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发布日期:2016/8/17 15:54:01

更新日期:2016/8/17 15:54:01



齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490










样品应保存在-20°C或更低的温度。长期储存,建议冻结他们在- 70余。





























1.    Do I have to run all of my standards and samples in duplicate?

Yes, the duplicates are run in order to monitor assay precision and increase confidence in the assay results obtained.

2.    Do I have to run all of my samples at one time?

No, each kit uses stripwell microplate. This allows the user to analyse different numbers of samples at different times.

3.    What types of reproducible results are obtained with the assays?

Each kit comes with a manual containing a graph of typical data obtained. Any variation in operator, pipetting and washing technique, incubation time or temperature, and kit age can cause variation in result. Each user should obtain their own standard curve.

4.    Is it possible to store the reagents other than indicated?

Storage of the kit components under conditions other than indicated is not recommended in order to assure proper performance of the test.

5.    How should I store my samples?

Samples should be stored at -20oC or lower temperature. For long-term storage, it is recommended to freeze them at -70oC -80oC.

6.    Can I modify the protocol?

BG ELISA kits have been optimized to provide the best possible results. Modifying the format or protocol may give inaccurate and wrong results.

7.    Can I use a sample type that is not recommended in the kit insert?

The kit has been validated for the sample types listed in the kit insert. Sample types other than those validated have not been tested. Contact Technical Service for further information.

8.    My samples generated values that were outside the dynamic range of the assay. Can I use these values?

It is recommended that only sample values that fall within the range of the standard curve be used. Values outside the range of the standard curve are generally non-linear, which can lead to incorrectly extrapolated values. Samples that generate values higher than the highest standard should be (further) diluted and the assay repeated. If samples fall below the range of the assay, the sample is considered to be non-detectable. 人组织蛋白去乙酰化酶(HD)ELISA试剂盒现货

9.    Do I have to run a Blank or Zero Standards every time?

Yes, these are required for the calculations, and reflect any subtle but significant performance changes from day to day and assay to assay. They are also extremely helpful when troubleshooting the source of a particular assay problem.

10.  Can I alter the volume of sample I use in the assay?

It is not recommended that you alter the volumes since all BG kits are designed for optimal performance at the given volumes

11.  Can components from different kits be used?

Each kit contains components which have specific lot numbers to ensure that all of the components are performing optimally alone, as well as with all of the other components in the kit. QC testing is performed on these specific lots. It is never recommended to use your own components or components from other kits or vendors.

12.  My standard curve looked fine, but I didnt get a signal in my sample when I expected to, why?

The sample may not contain the analyte. A matrix effect may be masking the detection. Ensure that the recommended dilution was followed as stated in the kit insert. If dilution was recommended, check to be sure that the dilution was performed properly. Over-dilution may cause the sample to fall below the range of the standard curve.

13.  How do you recommend I wash my plate?

If you are using an automated plate washer we recommend that the calibration be checked on a regular basis, and that the system is flushed with the Plate Washing Buffer prior to washing. The same is true for a manual washer. A repeater or a wash bottle can also be used. The user should be careful to ensure that all of the contents are aspirated and the plate tapped dry on lint-free paper.

14.  Do I need to use a plate shaker?

Reliable results can be obtained without a plate shaker, but the O.D.'s will generally be lower than those obtained using a plate shaker.

15.  Why do I have to use wavelength correction between 450-570nm?

For the ELISA assay, reading at dual wavelengths is done to correct for the optical density contributed by the plastic well, the lamp and optical fluctuations. 人组织蛋白去乙酰化酶(HD)ELISA试剂盒现货

16.  If I extract my sample, do I still need to follow the recommended dilutions given in the kit insert?

The amount of sample dilution needed after an extraction procedure will be affected by the effects of purification and concentration in the protocol used. The amount of dilution or concentration will have to be determined by the end-user.

17.  What is the expected concentration of analyte that I should expect to find?

The amount of a given analyte may vary not only from species-to-species, but also between tissue and cellular sources. The best source of this information is the current literature that is easily accessed through the Internet at multiple scientific databases.

