product concentration in the samples was calculated by standard curve.

Materials provided with the kit


Materials provided with the kit 96 determinations Storage

User manual   1  

Closure plate membrane   2  

Sealed bags   1  

Microelisa stripplate    1   2-8

Standard360ng/L 0.5ml×1 bottle   2-8

Standard diluent  1.5ml×1 bottle   2-8

HRP-Conjugate reagent    6ml×1 bottle 2-8

Sample diluent    6ml×1 bottle 2-8

Chromogen Solution A 6ml×1 bottle 2-8

Chromogen Solution B 6ml×1 bottle 2-8

Stop Solution 6ml×1 bottle 2-8

wash  solution    20ml×30 fold

×1bottle  2-8

Specimen requirements

1.    serum- coagulation at room temperature 10-20 minscentrifugation 20-min at the speed of 2000-3000 r.p.m. remove supernatant, If precipitation appeared, Centrifugal again. 人血管内皮细胞生长因子D(VEGF-D)ELISA试剂盒现货

2.    plasma-use suited EDTA or citrate plasma as an anticoagulant,mix 10-20 mins ,centrifugation 20-min at the speed of 2000-3000 r.p.m. remove supernatant, If precipitation appeared, Centrifugal again.

3.    Urine-collect sue a sterile container, centrifugation 20-min at the speed of 2000-3000 r.p.m. remove supernatant, If precipitation appeared, Centrifugal again. The Operation of Hydrothorax and cerebrospinal fluid Reference to it.

4.    cell culture supernatant-detect secretory components, collect sue a sterile container, centrifugation 20-min at the speed of 2000-3000 r.p.m. remove supernatant,detect the composition of cells, Dilut cell suspension with PBSPH7.2-7.4, Cell concentration reached 1 million / ml, repeated freeze-thaw cycles, damage cells and release of intracellular components, centrifugation 20-min at the speed of 2000-3000 r.p.m. remove supernatant, If precipitation appeared, Centrifugal again.

5.    Tissue samples- After cutting samples, check the weight,add PBSPH7.2-7.4, Rapidly frozen with liquid nitrogen, maintain samples at 2-8 after melting,add PBSPH7.4, Homogenized by hand or Grinders, centrifugation 20-min at the speed of 2000-3000 r.p.m. remove supernatant.

6.    extract as soon as possible after Specimen collection,and according to the relevant literature, and should be experiment as soon as possible after the extraction. If it cant, specimen can be kept in -20 to preserve, Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.

7.    Cant detect the sample which contain NaN3, because NaN3 inhibits HRP active.

Assay procedure

1.Dilute and add sample to Standard: set 10 Standard wells on the ELISA plates coated, add Standard 100μl to the first and the second well, then add Standard dilution 50μl to the first and the second well, mix; take out 100μl form the first and the second well then add it to the third and the forth well separately. then add Standard dilution 50μl to the third and the forth well ,mix ; then take out 50μl from the third and the forth well discard, add 50μl to the fifth and the sixth well ,then add Standard dilution 50μl to the fifth and the sixth well, mix ; take out 50μl from the fifth and the sixth well and add to the seventh and the eighth well, then add Standard dilution 50μl to the seventh and the eighth well ,mix ; take out 50μl from the seventh and the eighth well and add to the ninth and the tenth well, add Standard dilution 50μl to the ninth and the tenth well, mix , take out 50μl from the ninth and the tenth well discard(add Sample 50μl to each well after Diluting ,(density: 240ng/L,160ng/L ,80ng/L,40ng/L, 20ng/L)

2.add sampleSet blank wells separately (blank comparison wells .dont add sample and HRP-Conjugate reagent, other each step operation is same). testing sample well. add Sample dilution 40μl to testing sample well, then add testing sample 10μl (sample final dilution is 5-fold), add sample to wells , dont touch the well wall as far as possible, and Gently mix. 人血管内皮细胞生长因子D(VEGF-D)ELISA试剂盒现货

3.Incubate: After closing plate with Closure plate membrane ,incubate for 30 min at 37.

4.Configurate liquid: 30-fold (or 20-fold)wash solution diluted 30-fold (or 20-fold) with distilled water and reserve.

5.washingUncover Closure plate membrane, discard Liquid, dry by swing, add washing buffer to every well, still for 30s then drain, repeat 5 times, dry by pat.

6.add enzymeAdd HRP-Conjugate reagent 50μl to each well, except  blank well.

7.incubateOperation with 3.

8.washingOperation with 5.

9.colorAdd Chromogen Solution A 50ul and Chromogen Solution B to each well, evade the light preservation for 15 min at 37

10.Stop the reactionAdd Stop Solution50μl to each well, Stop the reaction(the blue color change to yellow color).

11.assaytake blank well as zero , Read absorbance at 450nm after Adding Stop Solution and within 15min.

Important notes

1.    The kit takes out from the refrigeration environment should be balanced 15-30 minutes in the room temperature, ELISA plates coated if has not use up after opened, the plate should be stored in Sealed bag.

2.    washing buffer will Crystallization separation, it can be heated the water helps dissolve when dilute . Washing does not affect the result.

3.    add Sample with sampler Each step, And proofread its accuracy frequently, avoids the experimental error. add sample within 5 mins, if the number of sample is much , recommend to use Volley . 人血管内皮细胞生长因子D(VEGF-D)ELISA试剂盒现货

4.    if the testing material content is excessively higher (The sample OD is bigger than the first standard well ),please dilute Sample (n-fold), Please diluente and multiplied by the dilution factor.(×n×5.

5.    Closure plate membrane only limits the disposable use, to avoid cross-contamination.

6.    The substrate evade the light preservation.

7.    Please according to use instruction strictly, The test result determination must take the microtiter plate reader as a standard.

