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发布日期:2016/8/21 13:34:22
更新日期:2016/8/21 13:34:22
【黄曲霉M1试纸条】齐一生物具有完善的ELISA试剂盒开发平台,成熟的抗原、抗体研发系统,熟练掌握各种酶联技术.客户只需要邮寄或者上门去样本(限上海区域)、齐一生物提供免费代测的服务!【黄曲霉M1试纸条】齐一生物销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490告诉我您的需要,并留下您宝贵的意见和建议、齐一生物全体员工将全心全意为您服务!【黄曲霉M1试纸条】
293023 mericon Corn (24) CNY
292055 mericon Goat Kit (96) CNY
929521 QX Alignment Marker 15 bp/1 kb (1.5 ml) CNY
9012598 Disposable Filter-Tips, 1100µl (960) Conducting disposable filter-tips CNY
206152 QIAGEN Multiplex PCR Plus Kit (100) CNY
291115 mericon RR Soy Kit (96) CNY 【黄曲霉M1试纸条】
291065 mericon GMO Screen bar (96) CNY
9001933 DML 3000 120-240V Q CNY
9001915 PyroMark Q96 ID, Priority PyroMark Q96 ID, Priority includes the PyroMark Q96 ID instrument, installation and extended warranty. Installation covers hardware and software installation of system and provides user with introductory training. Priority package extends warranty period of the system to 2 years. One preventive maintenance visit is included for each year of the warranty; 2 preventive maintenance visits in total. Service package includes all parts, labor and travel costs with a service response time of 48 hours (2 working days). Performance of the installation and service visits are documented on a GMP/GLP-compliant Field Service documents. CNY
133120 NeXtalStock Tricine (200) CNY
133180 NeXtalStock Citric acid pH 3.0 (200) CNY
9018503 Manual air supply, service tool, QX CNY
51161 QIAamp 96 DNA Blood Kit (4) For 4 x 96 DNA preps: 4 QIAamp 96 Plates, QIAGEN Protease, Reagents, Buffers, Lysis Blocks, Tape Pads, Collection Vessels CNY
133106 NeXtalStock Sodium ac. H2O pH 4.6 (200) CNY
9015519 Spring, for door CNY
9001897 QIAxtractor, UV/HEPA (w/o PC) Priority QIAxtractor, UV/HEPA (w/o PC) Priority includes the QIAxtractor instrument, installation and extended warranty. Installation covers hardware and software installation of system and provides user with introductory training. Priority package extends warranty period of the system to 2 years. One on-site pipetting head service and inspection is included for each year of the warranty; 2 pipetting head services in total. Service package includes all parts, labor and travel costs with an on site service response time of 48 hours (2 working days). Performance of the installation and service visits are documented on a GMP/GLP-compliant Field Service documents. CNY
9001875 EZ1 Advanced XL, Priority EZ1 Advanced XL, Priority includes the EZ1 Advanced XL instrument, installation and extended warranty. Installation covers hardware and software installation of system and provides user with introductory training. Priority package extends warranty period of the system to 2 years. One preventive maintenance visit is included for each year of the warranty; 2 preventive maintenance visits in total. Service package includes all parts, labor and travel costs with a service response time of 48 hours (2 working days). Performance of the installation and service visits are documented on a GMP/GLP-compliant Field Service documents. CNY