18.  My optical densities were a little higher (or lower) than those in the manual that came with my kit. Why?

The optical density is affected by a number of physical conditions such as time and temperature. We suggest that you shorten or lengthen the final incubation with substrate solution to compensate.

19.  What are the reasons for High Background?

1)     Improper Washing: Check volume of washing buffer reservoir and make sure all recommended washing steps are performed.

2)     Contaminated Substrate: Make sure there is no contamination of the substrate with metal ions or oxidizing reagents, before use. Keep the extra substrate solution separately during the ELISA substrate development time. 人组织蛋白去乙酰化酶(HD)ELISA试剂盒现货

3)     Substrate exposed to light: Exposure to light may result in a blue color of the substrate. Keep solutions in the dark (vial) until ready to dispense into the plate.

4)     Wrong Incubation Times/Temperatures: Generally follow the test protocol regarding incubation times and temperatures. However, if all wells are intensely and equally colored with no intensity gradient observed in the standard dilution series, then it may be necessary to observe the substrate reaction as the color is developing, in order to stop the reaction sooner.

204545     QuantiTect Multiplex PCR Kit (1000)        "1x 25 ml Master Mix

1x 20 ml RNase free water"    CNY                             

133062     NeXtalStock Magnesium nitrate (200)              CNY                             

133061     NeXtalStock Magnesium formate (200)           CNY                             

870011     therascreen KRAS RGQ PCR Kit CE (24)            CNY                             

290055     mericon VTEC stx1/2 Kit (96)             CNY                             

204341     QuantiTect Probe PCR Kit (40)          "-Trial kit size: 40 x 50 µl rxns at an economical price

- 1x 1ml 2x Master Mix, 1x 2 ml RNase free water

For quantitative, real-time PCR and two-step RT-PCR using sequence-specific probes."         CNY                             

9018392  Key, Data Review, grey, QIAxcel FA          CNY                             

9012271  Power Supply, 24V / 8Amp, (9194)           CNY                             

9001647  Rotor-Gene Q 5plex (w/o PC) System       Rotor-Gene Q 5plex (w/o PC) System includes the Rotor-Gene instrument and installation. The Installation and Introductory Training is an on-site service, conducted by a QIAGEN Service Specialist. It covers the handling of the Rotorgene-Q systems hardware and trains the user on operation of the Rotorgene software. All travel and labor cost included for Installation and service documented on a GMP/GLP-compliant Field Service document.  CNY                             

9015332  Sensor, pressure, M48               CNY                             

9015324  Scrapers, M48 (6)              CNY                              【人组织蛋白去乙酰化酶(HD)ELISA试剂盒现货】

133028     NeXtalStock CAPSO untit. (200)                 CNY                             

133027     NeXtalStock CAPS untit. (200)          CNY                             

129112     RNase-Free Water (12 x 1,9 ml)                CNY                             

81031       Plate Rotor 2 x 96    Rotor for 2 QIAGEN 96-well plates, for use with QIAGEN Centrifuges    CNY                             

80234       Allprep FFPE DNA/ RNA Kit (50)                CNY                             

74134       RNeasy Plus Mini Kit (50)          50 RNeasy Mini Spin Columns, 50 gDNA Eliminator Mini Spin Columns, Collection Tubes Rnase Free  Reagents and Buffers   CNY                             

27106       QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit (250)      For 250 high-purity plasmid minipreps: 250 QIAprep Spin Columns, Reagents, Buffers, Collection Tubes (2 ml)     CNY                             