8.    All samples, washing buffer and each kind of reject should according to infective material process.

9.    Do not mix reagents with those from other lots.


Take the standard density as the horizontal, the OD value for the vertical ,draw the standard curve on graph paper, Find out the corresponding density according to the sample OD value by the Sample curve, multiplied by the dilution multiple, or calculate the straight line regression equation of the standard curve with the standard density and the OD value ,with the sample OD value in the equation, calculate the sample density, multiplied by the dilution factor, the result is the sample actual density.



Storage and validity

1Storage  2-8.

2validity six months.

QY-x1202 人卵巢癌细胞HO-8910                                               

QY-x1203 人高转移卵巢癌细胞HO-8910PM                                                      

QY-x1204 人卵巢癌细胞8910PM                                                

QY-x1205 人卵巢癌细胞HOC1                                                     

QY-x1206 人卵巢癌细胞COC1                                                     

QY-x1207 人卵巢癌细胞OVAC                                                     

QY-x1208 人卵巢癌细胞Ovary                                                    

QY-x1209 人卵巢畸胎瘤细胞PA-1                                                       

QY-x1210 人卵巢癌细胞SK-OV-3                                                  【人血管内皮细胞生长因子D(VEGF-D)ELISA试剂盒现货】

QY-x1211 人卵巢透明细胞癌细胞ES-2                                                       

QY-x1212 人卵巢癌细胞系3AO                                                   

QY-x1213 人子宫内膜癌细胞ISK Ishikawa                                                

QY-x1214 人子宫内膜腺癌细胞HEC-1-A                                                     

QY-x1215 人子宫内膜腺癌细胞HEC-1-B                                                     

QY-x1216 人子宫内膜腺癌细胞AN3 CA                                                      

QY-x1217 人子宫内膜腺癌细胞KLE                                                    

QY-x1218 人宫颈癌细胞HeLa                                                      

QY-x1219 Hela细胞耐药亚株(Hela/DDP)Hela                                               

QY-x1220 人宫颈癌细胞(HPV-18 永生化细胞)HeLa229                                                    

QY-x1221 人宫颈癌细胞Hela P10s-11F                                              

QY-x1222 人宫颈癌细胞HeLa-S3                                                

QY-x1223 人宫颈癌细胞SiHa                                                       

QY-x1224 宫颈癌细胞HCE1                                                 

QY-x1225 人宫颈癌细胞CaSKi                                                     

QY-x1226 人子宫内膜癌细胞RL95-2                                                   【人血管内皮细胞生长因子D(VEGF-D)ELISA试剂盒现货】

QY-x1227 人子宫鳞癌细胞(高分化)HCC 94                                                   

QY-x1228 人子宫颈癌细胞C-33A                                                

QY-x1229 人前列腺癌细胞PC-3                                                  

QY-x1230 人前列腺癌细胞PC-3M                                              

QY-x1231 人前列腺癌细胞高转移亚系PC-3M 1E8                                                    

QY-x1232 人前列腺癌细胞高转移亚系PC-3M 2B4                                                    

QY-x1233 人前列腺癌细胞DU-145                                                      

QY-x1234 人前列腺癌细胞UI-1                                                   

9019143  Power supply, PyroQ96             CNY                             

9019129  Cable - Reagent, PyroQ96ID             CNY                             

9019126  PCB 2 - Connection, PyroQ96ID                 CNY                             

9019114  IPC mainboard, PyroQ96ID               CNY                             

9019025  Worktable, side wall, left, EZ1xl                CNY                             

9019012  Motor Y, EZ1xl          CNY                             

9018942  Adapter, 2xRing of 12 COBAS Amplicore          CNY                             

9022737  Rotor-Gene AssayManager SOW              CNY                             

9016061  Tubing Set, Syringe inlet, BR8000 I           CNY                             

9015823  CD, Field Syringe Calibration, BR8000              CNY                             

9015690  Rings (10), pinching, 4.5/3.2 mm               CNY                            

9015599  CD, Manual, Service, BIOROBOT 8000 II                   CNY                             

9015587  EZ1 DNA Buffy Coat Card         Pre-programmed card for BioRobot EZ1 DNA Buffy Coat Protocol          CNY                             

9019166  Lead screw - X, PyroQ96MD             CNY                             

9019153  PCB - Robot Control, PyroQ96MD             CNY                              【人血管内皮细胞生长因子D(VEGF-D)ELISA试剂盒现货】

9014152  Top, Robovac, BR8 RD v4.2     latest version of robovac top.  CNY                             

9014027  Belt,Y-drive,Fixation Upgrade Kit,BR8000                CNY                             

9013868  Tip-Tray Holder, 300 µl tips   Holder for accommodating a tip tray containing 96 disposable tips of 300 µl capacity  CNY                             

9021099  Skin Panel, Input Drawer, DCU                  CNY                             

9021003  Cable, Y Drive, DCU          CNY                             

9020939  Vacuum Pump, incl. trap and filters, QXT                  CNY                             

9020936  Kit, calibration, mech. variation, RGQ              CNY                             

9020925  Packaging (complete), SMC, QXT              CNY                             

9020912  Lid, SMC, QGY           CNY                             

9020697  Fan, electrical, 80mm, C1x                CNY                             

9020678  Rail, centre, CX1                CNY                             

9020394  Sensor, induct, drawer, AS, Qsym             CNY                             

9020364  Assay out drawer, right, AS, Qsym            CNY                             

9020343  Cable - Serial, RGQII                  CNY                             

9020284  Accessory, cooling block insert, Cx2                   CNY                             

9020258  Side Pannel, top left, Qsym               CNY                              【人血管内皮细胞生长因子D(VEGF-D)ELISA试剂盒现货】

