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阅读次数:436发布时间:2008/9/1 14:05:51


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Product Categories
TemperatureHumidity Environmental Testing Equipment Series
Hotcold shock box High-temperature furnace
Precision high-temperature oven Constant temperaturehumidity testing box
Vacuum drying oven Highlow temperature testing box
Walk-in constant temperaturehumidity room Constant temperaturehumidity host
Steam aging testing box rapid temperature test chamber
Climate-Resistant Type Series of Environmental Testing Equipment
Xenon lamp aging testing box Sand dustashes test box
Pouring Saline water spray testing box
Dripping water test device Yellowing aging box
Ventilators aging testing box UV aging testing box
Ozone aging testing box
Universal Material Testing Machine Series
Desktop-type pull testing machine Spring testing machine
Single-column universal testing machine Frequency electronic pull testing machine
Double-column universal testing machine Hydraulic pull testing machine
Electronic universal testing machine Pull temperature-humidity testing machine
Man-made sheet material testing machine Metal Rubber material testing machine
Packaging Transportation / life science pharmaceutical Series
Vibration test machines Biochemical mildew incubator
Simulation auto transport table Drugs stability test box
High-frequency vibration test table Blast drying oven
Drop test machine Anaerobic Incubator
Packaging compression testing machine Constant temperaturehumidity box
Other Quality Testing Equipments
Flame-retardant testing machine Melt Index instrument
Moisture-proof electronic counters Drop hammer / fat-impact testing machine
Electric heated constant temperature water (oil) slot Simple Beam impact testing machine
Lamp-house box/ The color Light box Mobile Phone test machine
Oxygennitrogen air missile testing machine Wear-resistant wipe testing machine
Manual (Pneumatic) crush slice machine Clamshell phones testing machine
Drop-ball impact testing machine Other Products Industry Equipment


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蒸汽老化试验箱 冷热冲击箱 高温炉 精密高温烤箱 换气高温老化试验箱
盐水喷雾试验箱 滴水试验装置 黄变老化试验箱 换气老化试验箱 紫外老化试验箱
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桌上型拉力试验机 弹簧试验机 单柱万能试验机 变频电子拉力试验机 双柱万能电子试验机
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振动试验机 生化培养箱霉菌培养箱 模拟汽车运输台 药品稳定性试验箱 高频振动试验台
鼓风干燥箱 跌落试验机 厌氧培养箱 包装压缩试验机 恒温恒湿箱
阻燃试验机 熔融指数仪 电子防潮柜 落锤/落膘冲击试验机 电热恒温水(油)槽
简支梁冲击实验机 光源箱/对色灯箱 手机跌落试验机 氧氮空气弹试验机 耐摩擦试验机
手动(气动)冲片机 手机翻盖试验机 落球冲击试验机 其他产品行业仪器

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主营产品:环境试验箱,恒温恒湿试验机,步入式恒温恒湿室,盐雾试验机,振动试验台,拉力试验机,高温老化房,耐候试验设备 51YES网站统计系统

Copyright © Shanghai Jianhu Instrument Equipment Co. ,Ltd 沪ICP备08019094号 Without the permission, please do not duplicate
Copyright(c)1999-2008 Shanghai Jianhu Instrument Equipment Co. ,Ltd All Right Reserved.
Website:http://www.shjianhu.com http://www.1817cn.cn http://www.1718mart.cn
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BeiJing Officer :ROOM 2906# SOHO No.88 JianGuo Road ChaoYang,BeiJing .China Tel:010-81237540,MOB:13436517851 Visits:
Main Products:Temperature & Humidity Chamber,Thermal Shock Tester,OVen, VIB 51YES网站统计系统 51YES网站统计系统

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