阅读次数:362发布时间:2016/11/18 8:54:16
Multiple phytohormones promote root hair elongation by regulating a similar set of GENEs in the root epidermis in Arabidopsis
Multiple phytohormones, including auxin, ethylene, and cytokinin, play vital roles in regulating cell development in the root epidermis. However, their interactions in specific root hair cell developmental stages are largely unexplored. To bridge this gap, we employed geneticand pharmacological approaches as well as transcriptional analysis inorder to dissect their distinct and overlapping roles in root hairinitiation and elongation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Our results show that among auxin, ethylene, and cytokinin, only ethylene induces ectopicroot hair cells in wild-type plants, implying a special role of ethylene inthe hair initiation stage. In the subsequent elongation stage, however,auxin, ethylene, and cytokinin enhance root hair tip growth equally. Our data also suggest that the effect of cytokinin is independent fromauxin and ethylene in this process. Exogenous cytokinin restores roothair elongation when the auxin and ethylene signal is defective, whereas auxin and ethylene also sustain elongation in the absence ofthe cytokinin signal. Notably, transcriptional analyses demonstrated thatauxin, ethylene, and cytokinin regulate a similar set of root hair-specific genes. Together these analyses provide important clues regarding the mechanism of hormonal interactions and regulation inthe formation of single-cell structures.
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