959236 MagAttract RNA Tissue Mini M48 Kit (192) CNY
956336 MagAttract RNA Univ. Tissue M48 Kit(192) CNY
9018457 Cartridge, alignment tool, QX CNY
9015467 Motor, P CNY
9015451 Modules, DISU, BR8000 v2.1 CNY 【黄曲霉M1试纸条】
9012427 Thermostate system, complete, 120V, BR30 CNY
9018483 Notebook, QX CNY
51297 FlexiGene DNA AGF3000 Kit (640) "Buffer FG1 = 4 x 825 ml
Buffer FG2 = 1 x 750 ml
Buffer FG3 = 10 x 625 ml
QIAGEN Protease = 5 vials
1 handbook" CNY
51185 QIAamp DNA Blood Midi Kit (100) For 100 DNA midipreps: 100 QIAamp Midi Spin Columns, QIAGEN Protease, Buffers, Collection Tubes (15 ml) CNY
38075 AIL Cartridge (5ml) CNY
9015471 Sensor, photo, PM-U24 CNY
956034 EZ1 RNA Universal Tissue Kit (48) Provides automated purification of total RNA from 1-6 samples of all types of animal or human tissue, including difficult-to-lyse fibrous and fatty tissues, or cultures cells. CNY
204772 Rotor-Gene Multiplex PCR Kit (80) The Rotor-Gene Multiplex PCR Kit is dedicated for use with the Rotor-Gene Q cycler, providing ultrafast, highly reliable quantification in multiplex, real-time PCR and two-step RT-PCR using sequence-specific probes. Up to 4 genes (e.g., 1 control gene and 3 target genes) can be quantified simultaneously in the same reaction. CNY
9018435 Tubing, external N2 source, 10ft, QX CNY
9018417 Cover, front, blue window, QX CNY
9018403 ZLV, Detect barrel (1), QX CNY
QKT0797 层粘连蛋白LN化学发光检测试剂盒 96T
QKT0798 甘胆酸CG化学发光检测试剂盒 96T
QKT0799 环孢霉素ACyclosporineA化学发光检测试剂盒 96T
QKT0800 他克莫司FK506化学发光检测试剂盒 96T
QKT0801 地高辛Digoxin化学发光检测试剂盒 96T
QKT0802 人免疫球蛋白MIgM化学发光检测试剂盒 96T
QKT0803 人免疫球蛋白AIgA化学发光检测试剂盒 96T
QKT0804 人免疫球蛋白EIgE化学发光检测试剂盒 96T
QKT0805 人免疫球蛋白GIgG化学发光检测试剂盒 96T
QKT0806 EB病毒早期抗原IgG抗体EBVEAIgG化学发光检测试剂盒 96T
QKT0807 EB病毒早期抗原IgA抗体EBVEAIgA化学发光检测试剂盒 96T
QKT0808 EB病毒衣壳抗原IgG抗体EBVVCAIgG化学发光检测试剂盒 96T
QKT0810 EB病毒衣壳抗原IgM抗体EBVVCAIgM化学发光检测试剂盒 96T 【黄曲霉M1试纸条】
QKT0811 EB病毒衣壳抗原IgA抗体EBVVCAIgA化学发光检测试剂盒 96T
QKT0812 EB病毒核抗原IgG抗体EBVNAIgG化学发光检测试剂盒 96T
QKT0813 产筛甲胎蛋白AFP化学发光检测试剂盒 96T
QKT0814 产筛β-HCGβ-HCG化学发光检测试剂盒 96T
QKT0815 产筛妊娠相关蛋白APAPP-A化学发光检测试剂盒 96T
QKT0816 弓形虫IgG抗体ToxoIgG化学发光检测试剂盒 96T
QKT0817 弓形虫IgM抗体ToxoIgM化学发光检测试剂盒 96T
QKT0818 风疹病毒IgG抗体RubellaIgG化学发光检测试剂盒 96T
QKT0819 风疹病毒IgM抗体RubellaIgM化学发光检测试剂盒 96T
QKT0820 巨细胞病毒IgG抗体CMVIgG化学发光检测试剂盒 96T
QKT0821 巨细胞病毒IgM抗体CMVIgM化学发光检测试剂盒 96T
QKT0822 I、II型单纯疱疹病毒IgG抗体HSV-1/2IgG化学发光检测试剂盒 96T
QKT0823 II型单纯疱疹病毒IgG抗体HSV-2IgG化学发光检测试剂盒 96T
QKT0824 I、II型单纯疱疹病毒IgM抗体HSV-1/2IgM化学发光检测试剂盒 96T
QKT0825 乙肝病毒表面抗原HBsAg化学发光检测试剂盒 96T
QKT0826 乙肝病毒表面抗体IgGHBsAbIgG化学发光检测试剂盒 96T 【黄曲霉M1试纸条】
QKT0827 乙肝病毒e抗原HBeAg化学发光检测试剂盒 96T
QKT0828 乙肝病毒e抗体IgGHBeAbIgG化学发光检测试剂盒 96T
QKT0829 乙肝病毒核心抗体IgGHBcAbIgG化学发光检测试剂盒 96T
QKT0830 丙型肝炎病毒IgG抗体HCVIgG化学发光检测试剂盒 96T