20021       QIAEX II Gel Extraction Kit (150)     For 150 extractions: 3 x 0.5 ml QIAEX II Suspension, Buffers  CNY                             

69990       Stainless Steel Beads, 7mm               CNY                             

69975       TissueLyser 5 mm Bead Dispenser, 96-well      For dispensing 96 beads (5 mm diameter) in parallel       CNY                             

19505       QIAvac HiSpeed LS            CNY                             

19090       Buffer RPW (125ml)                   CNY                             

19082       Buffer ASL (4 x 140 ml)     560 ml Stool Lysis Buffer  CNY                             

19065       Buffer PE (concentrate)   100 ml Wash Buffer (5x concentrate for 500 ml buffer)  CNY                             

19052       Buffer P2 500 ml Lysis Buffer   CNY                             

12663       HiSpeed Plasmid Maxi Kit (25)          25 HiSpeed Maxi Tips, 25 QIAfilter Maxi Cartridges, 25 QIAprecipitator Maxi Modules plus Syringes, Reagents, Buffers      CNY                              【人组织蛋白去乙酰化酶(HD)ELISA试剂盒现货】

12245       QIAfilter Plasmid Midi Kit (100)        100 QIAGEN-tip 100, Reagents, Buffers, 100 QIAfilter Midi Cartridges CNY                            

12143       QIAGEN Plasmid Midi Kit (25) 25 QIAGEN-tip 100, Reagents, Buffers    CNY                             

11500       Ultrapure 500 (1)              CNY                             

10083       QIAGEN-tip 2500 (25)      25 columns; 2.5 mg column capacity       CNY                             

133268     NeXtalStock Pentaerythritol ethoxy.(200)                 CNY                             

990602     Elution Plate (10)               CNY                             

NG0519   抗子宫内膜抗体IgG\IgM检测试剂盒          血清         24T/48T                      

NG0520   抗卵巢抗体IgA\IgM\IgG检测试剂盒           血清         24T/48T                      

NG0521   抗胰岛素自身抗体IAA检测试剂盒               血清         24T/48T                      

NG0522   抗滋养层细胞抗体IgG\IgM检测试剂盒               血清         24T/48T                      

NG0523   抗透明带抗体IgG\IgM检测试剂盒               血清         24T/48T                      

NG0524   HCG抗体IgG\IgM检测试剂盒                  血清         24T/48T                      

NG0525   早早孕试条检测试剂盒                   尿液         50T/100T                   

NG0526   排卵试条检测试剂盒              尿液         50T/100T                   

NG0527   血吸虫抗原检测试剂盒                   血清         20T/40T                      

NG0528   血吸虫抗体IgG\IgM检测试剂盒          血清         20T/40T                      

NG0529   囊虫抗体IgG\IgM检测试剂盒               血清         20T/40T                      

NG0530   旋毛虫抗原检测试剂盒                   血清         20T/40T                      

NG0531   旋毛虫抗体IgG\IgM检测试剂盒          血清         20T/40T                      

NG0532   肺吸虫抗体IgG\IgM检测试剂盒          血清         20T/40T                      

NG0533   肝吸虫抗体IgG\IgM检测试剂盒          血清         20T/40T                      

NG0534   疟原虫抗体IgG\IgM检测试剂盒          血清         20T/40T                       【人组织蛋白去乙酰化酶(HD)ELISA试剂盒现货】

NG0536   真菌分离培养基试剂盒                            10T                    

NG0537   念珠菌显色分离培养基试剂盒                       18T                    

NG0538   皮肤癣菌鉴别培养基试剂盒                            20T                    

NG0539   霉菌滴虫培养基试剂盒                   分泌物     20T                    

NG0540   杜克雷嗜血杆菌选择性培养基试剂盒                            20T                    

NG0541   大肠菌群快速检测纸片                            60T/100T                   

NG0542   幽门螺杆菌快速检测试剂     脲酶法     胃粘膜/牙垢   50T/100T                   

NG0543   解脲支原体培养基试剂盒液体                       20T                    

NG0544   支原体固体培养基试剂盒                       20T                    

NG0545   解脲-人型支原体复合培养基试剂盒                      20T                    

NG0546   淋球菌培养管                   分泌物     20T                    

NG0547   淋球菌TM培养基试剂盒               分泌物     10T                    

NG0548   淋球菌鉴定药敏试剂              分泌物     20T                    

NG0549   解脲支原体选择性培养基试剂盒                   分泌物     20T                    

NG0550   解脲支原体药敏盒                   分泌物     20T                     

